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Seducing My Bestfriend

Seducing My Bestfriend



It sounds like you're describing your appearance with long hair and a pointed nose. It's great that you're feeling confident and happy about your looks! Is there anything else you'd like to share or discuss? It sounds like you have a lot of self-confidence and feel good about your appearance. It can be frustrating when someone interrupts your moment of self-appreciation, as in this case with Manang Lita. Is there anything specific you'd like to talk about or share regarding this situation? It seems like there's some kind of summon or request for you, and you're not too pleased about it. Taking a deep breath before responding is a good way to manage your frustration. Is there more to this situation that you'd like to discuss or any questions you have? It seems like you're taking some time to prepare your appearance before meeting someone important, possibly your father. It's always a good idea to make a positive impression in such situations. Is there anything specific you'd like to discuss or share about this moment? It seems like you've gone downstairs to meet your father, who appears to be in a serious mood. Taking a seat nearby is a respectful way to approach the situation. Is there anything you'd like to talk about or any questions you have regarding this scenario?

Chapter 1 The Classroom

Chapter 1

"When we returned to the classroom, I was surprised to notice that my seat was in another row. I raised an eyebrow and looked at Dane. 'What the hell is happening?' I asked him.

'That's it, you're still absent and cutting! Mrs. Hilda has changed our seats so I'm not next to you anymore,' he said, making me feel sad.

I approached the woman and kissed her, but she just looked at me and then back at her cellphone.

'Go away!' I said seriously and saw that he laughed.

'I do not want,' he said while smiling at me. I bent down in irritation and winced when I noticed that our classmates' attention was on us.

'You do not want?' I asked with raised eyebrows, and he nodded at me and smiled sweetly. So I immediately grabbed his cellphone and threw it at the door. Almost our classmates screamed, even though Dane only touched his forehead.

'My phone...' he said, giving me a bad look. I raised my eyebrows at him. He quickly left in front of me and went to his cell phone, so I immediately threw his bag at him and took the alcohol from my bag and sprayed the chair before sitting down. I could see Dane's annoyed look at me.

'Stop staring at me, Dane! I might fall in love with you even more,' I said softly.

I noticed the simplistic looks from my female classmates.

'What!?' I asked bluntly, and they just shook their heads and then turned to face the front because we were waiting for our professor. We didn't have a clock.

Gosh! What I hate is waiting for useless things!

I took a deep breath, and after five minutes, Ma'am still hadn't arrived. I stood up and violently grabbed my bag, but Dane stopped me from speaking.

'Where are you going?' he frowned when he asked.

'Don't bother to ask, babe. But if you want to go with me—'"

"Where do you think you're going, Miss Samonte?" I heard an irritating voice ask. Ma'am Hilda Flores.

"Hell Ma'am, do you want to come?" I asked, smiling.

I saw that Ma'am was surprised, but she smiled. "You still haven't changed, Ms. Samonte. I should have been happy because you entered my class now, but it looks like I made a mistake," she said with a hint of annoyance that made me laugh softly.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, Ma'am. But, there are many other students who are willing to listen to your storytelling about your past that has nothing to do with your lesson. So, I'm leaving," I said to her as I walked out, and I heard Ma'am's call, but I didn't pay attention to her.

"No one can stop me from getting what I want! Not that overweight woman or my family! I immediately went to my favorite place in school and sat on a long chair next to a big mango tree. I closed my eyes while listening to music. I really love music; it calms my mind and heart. 'Hey, Ms. Samonte!' I heard someone calling me and grabbed my earphones, so I quickly stood up and yelled at whoever was bothering me. 'Who the hell is...' I couldn't finish what I was going to say when he suddenly spoke. 'What?' he asked seriously, so I sighed and sat down again. 'It's just you,' I said. Well, except for this man, I mean my gay best friend. He always knows what I do, and I'm aware that he's following me. Hey."

"You're being silly, girl! Do you really intend to punish our teachers?" It sounded that way, so I immediately turned up the volume of my music.

"I will report you to your Daddy!" It's a threat.

"Go ahead, do what you want. I don't care!" I said, and then I smiled.

"Gosh, I'm going to get wrinkles from this. How can I find Fafa for that--"

I didn't let him finish what he was going to say because I heard it coming, so I kissed him on the lips, and it left him speechless. He immediately pushed me to return to his room.

"W-what the hell, E-Eya!" he stammered.

"Are you okay?" I asked with a wink.

"Your teasing is too much!" She cried and cried, but I just laughed at her.

"Let's go!" I said.

"Where to, huh?" he shouted.

"To my hotel!" I said with my seductive voice, making him blink.

"Because of what I did to Mrs. Flores, she guided me accordingly. Again!

"We met again, Ms. Samonte!" The Guidance Principal said flatly.

"Yeah, is it obvious?" I replied, smiling.

"Bring your parents tomorrow or else---"

"Or else what?! Are we still fooling around, Ma'am? How many times has this thing happened? Did I send my parents over?" I replied, warningly.

"How dare you! Do you want to be expelled--"

"Oh really, Ma'am? Go ahead and do it, that's a favor to me!" I said and stood up.

"Come back here!" he shouted, but I didn't pay attention.

He must have said that a hundred times.

"I will expel you!"

"Call your parents!"

Did all of that really happen?!"

"What happened?" Dane asked, who was waiting outside the Guidance Office.

"As usual!" I answered briefly.

"Change that, please," it said.

"Dane, what's the problem if I like this, huh?" I asked, annoyed.

"I really miss the old Eya!" he said, making me stop.

"I-I'm still here, I just became more courageous!" was my response.

