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Fateful Encounter

Chapter 8 Don’t leave me!

Word Count: 1573    |    Released on: 11/10/2018

food anymore. She drinks a glass of water, after making sure that it was really wa

ot touch the food. She saw that the bottle of wine was almost finished, but

looking at her and focusing on her lips. She unconscious

ot eat dinner because she was trying to save money to pay for the clothes he bought for her t

. It was almost 9:30 PM, which means she spent almost an hour eating! She was a bit embarrassed but sh

ter. This time, Ivy noticed that he was really paying attention. His face was focused on her notes almost all the times, as he was also scribbling on the notes that she provided for him. She smiled to herself, this man could be really attractive when he is serious, she thought.

night, she saw the colorful lights on the streets and from the buildings, she was moving her feet back and forth since she was just sitting do

ooked at him with question in her eyes. H

little strange but did not think much about it. They were at the eight floor when the elevator halted, and it became so dark. Ivy was immediately scared, she screamed in fear. She is so afraid of dark, closed places. She felt like she will su

elt that his tongue is slowly making its way inside her mouth. Her arms pulling on his chest earlier became weaker as she tasted the wine on his tongue. Her mind is in chaos, his hands was on her nape, making his kisses deeper, while the other hand was on her waist. She can feel the heat of his body on her

re is so evident now! He began to suck on her earlobes, and Ivy felt a tingling sensation all over her body. She closed her eyes in the wonderful feeling, her hands on his head. Hiro kissed her neck, and as he free one of his arms, he undid the but

sensation. She does not want to admit it but it felt so good. However, her voice was paralyzed, her body was in so much ecstasy that it betray

e, he could feel his desire burning and trying to con

e state she was in. She let out a cry of embarrassment and tried to free herself f

her clothes back in order. She feels like she has been violated, and s

sire almost took control of him, not the other way around which is the common thing. He i

d and her cheeks were a bit flushed with stains of tears. She was hugging herself, and he noticed that her hands were shivering. He felt guilty, he went a bit too far. He tried to touch her, and in that instant, the e

he car with the remote control and stood outside, waited for his boss. The staff heard her screaming but they pretended not to hear anything. They wore impassive expressions on their faces as Hiro walked out fro

outside and entered the backseat, then locked the doors. Ivy was sitting on the far edge of the car; her feet was on the seat and she was

f him. He wanted to comfort her, but did not trust himself to t

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