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Fateful Encounter

Chapter 4 4 hours a day

Word Count: 1515    |    Released on: 11/10/2018

other Asian countries. He has a younger sister but he never mentioned anything about his parents, and so Ivy let it go at that. She learned that it's impolite to ask personal questions

his eyes as she feels lik

e that she was not able to notice anything near him except himself. She felt embarrassed. She prided in herself that she has never taken any interest in the opposite sex, and she is already past the stage of having a crush.

eadily. Only to cough, it was liquor! Ivy has never tasted any alcohol in her entire life, and she felt that her tong


her. How handsome

nothing and just took her pen angrily. She wrote something on her notebook. It's good that she has not drink all the wine, but nevertheless, she drank half of it. The dark glass

elieve we already spent 15 minutes, and there is

ht on the soft sofa caused Ivy to lost her balance and unintentionally leaned on him. She was literally shocked! Her left arm was

t him. Her face was burning hot with both the wine and the embarr

lips. "I was just sitting so we can begin the lesson, sensei"

andled a few pieces of paper to him. He took it and pretended to read it carefully. She started to talk while he was occasionally nodding his head and dr

on, Mr. Yamamoto" she said, while gatheri

owly, somehow Ivy felt threatened

our, you are supposed to teach me 28 hours per week. That means you hav

day! But it's already 10PM, that me

stay outside too late", she stammered, wonde

ro turned to her, an unread

, what are you, a

ank and she hold on the edge of the sofa, as she felt dizzy. She

" she was able to finish her sentence as she felt her consciousness fad

es inside. He let her down on the bed. Hiro smiled. She is the first female, aside from his sister, who was able to touch his bed. He then took off her sneakers and let her hair loose. It was soft to his touch, still moist. His eyes roamed on her body, as he noticed the rise and fall of her chest, highlighting her well-rounded breast. When she entered the room earlier, he noticed her womanly figure in her clothes, and felt an urge to crush her body under his. Of course, he is a man! This is natural, he thought. He then sat on the edge of the bed, put his arm under his chin, and looked at her sleeping fa

y opened mouth. He touched her lips gently, so soft! He wanted to

omen as he wants in his bed, but he has never felt the urge to ravage a woman until now. He raked his fingers o

o the bathroom. He took a cold shower and he finis

be sleeping here tonight. You

g, his boss is sleeping in his private room with a woman! Yano deci

d take her phone, turned off the alarm and uttered a short prayer. She then s

ight, and could not

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