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Bodyguard Of The Rich CEO

Bodyguard Of The Rich CEO



"Are you sure about this mom?" he asked making his mom look at him "Why? is there anything wrong about him son?" her mom asked to his son the guy crossed his arms and stared at me!.. "It's because he can protect me because he's smaller than me!!" He said but my face remained blank. "Look son..He can protect you he is the only guy that I know who is strong even though he is almost as tall as me he can kill someone as big as you!!" His mom will tease him but she's right even though the enemy is big I can kill him, won't I become a gangster if I'm weak? He didn't do anything and just accepted his mother's offer to be my bodyguard before he's mom leaves she talk to me "Please be patient with my son! Sometimes he gets hot headed too, oh he's going to come first" she said to which I nodded "Yes ma'am have a safe ride!" I said and bow, he got into a van and left, and a woman with glasses approached "Sir, the boss is calling you" she said and bowed I nodded and she led the way to our boss's office Knock! Knock! Knock!! "Come in!!" Screaming from inside, the woman left and I entered. I bowed and stood up straight "I don't know why my mom likes you so much but I'm hoping you can do your thing properly!!" He said while looking at me coldly but I'm not scared The one who will fear me has not yet been born "Yes sir! I will" I coldly utter too He nodded and sent me home because my work starts tomorrow. It's good that I got home and rested.

Chapter 1 Fending a new job

Chapter 1


Hi guys my name is Lance Gavin Enrique I have no parents they already died because of cancer I'm also a solo child so I have no siblings I'm 19 y/o and I'm a gangster yes, I used to be a gangster but I left the group and chose to live a normal life. First, I worked as an extra in a coffee shop. The salary is small, but at least I'm not bored in my apartment. My height is 5'9 and it's not to brag, but I have an attractive face that makes women chase me. I also have 6 pack abs...so that's why I was walking because I came from the coffee shop where I worked because it was late at night and there weren't many cars so I just walked near my apartment when I heard a woman scream When I was looking for the source of the scream and I saw a woman about 40+ because she was being robbed by men I immediately approached

Me: What's going on here?? (I asked because I wanted to grab their attention)

Guy one: Don't mess with this boy!! (Said threateningly)

Me: let him go!! (I coldly utter)

They just laugh like crazy when the woman talks

Woman: please help me!!(she said while crying)

The man immediately rushed at me and threatened me with a punch but I dodged it. I immediately gave him back a strong punch that caused him to jump. His two companions immediately moved. Three of them were about to kick me in the face. It was a good thing I blocked it. With my hand, I quickly grabbed his foot and with my elbow I hit it on his leg so that he could stand up. Someone else was going to hit me with a piece of wood, so I immediately let go of the man I was about to kick and grabbed him immediately. The wood that was about to be hit on my head I broke it with all my strength and I saw the man's face. I immediately kicked it in shock and they all fell down. They were lying down and unconscious. I immediately helped the woman stand btw it's been a month since I quit being a gangster

Woman: thank you for saving me!! (this is thanking me)

Me: That's fine. Go ahead. I'll go home first because it's dangerous here. There are still many gangsters and thieves here.. (I promise politely)

Woman: I'm Josefa if you need my help you can call me at this number! Haa! ok? be careful, thank you again! (I said this and just nodded)

He left in a taxi. I looked at the card I was holding and hid it in my wallet in case I need it hahaha I got home and cooked then went to sleep...

I woke up because of the loud ringtone of my phone. I got up and answered the call


Me: who is this? (I coldly utter)

??:Lanlan!!(it shouts)

Me: Mon? Why did you get called so early? Are you at the coffee shop? (my next question)

Mon: I have bad news. I have to go to the coffee shop quickly! (He said in a hurry)

Me: ok otw! (I said back)


Btw, he is my best friend, and he calls me Lanlan, he just clicked the lance, I immediately took a shower and got dressed and quickly went to the coffee shop, sister Ella, who is also our co-worker, is crying?!

Me: what happened? (My immediate question)

Mon: This coffee shop is going to be closed!!

Me: what?! Why? (but they didn't answer my question)

I went into our boss's office and asked...we've been working here for a long time. They can't just shut it down!! I know I have no rights because I'm just a staff member, but it's unfair, right?!

