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Fateful Encounter

Chapter 7 A dinner date

Word Count: 1533    |    Released on: 11/10/2018

assignments and was about to go to sleep when she heard her phone. Who c

er and after a moment of he


ght for a while that it was a wrong caller. Then she remembered that radio announcer-like voic

nt 9 hours with you last night. Are you going back on your

nd thought that he really

he said nonchalantly, and looked at his watch.

off the pho

teach some manners into her! With that, he opened the door of the dormitory. It was password protected but Hiro got t

on his face. She did not expect that he would come here. How does he know the password of the dormitory? She hear

ed the door and locked it. Ivy stepped backwards, clutching the phone in her han

ht blue. It hides all her curves, and he doesn't know if he feels disappointed or satisfied. She has ni

report you to the police!" she threatened him.

for me. What harassment are you talking about?" his eyes was twinkling in mischief but his whole face

wards. His arm was on the back of her waist all of a sudde

I will wait for you downstairs in 10

't?" she aske

nreadable, "I would not mind sleeping here with yo

hat her notes for the language lesson with him are there. She seriously prepared her lessons the day she was offered the part time job, because in whatever she does, she always tries to do her best. Ivy has a very competitive character, and she is proud of all her achievements up to now. While inside the elevator, she looked at her watch, 2 minutes still remain so s

as a shiny black Maserati. She has no idea that it was also a luxury car

s driving for them. He greeted her and she smiled at him while saying good e

ntered what looks like a restaurant, but it was empty and a bit dark

ached them once they entered, all of them are w

to one of the women who politely asked her if she can take her bag. Iv

really like this part of Japanese culture.

m, and as she looked at her back, Hiro sa

to deal is not to let everything he says get the better of her. She should be p

to him, except his little sister. After they entered the elevator, they were guided into a room at the 11

ious, there's only the table that is occupied by them. A few moments passed and they were ser

at he eats coz he has such well-built body. A burning sensation runs on her cheeks as she remembered him on the bed, shirtless with only the boxer shorts on. His body is a really well-sculpted one, she must admit. She decided to focus on the food

this moment, they were not bickering at each other. For unknown reasons, she always makes him lose his cool. Since that time at the airplane, her scent never left him. Her touch when she tightly hugged him then warmed him and he realized that he was lusting after her. However, it was more than lust. He is fascinated with her, when she was

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