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Fateful Encounter

Chapter 5 Pay for the rent

Word Count: 1607    |    Released on: 11/10/2018

! How on earth does this man is in h

t her arm. He sat on the bed while massaging his head with his free arm. He

ly" his lips were provocatively touching her ear and she felt a cold rush running through her spine. He loosened his hold so she can look at herself and her eyes widened in embarrassment. She is just wearing a ma

he remembered the wine. Sh

clutched the blanket away from him, and his body was exposed to her, wearing

e me up, " he s

y angrily shouting at him. She felt so humiliated and embarrassed with herself and by what she

t good. It's a good thing that this room is soundproof and bulletproof, so he was not worried at her screaming. In fact, he finds it attract

and it looked sensual on her. When he looked down her navel, he was sweating even the aircon was at 18 degrees. He noticed his hands a bit trembling when he put on his shirt on her and tucked her in the bed. After that, he took another cold shower before he was able to slee

. While she was under the blanket, she already noticed that her underwear is intact, the bed has no stain at all and she does not feel anything weird on her body. Her friend back in college told her that the first time for a virgin would be really painful, there will be blood stain and she will not be able to wal

miled devilishly to himself as he saw her from the mirror with flushed cheeks a

n his necktie, he w

son." He said formally. Ivy was still on the bed, the blanket clutched tig

don't need to do this part time job and be humiliated with a pe

made Ivy cringed on the other side. She almost fell bu

d man, I would possibly like him. She lowered her eyes, she coul

nd touched her chi

k as my language tutor for 5 months. You w

d a contract? When was that?

h a contract!" she

r on the bed for her to see. Ivy inched forward and looked at the paper. It was all written

d time for the part time job. She felt tricked! She never heard anything about a contract for 5 months. How could she last 5 months wit

ment. He walked towards her and took the paper a

id not risk to send you back to your dormitory in that state. Don't worry, nothing like this w

ce. If only looks could kill, this

tee you that I will never permit this kind of

ring, he thought.

operly" in a provocative way, which made her realize that she is still wearing

id flatly. He turned around as his

m made from Italy. I cannot wear it anymore. You must reimburse me for it. I will accept install

shoes and belt. Her face flushed in humiliation when she saw that there's also a pair of pink underwear on it. She did not have a choice but to wear these as the dress she had last night was not appropriate for the class. She was surprised that everything fits perfectly, and her cheeks burned as the thought of him sizing her up. Then as she was about to throw away the bag, a piece of paper fell from

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