Me: sir, what are they saying that this coffee shop will be closed?! Is that really true?! (I asked coldly)

Sir:yeah its true it will be done because this is a bar so we will renovate it (He said while looking at the papers on the table)

Me: you can't do this!! many of our staff will lose a job!! (my voice got even colder)

Sir: well as you can see I can't do anything Jan,...(It said)

My head got hot and I came out of his office and slammed the door, almost breaking it

Mon: Where are you going lanlan? (it asked me when I saw you)

Me: Just chilling (I said cold and went out)

I went to the park and got some fresh air. When I saw the girl I helped last night again, she came to me

Josefa: oh iho we met again!! Wait are you alright? Wait, what's your name again? (he asked me)

Me: Lance, and to your question if it's ok or not, it's not. The coffee shop where I work is going to close literally. I don't have a job anymore. So this is me thinking about where to look for a job (I said at length).

Josefa: haha ​​I know something if you're willing, after all you're really strong, this job I'll give you if you want! (She said and smiled)

Me: it depends..what is that? (I asked)

Josefa: I am a rich business woman and so are we. My only child died here. My husband and my son are one of the richest business men in the world, but he can't find someone to be his bodyguard, so I would recommend you (he said at length).

Me: but how??

Josefa: It's up to you, I'll answer you hahaha (laughing at the same time)

I just smiled at this. When my phone suddenly rang and it was sister Elle, I immediately answered it


me: hello?

Elle:Lance, go here to the coffee shop Mon's boyfriend is here and he dragged her home!!(This alarm said)


I immediately hung up the call and said goodbye to ma'am Josefa and quickly went to the coffee shop.. btw Mon is gay but I accept him except for his narrow minded boyfriend and he always hurts me I got to the coffee shop and I saw him being tweaked neither nat nor mon he is Mon's bf I immediately pushed him and sister elle supported mon to stand up

Me: you know nat!! you're using up my patience!! (I said angrily)

Nat: Why are you so worried?! (she yelled at me)

Me: ASK THAT!! HE'S MY FRIEND SO YOU KNOW!! (I shouted at him)

Nat: I DON'T HAVE ANYTHING!! Are you protecting that gay guy? That flirty guy!! (he shouted and looked at Mon as if he hated it)

Mon: I don't want it to stop, let's break up!! (Said crying)

Nat immediately blushed with anger and suddenly slapped Mon because I was so angry because of what he did I choked him and lifted him up with My One hand

Me:How Dare You To Hurt my Friend You.Jark!!(I Said Strongly)

Nat: I can't a

breathe!! (It said while holding my hand)

I immediately let go of it and it immediately fell on the floor. It immediately ran and hugged me and thanked me...


I woke up early and got up I made my bed and did my morning routine When suddenly my phone rang I looked to see who was calling but it was an unknown number So I just answered it...

"Hello?" I promised and waited for someone to speak on the other line

"Hello, this is Josefa" She said yes, she asked for no. I haha

"What is that, ma'am? Did you just get summoned?" I ask here

"Auntie, you speak too formally!! btw, can you come to my house, I will introduce you to my son. This is the address.

"Go ahead!!" I promised and hung up the call

I immediately got dressed in pants and a polo shirt and put on rubber shoes. I went out and got on my motorcycle. I went to the address given to me by ma'am Jo (Josefa) and I arrived. The size of their house w-wait our mansion!! ahhhh their wealth I approached the guard who was guarding the gate

Me: Ah brother, can you please call ma'am Josefa, she is sending me here because I am here (I promise).

Guard: ahh, that's it, wait, sir, I'll just call madam.. (and pick up the phone)

He called ma'am Jo and came to Me

Guard: Come on, sir, I'll take you to Kay madam (She promised and walked away)

I just followed it and we entered the mansion I was impressed by the beauty of this mansion!! And it's so fucking huge!! We stopped at the living room I think? I saw ma'am Jo sitting at the sofa while drinking some red wine and beside her is a guy who has a perfect face!! I admit it he's handsome like hell...haha I'm insecure I joke haha ​​I'm handsome tsk!! hahaha so that's it I'm wearing my casual cold personality haha

Josefa: ohh your here lance..!!(she said And hug me)

I feel my world suddenly stop when she hugs me. I feel comfortable, well, I can't blame myself. It took me a long time to feel a mother's embrace, it's been 6 years since my parents died and it affects me so much!! Like damn!! I've been able to become a gangster since they died..The type I kill people just to reduce the sadness I feel but don't get it wrong I only k1ll people who is trash in the society also I don't kill people who is innocent ..I back to the reality when ma'am jo spoke

Josefa: Lance meet my son..son this is Lance the one I'm talking about!!(she said and smile)

The guy just looked at me with his cold expression too!!tsk! As gayaamptutr

Guy?:have a seat(he coldly utter)

I sat at the other sofa Bali and we were facing each other next to him and ma'am jo

Josefa: son I suggest that Lance be your bodyguard...(she said)

Guy?: what!? Mom are you serious?!(he coldly utter)

He looked at me and shook his head

Guy?:fvck mom!!he can't even protect me!! He's so damn little than me!

