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The Wife Of Mr. Arres

The Wife Of Mr. Arres



"Stop pestering me Lauren, if you don't want to be hurt face to face remember this is my house" I lost my temper with her This bish, even if my husband and I have sex, he still has no right to hurt and yell at me, ever since I woke up from this body, I really run out of patience with him "You're only married on paper, remember that Carina" He smiled at me I kept quiet here in the garden when he approached me to disturb me "You don't care Lauren, what if we're married on paper, Find my pake.. If you don't stop, I'll make sure to smash the cup in your face" I'm very angry I have short tempered, I wasn't like this before but when I was in the body of this woman I became like this, I often get angry " Ohh really? Why don't you do that " I saw shion far away from here My eyebrows met even more Ahh, I think this girl is challenging me, she thinks I'm still Carina, well sorry, she's mistaken, she's against someone like me I know shion is just listening and watching saamin so it's fun I took the cup that was on the table while there was still some tea and faced him "Do you really think I can't do this? Gosh, Lauren, you don't know me very well, so be careful with every word you say," I said with a smile as he raised his eyebrows. I have no doubt that the cup was thrown at him and he screamed because the tea that was served was still hot "What the hell is wrong with you Carina" I grinned even more when Shion finally came out "B-Babe! she poured coffee on me! b-babe it's still hot" she said with tears in her eyes so I rolled my eyes because of her so much kindness " a-are you okay? " My eyes hurt even more because of them, shion turned to me I raised my eyebrows and looked at him and took the book I was reading "What the fvck is wrong with you?" he was angry with me so I looked at him with no use, I approached him and looked him in the eyes "Teach your girlfriend to stay away and leave me if I can't keep up with her, I'll make sure that's not all I'll do to her, remember that Shion, especially Lauren" I said without emotion to her and walked away immediately, I turned my back on them " CELINE! " I shouted while walking, Celine immediately came out "What is that, lady?" He politely said to me "Bring me snack in my room, put it on the veranda ASAP" I told him coldly and he nodded "I'll follow you, lady" he left Tsk, I thought today would be a good day.. I was wrong

Chapter 1 The Company

Chapter 1

I am Kathrina Ryales and I am 30 years old, I died when I was working at the company. I never thought that I will be reincarnated in the body of a 27 year old woman who has married the billionaire

"Señora, do you have an order?" Celine said, I am here in Carina's bedroom. I was reading books in the veranda

"You can leave" I coldly said to her, I heard someone close the door signaling that Celine had left

Celine is my servant. He is the only sensible helper in our mansion

When I woke up, I saw her immediately, she kept asking me if I was okay. I told her that I don't know her or where I am

He laughed a little because he said I was pretending, And because I lost patience with him, I choked him and because of the anger I felt, I threw him against the wall, so from then on he became polite and stopped talking which made me angry

Carina has a husband and his name is Shion Sy Arres, and he is a billionaire. The village is rich

He has a girlfriend and her name is lauren Gonzaga, shion just picked her up at the bar where she works as a maid, and take note she is really telling me that she is shion's choice

Tsk, as if I love Shion. Maybe real Carina will do. but me, sorry to tell them my heart is too diamond to just give it to her

* knock knock knock *

I looked at the door when Celine entered, I raised an eyebrow at her

"Siñora, your lunch is ready" he said bowing to me

"I will follow" I said, he nodded as he left

I looked outside and it looked like the sun was going down, I've been here for three days but my day hasn't been quiet yet because of bw*sit Lauren

I stood up while carrying the book that I had been reading a while ago but hadn't finished yet, it was already out

I passed all the assistants here, they all bowed to me, It seems that they have learned from me. How come I punished someone who is a servant here, so he looks like he is the wife of our house

"Shut up, he's here"

"Bend over, hurry"

"He's scary"

" Shhss.. Don't be noisy "

I walk confidently until I reach the dining table, Shion and Lauren meet me

I'm so rolleyes

I went to a seat far away from them, because they were in front of the food while they were fighting

Dumb people

"Celine, bring my plate" I said, He nodded and put the plate in front of me and the food, I put the book on my lock and started reading about businesses and so on

I started eating

" Goshh.. We're in front of the food carina, and are you still reading a book? " Lauren said, that's why I raised my eyebrows because of what she said to me.

