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My New Curate


Word Count: 2976    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

, a beautiful bay, ran suddenly lame one evening, as he topped a hill, and a long reach of mountain lay before him on his way to a sick-call. There were, of course, a

lame. The wound festered, and the animal had to be strung up with leather bands to the roof of his stable for three m

nt of God's masterpiece,-the human soul. Over these nodes and fissures it floated, like the spirit of God over the face of the deep. Here, as on a beautiful instrument, the spirit touched the keys, and thought, like music, came forth; and here were impressed indelibly ideas of the vast universe without, of time and eternity; yea, even of the Infinite and Transcendent,-of God. Hushed in the silence of prayer, here the soul brooded as a dove above its nest; and here in moments of temptation and repentance, it argued, reasoned, prayed, implored the inferior powers that rebelled or recanted beneath. With what sublime majesty it ruled and swayed the subjects that owned its imperial dominion; and how it touched heaven on the one hand for pity, and earth on the other in power! And when the turbulent passions raged and stormed, it soothed and q

preciated him. He was not nervous,

see you, sir, a


e concerts every winter over at Labbawally, and at B

ght a

mpression," I said, "that

se," the

o import again those delectable harridans that illustrated th

"The boys here can do a little in that way; and we can

hare," said one of the deputation, co

ano to accompany you, unless it is to b

nd that," said the doctor. "I

e object of the co

Wait, your reverence," said one diplomatist, "till y

little children; visions of tons of coal and cartloads of timber; visions of vast chests

have my

said the doctor. "But wh

ll have to subscribe, what i

y expenses,-getting music, etc.,-and we must

ual guinea. Of co

faced the frost of November. The concert was held in the old store down by the creek; and I shivered at the thought of two hours in that dreary room, with the windows open and a sea draught sweeping through. To my intense surprise, I gave up my ticket to a well-dress

a forest of shrubs and palms; and lamps twinkled everywhere; and I began to think it was all a

I see the little witch that

nothing of all this wonder-working; and when I charged him solemnly with being chie

people, sir. And you know our


long room, and I looked around cautiously; for we we

centre of the hall?" I whispered; for

le maidens, in satin from the bows in their wavy and crisp locks down to their white sh

he Great House

llie Lennon, the smith's daughter; and there's Annie Logan, whose father s

ith her hair done up like the G

lice Moylan, t

swallow-tails and white fronts, their hair plastered down or curled, like the fiddle

ou we'd surprise

e a doll, and with white kid glove

ll around, but not

politely and w

ung gentleman?

" said Father Letheb

w him befor

unday for ringing the

oung ruffian, Ca

ce at the piano, and with one little wave of the hand, she marshalled them into a crescent, and then there was a pause, and then-a crash of music that sent every particle of blood in my old body dancing

At last, a young lady, with bronze curls cut short, but running riot over her head and fore

ing of this?" I

said Father Letheby. "Sh

to Mrs. Mullins, a fine motherly woman, wh

of that shawl lying on your

I brought it agai

st step up on that stage and give it to that young lady to c

have a good little nest there, I wouldn't do it. See how she's looking at us. She knows we are tal

her mother well. When Julia Lonergan put her hands on her hips, and threw back her head, the air became sulphurous and blue. I determined not to mind the scantiness of the drapery, though I sh

of her?" said I to Father Letheb

id he, "that's what

e withered bracken, came to us, and the bay coats and the black coats of the horses shone like silk in the sunlight. There were the usual courtesies, the morning salutes, and the ladies' smiles; and then we moved to the cover, the dogs quivering with excitement, and we not too composed. And then far across the ploughed field we saw the arch-enemy, Reynard, his brush straig

ing gravely, and the chorus was just finishing the last bars of that best of all fi

ng for shawls and wr

grand, Fa

ud of your peop

oydore now,

do well,

pion came over de

ased with our first

was all beautiful and grand, and

ung fairies, their pretty faces flushed with excitement, and the

her Dan. We want one li

well in my way, indeed. Come now, sing 'Home, Swee

, Fathe

, Fathe


home in ha

, Dadd

this was the first time it was spoken to my face; and there was horror on the faces of the young ones.

one home, I believe

go, Father. The lazy

cing will be amo

Of course

or continental

"Oh de

e in your beds at

o the minu

t what can I do? Go on, y



, Father-,

d I read that blessed Maynooth statute abo

ght later to settle accounts. I thought they were not ver

sir," said the doctor; "we thought you

s!" was all

and, of course, if the bal

wn parcel on the table. "The expenses were enormous. Now, look at the

g. I cast a corner of my eye farther down, a

ance = 4s.

ver their mouths with that unmistakable Hibernian g

sir," said th

give their services gratuitously, and undertake great labor in the cause of religion and

oked re

ou all have undergone great expens

pharisaical satisfa

he dressing-room. And there is not a word about the box of Havanas, which William Mescal ordered specially from Dublin; nor any mention of the soda-wa

nished. I opened the brown parcel, and counted fo

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