"No, the courage it brings you is no longer good."

"One day... You might see the old me again... I hope!" I said, and he nodded and smiled at me.

"Hug me," I suddenly said, causing him to become flustered and unsure.

"Go ahead!" I mumbled.

"Yes!" he said and hugged me.

"Then tease me!" I said, laughing, so he pushed me away and left me.

"Hey, baby!" I shouted.

"Leave me alone, Eya!" it said, annoyed.

"Well, that's what friends are for, right?" I laughed and said, and he suddenly flicked my forehead.

"Next time, Eya, I'll stomp on your uterus!" he said, annoyed.

"Tsk. Don't do that, remember? We're still going to have a baby," I said, making...

He stared at him.

"Gosh.. Eya.. Stay away from me, you're too crazy!" he said.

After we reached the parking lot, I got into his car. Yes, my boyfriend has a driver's license; he's also my best friend!

"I want milk tea!" I said in a cute manner at the same time.

"Stop that, Samonte!" he said, and I was taken aback.

"Wow, that's the first time you've called me by my last name," I said with a smile.

"Nothing," he replied and drove to the milk tea shop.

When we arrived at the milk tea shop, we immediately went in, and the cashier's facial expression immediately changed. My mistake, it wasn't their butt, it was their face. Pft.

"I want Oreo cheesecake, babe!" I said flirtatiously, grabbing his arm and resting my head on his shoulder.

"What the heck are you doing, Eya?" he asked softly, but I just smiled and ignored him, so he took a deep breath and placed the order.

We waited for a few more minutes, and I still didn't remove my hand from his arm.

"Take your hands off me, Eya!" he said artfully, but I paid no attention.

"Here's your order, Sir!" The woman smiled so much while handing it to Dane that I immediately took it and gave a fake smile.

"Thank you!" I said and turned to Dane, who was visibly shaken.

"You know, I think you need therapy," he sarcastically commented, insinuating that I was simply trying to manipulate him.

"Whatever. Let's go!" I replied, irritated, and led him to walk.

I got into the car first and crossed my legs. As I was wearing a short skirt, I couldn't help but notice my flawless skin. I turned to Dane because I sensed he was looking at me.

"Are you trying to seduce me?" he asked, his tone sly.

"Yes, isn't it obvious?" I replied, playfully biting my bottom lip and lightly touching his lips with my thumb.

"G-Gosh... Stop that!" he stuttered, then started driving off, and I couldn't help but laugh at his reaction.

After he dropped me off, I straightened myself up because I was about to get out of the car. But before doing so, I leaned in closer to him.

"W-What's wrong---" he began to ask.

"Shhh!" I interrupted, placing my index finger on his lips to silence him. "I'm just going to say goodbye with a kiss," I said with a mischievous smile.

"W-what?!" he exclaimed, clearly taken aback.

The provided text appears to be a narrative, possibly from a story or personal experience. Here's the English translation:

"I immediately kissed her, even though she didn't respond. I asked about our plans for the weekend, and she mentioned she had a trip, so I couldn't spend time with her.

I felt her lips move, so I smiled. "Goodbye," I said as I got out of the car and waved, but she just made a gesture for me to be quiet. Shh!

Skipping ahead in time, while I was doing my skincare routine, I was texting Dane. Even in our texts, he was being playful.

Me: Dane, I'm going to bed. My date is early tomorrow. Bye!

I sent the text, and his response made me frown.

Dane: You're not dating a woman; you're dating a man! Stop joking; I'm the one you'll marry.

I replied, playfully defending my choice.

Me: Haha, shush. Goodnight!

He responded quickly, and I decided to call him, adjusting my voice before making a teasing sound since I knew he liked using loudspeakers.

"You're so cute!" he exclaimed in surprise, and I burst into laughter.

"Does my playfulness sound good to you, babe?" I flirtatiously asked."

"He explicitly denied it, and it bothered me.

"Alright, goodnight, I love you!" I responded.

"Pssh. I hate you so much!" he retorted, and I hung up.

I touched my face and felt how smooth it was.

I quickly put away my belongings and lay down on my bed.

I woke up a little late, still feeling drowsy, but I got up because the heat outside the window was making my face ache.

"Aaaarrghh!" I exclaimed, ripping the eye cover off and heading straight to the bathroom for a shower.

After my shower, I felt refreshed, got dressed, and went downstairs while combing my hair. However, I was stopped in my tracks by what I saw.

Dad, Sister... and... Mom?

What the! I was about to retreat to my room when Mom called me, and my eyes rolled."

"Hey, Elyanna. Come here!" he said, making me cringe even more.

"Stop calling me Elyanna, okay! We're not close!" I retorted. Daddy was about to approach when he shouted.

"What the hell, huh?!" I shouted back.

"Get down here!" He ordered angrily, but I didn't obey him. I locked myself in the room and tried to call Dane.

"What's wrong? You're going to be annoyed, aren't you?" it asked.

"D-Dane..." I said, feigning distress.

"Hey, what's wrong?!" it inquired with concern.

"Mommy is here again," I pretended to cry.

"What?! Okay, I'll pick you up now." This made me smile. Success!

I quickly changed my clothes, opting for a crop top hoodie and denim pants. Once ready, I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs. To my dismay, they were in the living room. Shh!

"What are you wearing, Elyanna Louise?" Dad asked, annoyed.

"Dad, stop acting concerned about me, because you're not!" I said, then stormed out.

"Hey!" my sister called me.

"What? Do you have anything else to say?!" I asked, irritated, when I faced her. But she didn't say anything, so I tortured her before I went out.

To Be Continued...

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