"Why are you? Are you not ashamed that Your flirting in front of the food? Gosh lauren you can talk like you're innocent, you're even worse" he looked at me angrily

"Stop now, we're in front of the food. Just please have some respect, most importantly you carina!" I angrily turned to him

"Why me? I'm silent here shion. You're talking about your girlfriend, not me" I said angrily, she looked at me coldly

"Shut up Carina and eat" He seriously promised me, I look at him with a disbelief in my eyes

"unbelievable! Shameless shion, really shameless" I stood up and looked him in the eyes, he looked at me in shock because of what I told him

"your nothing but a pathetic husband shion" I said staka get out, I don't have any appetite now

That bish, he must be smiling because of what happened earlier, I was snickering with anger

I am Carina Ryales Serra, an 27 years old, Got married in the billionaire because my grampa last will

And this really hurts a butt

Episode 2

Carina pov

I am here in the garden, still reading book. I need fresh air because of what happened earlier, I need fresh air because my anger might eat me and the helpers here might get hurt and I might not be able to stop myself

" Siñora! " Celine, she's still here. I thought it was gone

"What!" I said while not looking at her

"Siñorito is being summoned" My eyebrows crossed because of what he said

"where is he" I stood up and looked at him

"N-I'm in the office" He bowed and said to me

Thank you. He was too scared

I left in front of him and went to Shion's office, I know the ins and outs here. Carina's memories are clear

I pass by the assistants here, I walk confidently, they all bow down so I smile

'That's it, you'll learn to respect the one who raises'

When I got to Shion's office and opened it without knocking, I just facepalmed because of what I saw

'haters, don't they know what is called privacy? And here they really work wonders'

"Wow. Free f*rn, I hope you did that in your room, you two are disgusting" as I said of those words they stopped and looked at me, I raised an eyebrow at them

"Didn't you know how to knock?" Shion said angrily, so I rolled my eyes

"I don't like knocking, so get used to it the next time you call me, I really don't want to lock the door while you're working on a miracle!" I said sarcasm, she gave me a bad look and sent Lauren away.

I saw the snake in his eyes, because he was too flirtatious

"Tsk.. We're not done yet b*tch" he said as he passed me, I just ignored it

'tsk.. As if I am scared of her'

I went to the opposite side of his table and sat on the sofa, Shion was just looking at me

I sat beautifully while I looked at him, I smiled because he was staring at me too much

"So? Why did you call me here" When I said to him that he was irritated, he looked at me and sighed

"how's your day?" he said calmly, so my eyebrows raised because of what he said to me

"I beg your pardon? what did you say!?" I surprisingly said to him

' Did I hear it wrong? Or maybe he's sick, so that's what he told me.

"I was wondering if your ok-" He didn't finish what he was supposed to say when I stood up and looked at him evilly.

" Thats it, that's too obvious shion. Just tell me what do you want, not what many people say, you fvcking wasting my time and I fvcking hate it" I Irritatingly said to him, he looked surprised because of what I asked

"Why? Am I not allowed to say those things about my wife? You know I am worried about you" I scoffed when he said that

He's disgusting

"Your fuvcking disgusting, If you don't have anything important to say, I'll leave" I went to the door and turned to him first, I saw a smirk on his face, I coldly looked at him

" Yuck.. You're disgusting " That was the last thing I said before I left his office

'Does he think he can take me like that, yack.. I really can't stand flirtatious people like them'

In my past life, they call me a heartless person because they say I'm too bitter when it comes to Relationships, Every time I dated they were not up to my standard, They went home crying because of me

I judge them all, what I see is what I will say, because I am very honest and what I say is straightforward, so sometimes I hurt them with the words I say

But I don't care, I'm also cursed so I have many enemies, I'm not nice and above all I'm not bad either, if I don't like you, I really don't like you no matter what you do, I really don't like you

As I was walking in the hall when I met Lauren with her assistants behind her, I thought she was tailing him

"Look who's here?! The pity wife" His two assistants laughed when he said that

"how about you? What are you then. If I'm being robbed. You're the paid girl" I smiled at her, she looked at me badly

"You're cursing, Carina. You're too brave" he poked me while he was talking, I looked at him evilly and slapped him with a strong force

"Oh my.. Lady Lauren, are you alright?"

"Lady Lauren"

"You're crazy.." Lauren yelled so I just rolled my eyes

"I'm sorry, my hand suddenly slipped and went to your face, sorry again. I didn't mean to."

