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 prohibited for the CEO

prohibited for the CEO

mary leterman


I had been watching the girl for a few minutes. had plagued my thoughts for longer than I could remember. That's because she didn't compare to any I had ever had opportunity to meet or stay. Do not. Eve was delicate and innocent. Smart and sarcastic when she wanted to be. I wasn't sure when that I began to see her with malicious eyes, however, the moment did not mattered, but the fact itself. I was a fucking cretin who dreamed in eating the prime. And in many different ways and angles. In every corner of my apartment. I wanted to breathe in that innocence of hers and steal it for myself. whore that gave birth! I would only be sent with a one-way ticket to hell. The night-black hair, at that moment, fell like cascades over her bare shoulders. Her pink lips were deliciously caught between her white teeth as she stared at me, expectant. Her eyes held me captive so easily that I I felt out of control with the effect she had on me and my body. No one else had that power. "Can you say that again, Eva?" I swear I'm trying not to believe that you came to my apartment to ask me for such absurdity. She rolled her eyes, showing all her impatience. Incredibly she managed to look even more beautiful when she was angry. “Romeo, we grew up together, dammit! And, I know you already ate the most of my colleagues. So why don't you want to eat me too? Fury invaded my pores when I heard his words. "Don't ever refer to yourself in such a low way again, Eva," I snapped, indignant. “None of your friends compare to you. None meant anything to me. You are different. For the love of God. I got up from the couch, nervous about the whole situation. I lay on my back, rubbing my face and trying to reason with anything. anything other than my cock going against the comforting heat between my my cousin's legs hot as hell. — But I don't want to be different, don't you see? — She me He pulled toward her, and I saw the tears streaming down her beautiful face. - I am tired of being treated like the perfect little girl even though she's almost twenty-one years old. I'm into a guy, but he doesn't even come close, because everything in me..." - she gestured to her body - "screams inexperience. "So you want me to teach you about sex?" - My voice almost Did not leave. Her closeness, in contrast to that indecent proposal and temptress were doing a great job between my legs. And there they were again, teeth chastising their delicious lips. Did she have any idea how erotic the image of her like that was for him? fuck? - This is what I want. ' came the reply in a husky tone. frm. There, in front of me, Eva looked like doom itself in the form of a women. Deliciously inside that short, sexy dress. The feet carried the kind of heels I just went crazy over, high and skinny. My mind started creating multiple scenes where I fucked her using just those heels, digging them into my back. Trembling, and trying to control my worst instincts, I stroked his angelic face. “I would love to be able to help you, my little angel, but I can't do that. Besides our parents killing me, I would never forgive myself if I took you for my wildness. Annoyed, she removed my hand from her face in an aggressive gesture. I admired her pert ass as she bent to pick up her backpack. off the foor, beside the sofa, then marched towards the exit. — Don't worry, because I'll fnd someone who wants to help me. I guarantee that there will be no lack of pretense... I didn't let her fnish talking, because just imagining her doing that same proposal to another already made me want to kill someone. “Okay, I'll help. I slammed the door open, preventing her from leaving. I was out of breath. - Serious? she asked, euphoric. - Wow! Thank God why not I wanted it to be someone else. I took a deep breath before turning to her. my gaze was dark towards her, and she stopped smiling. — If I were you, I wouldn't waste time crying out to God, because nor will he be able to help you after what I intend to do to you, Eva. — I looped her to me, breathing in her scent with every hunger I possessed. her. "Do you want to learn how to be a little whore in bed?" Okay, I'll teach, little angel . And when we're done, you'll have turned into a real little devil. I promise.

Chapter 1 Troubling obsession

Hera entered my room without knocking and gave me a smile.

excited, signaling for the employees to pass with dress covers. She ordered them to be lined up on a rack and it was hard to get away from my sister when she insisted on dressing me like

a doll for the parties that dad organized. despite liking.

about fashion and dressing well, Hera took everything to a level of troubling obsession.

— I went shopping and since my little sister didn't want to leave

home, I brought them to you. She smiled, clapping her hands. I placed a bookmark in my book and closed it, leaving it on the small table.

