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Fateful Encounter

Chapter 3 Are you my student

Word Count: 1593    |    Released on: 11/10/2018

ng there that needs her. The staff that handles the matters related to foreign students greeted here with a smile and asked her to come inside a room. In there,

in Japanese. It has been a week since she started to learn

. Ivy was intently listening to the lady as her English has a mixed accent of Japanese on it. She was so surprised that she was offered ¥5, 000 per hour as compensation, including transportation to and from where she will meet her client. The lady then took a copy of her passport, her residence card as well as her bankbook. After 15 minutes, Ivy realized that she just accepted the

ade. How could a foreign girl like her earn that much with a part time job, almost like she is working full time! But it's not

fer was accepted. Hiro put his pen down and smiled mockingly. Of course! Who would refuse such an offer, especially for a foreigner. Hiro decided that he can't wait to meet her again, and a playful smile warmed his

er to go down the dormitory as somebody will pick her up for the part time job. Ivy looked at her

uching her toes, with a small slit at her right that exposed a smooth leg. She paired it with a pinkish lady sneaker and put on a wide belt that emphasized her small waist and wide hips. She put her long hair in a bun as it's still a b

n who will pick her up. She noticed the man, how could she not! He is taller for an average Japanese guy, maybe around 180cm, with a muscul

"good evening". She smiled and also replied in Ja

in the street emitted by the cars, and buildings, and realized that it is indeed a beautiful country. They were caught a few minutes in some heavy traffic but it was not as heavy as those back in her country. She was feeling sleepy but her excitement with the travel kept her awake. She looked at her watch an

that her Japanese skill is not even 1% and this man might not understand her in English. She noticed that th

big center table and a flat screen tv as large as her window in the dormitory can be found on the right side. On the left side, she noticed a door that must lead to another room. There is also another room that she figured would be a toilet, or a kitchen. On the center of the room, there is a desk with a man sitting behind it. Because he was facing her against the light from the window on his b

her up, wearing a long sleeve blue collared shirt, with the top two buttons undone and tucked in a black pants, polished black shoes, and of course he noticed the expensive watch in his left wrist, the right hand was inside his pocket. His hair was thick, chocolate brown and a bit long

eyebrow caused Ivy to return to reality. She blinked several times, cheeks burning and

are", she said "You are so handso

y. "Why, thank you", he said, satisfied

d she felt like sinking. The man just kept on looking at her, and she felt shy. She

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