"I will report you to Shion" He said while holding my cheek where I slapped him

" Tsk.. Edi report it, when you scared me " I said that I had tortured him and left

Maybe what else can I do to him and he can't help but beat him up, goshh.. I'm irritated by all of them

Shion Sy Arres Pov

"He did that" Celine said, I felt a sudden pain in my head

" Is that so, But why is she acting like that " I said, she gasped when I said that

"You know señorito, when he woke up from the coma, his behavior suddenly changed, he often got angry when he woke up, he suddenly got angry with me, so he choked me and threw me against the wall, so I was quite traumatized by him when he was angry," he bowed down and said her to me, I understand her

I'm just wondering why she's like that, she's not like this before, whenever she sees me smiling she always pays attention, she even gave me her sweetest smile and even sings a song for me even though she's a little out of tune

"I don't know what happened to her, But I like her even more. The attitude she gave me is even more attractive than before" I smiled as I imagined her face while she hated me

Carina is more beautiful than Lauren, she's also naive and softhearted. But now she's even more attractive than before

"but I'm afraid señorito, he might kill me" Celine said but I ignored her

"you know celine, If I were you. I will do everything she says, you told me that you do what she says well so sometimes she is calm and not angry" I said to her and she nodded

"That's right, but-" I stood up and turned to him

" Thats enough, I need to go. If the two of them look for me, tell them I'm leaving, I'm going to the company. I need to go " I left the mansion

My secretary said that the company really needs me, I have a meeting later


Carina pov

*thank you*

I slapped the assistant, I this bish, he has no right to yell at me

"Sit down, remember I'm the husband you're yelling at, You peasant!" I told him, I saw how his eyes widened, I was holding his jaw

"Fix your behavior, maybe you won't just get slapped, girl, maybe you'll punch me again if you yell at me again!" I told her with contempt, she was shaking

"P-Patience, I didn't know that you were the wife of the mansion, I'm sorry señora. It won't happen again" he said while closing his eyes, I let him go as a warning and laid him down

"Next, get to know everyone you meet first" I coldly said to her to which she nodded while sitting and still bowing

Thank you I know he is new here but he still has no right to yell at me, I left there and went to the garden where I breathed

I sat on the chair here and closed my eyes, Fresh air is what I need

These past few days I've been getting irritated, maybe I'm in this girl's body but, she's not like this before. I mean Carina is a kind person, she's caring and softhearted person. All her memories are kinda boring

Carina is literally really nice, I guess I'm the only one who isn't Carina is an angel and I am a demon, I'm really a demon when I get angry even with my old body

"Finally I found you!" I immediately woke up and looked at who spoke, I saw A man Standing near me, he has a Brown hair and black eyes

I know him, I stood up and looked at him with no emotion

"What are you doing here" I seriously said to him, he seemed surprised because of what I told him

"Is that the way you are talking to me?" He said, I ignored what he said

"I said, what are you doing here. Brother?" he looked at me without emotion,

His name is Eric Ryales one of the older brother of carina, Carina is considered not a brother, based on her memories, he is one of those who hurt carina

"I don't like your attitude right now, Carina" He coldly said to me, this j*rk thought I was still Carina

"And I don't like you to!" I immediately showed him a smile, he looked at me badly

" tsk.. Where is your husband? " He said, I laughed softly

"he left, he went to company" We are still standing here in the garden

"Is that the way shion though you? your manners carina, you lived here it became like that" he said angrily to me, I raised an eyebrow at him

"You are useless, who are you to tell me like that, your just my brother and nothing more" He looked at me angrily

"You b*tch!!, thank us if it wasn't for us, your life wouldn't have ended like this, you insolent child!!.." he pointed at me, I shook his hand and pushed him away, he moved away from me

"Don't you dare fvcking point your finger on me!! Maybe I won't be able to stop hurting you Eric!! " I shouted angrily at him and he was dumbfounded, I looked at him with anger

"You might have forgotten if it wasn't for that bitchy contract!! My bitchy life will not end like this, so it's all your fault!! " I shouted angrily at her, I saw a shocked on her face

"You're here to scold me about my behavior, if I'm with you then leave Eric and maybe you won't get a taste from me" I coldly said to him, he couldn't react

"I said Leave leave that!!!" I yelled at him so that he would return to himself, he glared at me

"Mom and dad will visit here, so take care, carina, maybe dad will hurt you again" He coldly said to me

" Tsk.. They can come here if they want, the only person I hate the most is knowing about my life, you too Eric, you're okay too, even if your my brother. I can fight you even if it's a man!! " I coldly said to her medyu He was still surprised because of what I told him

He left and I was able to breathe well, it's a good thing he only pushed me if I couldn't stop him earlier he might have punched him

I sat down again and closed my eyes, I really need to calm down

" That fvcking j*rk.. He's really making me angry, well he just pushed me, what does he think he is? He still thinks I'm Carina who is quiet and afraid of him.. Gosh it's irritating!!! " I said while closed my eyes, suddenly there was a breeze so I felt a bit okay

Earlier my eyebrows were meeting, but now it's not because the wind is caressing my body so my anger is lessening a bit

To Be Continued....

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