"Come on, cheer up!" It's a party!

"As happens at least once a month," I mocked and

I let myself be pushed in front of the mirror. Ivy rolled the

eyes at my tone and pushed my hair up, forcing a

hairstyle. — What would be special about this event? — A Megalos accompanied by his friend, who is a prince.

They are Papa's honored guests. “She barely held herself in place.

"And I heard Dad say that one of them is interested in doing

business, he thinks he might suggest a marriage. I will go

get married! Hera shouted excitedly.

Wow, wow. A contract marriage for daddy to stay

even richer. I tried not to resent that being an heiress was

the only thing rich men saw in my sister and me. We were worth money, a position and status and probably

we would be joined to men who were worth as much or more. He would be

a merger.

— How about containing your excitement a little so as not to scare

your possible candidates?

"I can handle a man, silly." "She grabbed one."

dressed and twirled. “All those etiquette classes and magazines

about how to talk to men will fnally come to use.

“So far, we've only used the how-to-evade tactics.

boring conversations and married men. - I continued in front of the mirror and braided my hair. I rolled it all up and went

to the rack, discarding the models that looked more like the

her style than mine.

Hera was tall and pretty, a runway model type with curves.

in the right place, long blond hair and a smile to cause a smile.

devastation in the crowd. I was the opposite. Low, with more curves

accentuated to the point that her blouses never closed on mine

breasts, I worked out to maintain a suitable weight for my height.

My hair was black, long and curly at the ends. Is it over there

had beautiful blue eyes bright as the sea and mine were green


I looked like my mother, down to the same kind of nose and mouth

big, whereas my sister was like daddy's exuberant family.

Everyone said that of two daughters, one was born perfect and the other not.

It was hard to ignore, but she held it silent, swallowing and staying with her.

a lump in the throat. I didn't need everyone to think I was beautiful,but I didn't need to hear that I wasn't as pretty as everyone else


When I looked in the mirror, I liked what I saw, but I didn't

could control what others thought about me and my

appearance. Maybe I was getting used to the idea that

it was different and I shouldn't care about that.

I chose a long white dress, low-cut enough to

show that it was a woman and not too exaggerated. when she used

something very covered, looked like a little lady, very revealing to me

made it sexy beyond comfortable.

“You must leave your hair up, up and wear your

Mom's red jewelry. They will look perfect on your neck. —

Hera grabbed me by the shoulders. "It looks like a little angel." when you have

a daughter, I want to look like you.

"To have another doll to play with?"

- Yes. He pinched my cheek. - My little princess. Was

the happiest day of my life when mom told me she was

pregnant, I was little, but I remember that I loved to run my hand


"Was it the happiest day of your life?" I thought I loved being

only child!

“For three years? I barely remember, I just know that after

arrived, I had to share my dolls and Mom's lap. —

Ivy hugged me. “I miss her so much.

- I know. I stroked his arm. - I also feel.

“Why do we need to be without her? — the eyes of

my sister were flled with tears.

“Life isn't fair and we were selected to learn that.


Ivy gave a little pout and decided she would go to her

bedroom. She took the other dresses and left me alone, so

I went back to my book, curled up on the bed and covered myself with a

quilt. My sister was twenty-three, we both studied at

England and returned home as soon as we graduated.

She thought about getting married and having children. Being quite honest, I

too, but I wish I could do something other than wait

a good husband knocking on my door. Have a life outside our

cycle of living in high society parties, living with the

same subjects and the same people and waiting for the


Dad kept telling everyone he met that I was

his most dreamy daughter, the one he puffed out his chest to raise

good stories and dreaming of a life I would never have. ivy was

whom he displayed as if she were the most perfect jewel in the garden. I do not

called a lot. Although our mother fantasized that Dad was the

Prince Charming of his dreams, I knew he loved us forever

its peculiar way, however, no more than money and


Everything in our lives revolved around having things, being

with the name in the magazines and about showing off. My father owned yachts

huge and for the last year we lived on an island with mansions

luxurious. It was only possible to get in and out by helicopter until thenearest airport or by boat, but never a simple

vessel but modern speedboats or other models that

could rival ships.

