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Obsession Millionaire

Obsession Millionaire

carmen esparanola


The kind and patient woman who has been taking care of the old man these past three years. They will tell me, she is a professional, she is paid for this. She is paid for this, but she has a lot of professionals who beat the old people they are paid to take care of. Returning to the crux of the whole mess, I went there. I took a breath a few minutes ago and entered my father's room. He was there, lying on that huge bed, looking obviously sick, with his eyes heavy, half-open, without having the strength to even keep them fully open. Okay. I sat on the edge of his bed, he tried to smile, which was a strange and chilling scene. I didn't feel sorry, I felt goosebumps. But I went, I asked myself to be a good son during his last moments as I was advised. ” Hi, dad ” I said, half automatically. It's not like I consider the word "father" very symbolic. It's almost like calling a lady "ma'am." It's automatic. - Wanted to see me? He gave a small sigh that made him cough sharply and again, chilling, I even glanced at the door to shout to Tina, his nurse, if necessary; but the old man recovered and tried to laugh. No comments for the attempt. I felt like I was in Saw 3, one of the flms that Lucy, my writer friend's wife, forced us to watch once. ” You're a good son, Nathan — were the old man's frst words, which didn't surprise me. If we're going to make a list of what it means to be a good son nowadays, I really am. I haven't killed anyone, I've never been arrested, I've never hit a woman, I've never taken drugs, I've never been the rebellious type who creates chaos because my father is rich, nor am I vengeful either; I just sometimes drink a little too much, and I lived with some disturbed friends when I was younger. But that didn't even make me a bad son. Besides, I didn't make excuses for my ok with taking over the old man's place after he quits. œThank you, I replied, believing those were the words of a man who knew his impending hour. The bell was going to ring announcing his turn in the line of the dead at any moment. So I asked again: ” Did you ask to see me? The answer took a long time to come. He was silent and still for almost too long. So long that I thought, for a second, that he had died. Creepy again. But he spoke. œI've always wanted grandchildren,” he said, almost making me laugh. But I controlled myself. ” I always wanted you to be happy, in the way I wasn't. Conversation! There are fnal moments like that. The old man had a model next to him every month, this always appeared in magazines and on Instagram; Just tell me: how was he not happy? — My last wish in life ” he continued ” is to see you married. I would like more than anything to see you happy with a good woman by your side. I don't want to die knowing that my failed marriage to your mother may have messed you up. Nathan, you are a good son - he repeated. — I want to see you happy and, I tell you, from my experience, having a million women is not the whole point of love. It took him almost half an hour to say everything and, when he did, it was just to make me more pissed off. Are you sure this was his request? I thought the role of parents was to show wisdom and my father comes with one of those? See me married before I die to make sure his marriage to

Chapter 1 Wave for love

internet trying to fnd someone who can cooperate with this because there's no way I'm calling any woman I know. They would confuse the whole damn thing. They would think it was indirect, that I wanted to ask them

to marry me and I made a "joke". I don't understand women's minds, no one does, not even them; but I can bet.

that it would happen. So, when I've been browsing for too long searching, my cell phone beeps with a notifcation. I take it to see, opening the messages from my friend Samuel. He swears at me in greeting and

asks if I forgot that today is the day for him to choose his wedding suit. Yeah, I actually forgot. I leave the notebook with my search aside and get up to go fnd my very passionate friend, who sends a photo with our

other friends, all giving me the middle fnger. I smile. Two of us have already gotten screwed in this wave of love; my turn I pass with fying colors. I prefer to pretend. It's better to deceive my father with a false bride

than to see myself trapped forever, forever, by someone's side. I'm out. Chapter 1 Victoria 10:42h Where are you? 10:51am I saw that you are online. Answer me at 11:03 am You won't answer me, right? I'll go there then

11:04h I'll fnd your new address and you'll see me 11:04h whether you want it or not 11:05h you do the shit and you want to disappear ______________________________________ My eyes wander over the messages sent

earlier and I take a deep breath many times – so many times when possible in an attempt to calm down. He couldn't fnd it, could he? He's not even from the police! Only authorized personnel can collect addresses,

right? Of course you do, Victoria. Stop worrying. I get up from the sofa and go to the window, pulling the curtain a little and watching the activity on the street. I don't think he'll fnd me here, in a place so full of people. And I'm no longer recognizable. Now I have brown hair, not black. Apparently, I'm thinner too, as I'm

having to buy new clothes in smaller sizes. The cause of this? Probably the days I spent eating soup to save.