But I got shock when ma'am jo suddenly slapped his son's face. His son grabbed his cheek and frowned like a child and I found it cute!!

Guy?:mom!!(he mouthed)

Josefa: shut up!! One more cvrsed and I will kick your b*tt!!(she said)

Guy: fine² then I accepted this guy to be my bodyguard just make sure that u will do your job properly...(he coldy utter while looking at me)

Me: yes sir I will (I said with my cold voice)

Guy?:btw my name is Matthew clavera.,(he coldly utter again)

I nodded and went home because my work starts tomorrow. I just locked myself in my apartment when I remember something...I kneel down and take a box under my bed. I open it and a 45 caliber and knives are revealed to me hmm ...it's clean and there's no trace of blood hahaha I suddenly laugh like a psycho And I flashback all the things I used to do


I'm in a crowded alley chasing that guy, he's a bastard, he fucking choked, but he really felt for my best friend!..I'm holding a sharp knife and walking while smiling like crazy

"Hahahahaha come out jark face your damn punishment!!" I laugh and stumble and run

Until he has nowhere to run because I have cornered him hahaha you need it You've lost too much Basvra in the World hahahahaha!! It knelt down in front of me crying! If he just knew how important Mon to me he is like my younger brother..

"P-please don't kill me...!" It said trembling

"Aren't you the one who raped the high school girl who was reported dead? And you're also the one who killed her? And also you're also the one who killed the couple sleeping in their house on street 2 and you even robbed them and finally you strangled Mon!! " I said while giving him a deadly glare

I saw how his eyes opened wide because of shock..he stood up and punched me but here I am standing as if No punch touched my face and I didn't even move I didn't even get a scratch hahaha

"Hahaha, is that all you can do? I'm not even mad hahaha!! "I laughed like crazy

He pulled back and winced. I saw how he flinched because of what I've said that's right little guy be scared of me

"Sorry to tell but this is your last day.." I said while looking at him badly

I quickly ran between us and he didn't even realize that I was behind him because of my speed I grabbed his neck and pointed the knife at him

"Bye!!.." That was all that came out of my mouth

I immediately cut his neck and released His body bathed in his own blood and His head rolled in a corner I looked at my hand and it was full of blood hahaha The dirt of your blood pre..!! It's a good thing he's dead!! I looked at the knife I was holding and it was also full of blood. I knelt in front of this man and stabbed him in the chest which made me smile even more hahaha. I stood up and wiped the blood from my knife and my hand with a handkerchief I

"You better be grateful because I killed you rest in pain hahaha!!.." I said and laughed and walked away

I went out into the alley as if nothing had happened and left His dead body there whistling while walking and smiling like crazy. When I got away I stopped at an abandoned building and took a cigarette and lit it and said fvck!! It feels so right to kill people hahaha

"You are all pathetic" I said and blew smoke from the cigarette


Still lance POV

I just laugh when I remember That I must have been killer than the gangster hayst!! I kept missing those stupid troops haha. He hid the box under my bed and lay down. I was tired. It's already 2pm and it's afternoon. What can I do? I'm bored again When suddenly my stomach rumbled wtf!? I took a shower and got dressed and took my wallet and phone and got on my motorcycle and went to the mall I walked and bought things to cook When I saw Mon

"Oh What are you doing Here?" This is a question for me

"Buying things to cook for dinner later" I promised here

"Ahh let's eat at Jollibee for free haha!" she laughed. So I laughed too

We ate then I said goodbye to him and got on my motorcycle and went home to the apartment I slept first because I was tired then I cooked












I just finished eating dinner and I was watching a movie while eating chips. My phone rang another unknown number. I just answered the call

"L-lance please c-come back to me.!" cried Said on the other line

I took a deep breath fuck I can't hurt you it's already enough He made me a fool I wish He would have cheated in front of me

"Sorry I can't!.." the call went dead

She is Samantha my ex-girlfriend...

To Be Continued..

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