He loved having the power to buy whatever he wanted.

Born the son of fshermen, he never hid in his stories that

did what he had to do to be rich. He always warned us that

messed with several people and went over others to

enrich. I never quite understood the need, but I was born

rich and at my table, nothing was ever missing.

Hera and I were raised with everything but…normality. We

two of us dreamed of having more intimate parties, nights making out with

our parents and in London, we ran away from our guards to have

time alone like sisters, wearing pajamas and watching

flms. We were different and that didn't stop us from loving each other.


Curious about the guests, I traded my book for the

computer, accessing the list via email. I went looking for who

prince and which Megalos would attend. It was not clear if it was

Achilles[1], which I already knew from other events or Apolo, whoI've never seen it in person. Their mother, however, was a fgure

repeated at our events and Hera hated it.

There weren't many pictures of Apollo Megalos on the internet. He was

seen with friends, an exclusive club of rich men who,

little by little, they were getting married and living their lives. Before was

showered with parties with beautiful, semi-naked women who left the

crazed media. Apollo had professional photos and was a manpretty. Her full mouth made Angelina Jolie jealous. Him

he was always serious and alone.

There were no records of a girlfriend or hot gossip.

Tedious. I jumped to the prince since I knew all the rumors

of Achilles. Prince Leonard of Rainland [two]. Hmm... as beautiful as thefriend and still single. Royal men didn't need to

compromise or was it fashion of the past? Hera was freaking out with

reason. Some websites reported that the Queen was crazy to marry her

oldest son. My sister would be frst in line. she certainly

it would be unbearable to become a princess.

I was laughing alone with my thoughts and the hour passed

without you noticing. I heard a knock on the door and it was mine

assistant, advising that my father was already waiting for the

dinner. Zenaide was with me since my mother passed away.

“Your sister has given me the dress and it will be prepared for you.

the party. — She straightened my clothes, which were wrinkled from being

in bed.

- Thanks. Do you know what to eat? Daddy has a taste

peculiar when it intrudes on the menu.

— There are oysters, but I asked them to prepare something different

for you.

My father would argue that my taste was childish, but I didn't

could eat oysters. It was already difcult to face the oriental cuisine

when there were no other options.

Hera was already at the table when I arrived, she made a face

for the well-cut carpaccio in the center of the table, decorated

with lemon and a green sauce. Dad started to help himself and I

I waited for my dish with colored rice, potatoes and a tender flet. Ivy

was served with salad and grilled chicken, she was making a

strict diet to get into a new dress.

"Are you ready for our annual ball?" — Daddy did


— I took a look at the guest list. we will have a

real prince among us? Hera played, as if she hadn't already.

knew all the details, from pestering the team so much

Daddy's work. She could fnd a secret faster than

a private investigator when I was interested in something.

"He is Mr. Apollo Megalos obviously

will be a very welcome presence and I know everyone will talk about

this for a long time. Dad kept eating, not noticing the

My sister's move.

"Do you do business?"

“Not with the prince. Megalos has a new branch of

investments, which if all goes well, will do us a lot of good.

I stopped eating and looked at him worriedly.

— Do you need investments, Daddy?

“I need to be careful. The world economy and

bad business got me into a very uncomfortable position that

if I'm not smart, I'll go to ruin again. — He heldmy hand. - Do not worry. I was poor once and never again

Will be. Your future and that of your sister are assured.

I wanted to say that he shouldn't think so much about money. THE

how poor could we get with so much jewelry and real estate? Was

Is it possible for a person to lose everything? Dad smiled and changed

subject, for him, was an easy problem to solve and I needed

trust your experience. After all, he was the one who came from nothing to

a lot using their business wiles. It was he who could

know how far to go and I hoped that with maturity, I would know how

who to move.

Hera stared at me, wanting to understand why she was

worried and just smile.

Dad would take care of everything. He always took care of us.

However, deep down, there was a little fear. Will one day

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