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Fateful Encounter

Chapter 6 Rich old man

Word Count: 1518    |    Released on: 11/10/2018

rivate room. Ivy went out and walked towards the door, then she wen

o her shapely body, that is why he specifically ask Yano to pick something conservative. But still, the pants fit on her delicate hips, that swayed with all the steps she took. And she looked so pristine in

never felt this strong lust before to any w

ht to school. But don't forget to stop b

s' instruction. At 11:00Pm last night, he had to drive to the nearest clothing store when his boss told him about it, in specific color and size. He did not notice anything wrong with the lady so his mind is thinking if there

is boss showed that gentle side, worrying about other people. Of course, he knows that Hiro Yamamot

eyes, did not go out from the car. It was already 7:30 and her first class will start at 9:00 AM. Yano came bac

ngry as she is used to having breakfast every day at 7:00 AM. She ordered a full set of meal, and a

d as he noticed how pretty she is. Not a common Japanese face anyway, but she

ask your nam

she won't stroke ay conversation with him. His boss ordered him not to talk unn

hida Yano"

so he can un

e any girlfriend to play with? With his looks and money, it's impossib

o this man. She believed that this guy is that man's trusted assistant, so everything she s

his boss' assistant, he was able to retain an expression

t by this foreign girl. What more, she said that he might not be good in bed! At his beck and call, countless women would be more than willin

like she just got even with him, as he saw almost everything in her. After breakfast, Yano took her directly to the entrance of t

hat Lyndon was walking towards her. At the si

ch boyfriend" he said, somethi

"Oh, that was owned by my st

lifted one t

h old man who does not know how to spend his money properly. That is why he hired me".

b tutoring an old man is certainly not a threat fo

y expressionless face was twisted in anger as he listened

She really needs a good lesson to change his impre

ty. Staying with Hiro for almost 15 years has led him to adapt to his boss' behavior and mood. He can be as cold as ice,

Yano to turn on the speaker. It was a transmission of the recording bug that he put on Ivy's wallet while she was sleeping last nigh

ot. He shoots bloody stares at Yano who could not contain his

", he

ly replied, keeping a

o reimbursement". Hiro tapped his finger on the r

For a moment, he could not believe his ears. The boss' favorite food is a seafood set w

maybe he did not

nt face. "What? Are you saying th

dinner would be even for free, which would cost more than double the price of hi

of ways to punish her. I will let you learn how an old rich man who is not

omebody must be speaking ill of her. She shrugged and focus on the lesson,

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