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"Get on the bed, raise your ass up and let me whisper something to your womb" He shamelessly said, as he sat down, nonchalantly and smiling like he wasn't the one who just spewed that rubbîsh out. "Huh? Are you màd?" She berated, her eyes burning in anger, as she felt like taking off his belt and beating the madness out of him. "Yeah, I'm mad about you. So.... "I...am...your daughter's nanny, and not a slut, you dumbass! Do you realize you have a daughter and are a father?! Don't you have any shame?" "Why should I be ashamed of feeding my little boss when he's hungry, Janella? Look, I feed him whenever he's hungry and he's right now hungry, so get on the bed" "Oh, shocks! How the hell did I end up in this spoiled, màd chu wawa dog's house? Did he hit his head somewhere? Or did someone tamper with his medulla oblongata?" Janella murmured some inaudible words to herself, as she wondered if the guy standing right before her was suddenly going màd. Janella looked up, and her eyes instantly met his. Jerome immediately flashed a smile at her, totally not bothered. Before Janella could say more.... "Would you like to see it?" Yet again, he shamelessly asked, still flashing that beautiful, but naughty smile. And as he asked, he held his belt to start unbuckling it. "What?!" Janella was shocked. She didn't know if she should laugh at the màd clown before her, or look for a cane to flog out the devil tormenting him. She didn't know! Jerome walked closer to her, but before he got very close, Janella curved her knee and kicked his d!ck. "Ooh....! I think...I think this is the day I finally...give...my life to Christ....f*uck!!!" Jerome crouched to the ground, holding his member as he groaned in pain. . . . Jerome Meyers, an incredibly handsome, crazy young billionaire dad, CEO and a college student. Yes. A CEO, but still a student, studying a one year programme which his family urged him to, since he couldn't achieve it due to what happened to him some years back. Jerome is a carefree guy who was left shattered, torn and devastated after the event that happened few years ago, which almost cost him his life. Jerome is a free spirited guy, friendly and cool He jokes and smiles a lot. You can call him a psycho, if that would best describe the way he acts. However, behind those smiles and carefree lifestyle, lie the secrets. Hiding and swimming in them, and waiting for that faithful day....until she came. Who is she? Janella Hills, a beautiful college girl living with her grandmother, and doing menial jobs to support herself. She's as crazy as Jerome. Jerome is màd, and Janella is crazy! Now, what happens when these two crazy people meet? What happens when Jerome becomes so obsessed with her that he finds it difficult to stay a day without her? What happens when things began to unravel? Dark secrets they never knew about, with enemies lurking around? What happened to him few years ago? You wanna know? Then hope in and take this ride with me.