money for the rent on the new house: in another neighborhood, far away from it, trying to feel free again. And I

also got two tattoos. On the left thigh and another on the right shoulder. I'm no longer the Victoria I was months ago. Months in which I was still close to him, in that relationship that suddenly became suffocating. I

suffocate. And that's all we had, that's what I realized later. When I met Jacob that rainy morning at a bus stop

before going to work and he offered me company under his umbrella, I could not have imagined that this man would later be so inconvenient, with distorted ideas. I thought about refusing the offer to be with him

escaping the rain, after all, he was an unknown man at a bus stop. There was only him. And me. I also tried to take into account that he looked strange. I don't know if it was his appearance, his look, the combination of

the two with emphasis on that cap he was wearing and which made a statement together with the large and apparently heavy jacket that covered his body. But, at frst, he didn't give an impression of comfort being.

around him. Then I remembered that my mother was the one who used to judge people by their appearance and I ignored that – my instincts. I went under his umbrella and we started talking. Jacob didn't seem very

friendly at frst. He told me to be careful when I stepped on his sneakers, to stay still so he didn't get too wet.

and to stop rubbing his arm too much, which bothered him. That was very uncomfortable and I made any excuse, going to the other spot where there was a seat, to get away from him. Then he grabbed my arm,

smiled and apologized. He said he was having a bad day and offered me his umbrella so I could be alone –

which I didn't accept, of course. But I accepted his apology, which was my biggest mistake. I should have run

away, but since I don't have a crystal ball, I really thought it was the result of a bad day on his part. We started

talking calmly and, carried away by the moment, I ended up giving him my number when he asked me. He said

he had recently moved and friends of his had stayed behind. That's what life as an adult means, renouncing

yourself, he explained. Real friends don't take the time to see each other, I should have paid attention to that.

But I didn't. I gave my number and we started chatting on WhatsApp. Because of my work, a photographer for PEARL, a famous and acclaimed magazine, it took me a while to say yes to his invitations for dates. Until it

fnally happened. On a Friday night, when I just wanted to relax, we went to a bar. We talked, laughed, drank.

danced and kissed. And then came another date and another, several more until I was asked to be his girlfriend. It was more of a normal relationship until the third month, when Jacob started wanting to know who

was texting me, asking to see my cell phone, asking when I was going to give him a copy of my house key.

also insisting on knowing if I didn't. I trusted him, and that question always scared me, because I didn't trust

him like I thought. And whenever I refused any of these things or hesitated too much, he became irate. He once pulled the cell phone out of my hand so hard that it hurt. And since that day, I had to hide my applications and avoid talking about very personal topics on WPP. When I realized, I was already feeling

trapped, almost hanging in the will of a man I didn't love and who gave me nothing but fear. I said I wanted to finish, he accepted. All at peace, were his words. I was relieved, but within a few days I started receiving

messages that my wpp was being registered on another device. Many times. Over 60. I knew it was him,which alarmed me. The worst moment was going to work. I always had the impression that I was being.

followed. I couldn't stay in that house anymore, with Jacob knowing where I was, so I moved out. Just like his

friends, very far from him. I have more difculty getting to work, it takes me longer, but I'm trying to find freedom again. The one I had before my path crossed with Jacob's. Chapter 2 Nathan — I'll do this for you —

Camila asks herself to correct the spreadsheet that she herself made mistakes, leaning over my desk to the point of throwing her ass in my face. And for a moment my focus stops being trying to fnd a cruel enough

model who wants to cheat on my father with me and starts being my hot secretary who always wants to give it to me. What can I say? Camila has an endless fre and I'm not going to complain about that. It might be what

I really need: a fuck that makes me take everything my father says out of my head. You are a good son. I wantyou to be happy. What a joke. If he wanted me to be happy, he would have worried about it when I was a child,

not now, an adult and the owner of my own nose. I get up from my ofce chair and grab Camila's waist, just to turn her around and place her body on the table. Her smile guarantees my success and I undo it when I kiss

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