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In love of my enemy

In love of my enemy



Emperatriz was a young woman from a very distinguished family of high society, she was the only daughter, she was barely 19 years old, her father Miguel Cimarro owned a shoe factory, which was one of the most important in the country, but Unfortunately, the factory was bankrupt since Miguel was an inveterate gambler who little by little lost all his money due to the gambling bets he made almost daily. He was deeply in debt to the point that he had to mortgage the factory and also his beautiful mansion, but the payment of both mortgages was about to come due and he had no liquidity to pay off the debt. Furthermore, he owed a lot of money to a very important millionaire businessman in the hotel industry named Rogelio Salinas, who was pressuring him to pay him every last cent, but since he had no way of being able to pay him, Rogelio asked him for something. in exchange to settle the debt and thus both would win. He asked him to give him his only daughter Emperatriz to be his wife, he was ecstatic with the young woman since she was an extremely beautiful woman and also a virgin, they were the perfect attributes that had Rogelio totally obsessed.

Chapter 1 The decision


Emperatriz was a young woman from a very distinguished family of high society, she was the only daughter, she was barely 19 years old, her father Miguel Cimarro owned a shoe factory, which was one of the most important in the country, but Unfortunately, the factory was bankrupt since Miguel was an inveterate gambler who little by little lost all his money due to the gambling bets he made almost daily. He was deeply in debt to the point that he had to mortgage the factory and also his beautiful mansion, but the payment of both mortgages was about to come due and he had no liquidity to pay off the debt. Furthermore, he owed a lot of money to a very important millionaire businessman in the hotel industry named Rogelio Salinas, who was pressuring him to pay him every last cent, but since he had no way of being able to pay him, Rogelio asked him for something. in exchange to settle the debt and thus both would win.

He asked him to give him his only daughter Emperatriz to be his wife, he was ecstatic with the young woman since she was an extremely beautiful woman and also a virgin, they were the perfect attributes that had Rogelio totally obsessed.

Miguel found himself between a rock and a hard place, he didn't know what to do since he adored his daughter and the least he wanted was to hurt her, but at the same time he didn't want her or her mother to be left living on the street, however in At first he did not accept the proposal that Rogelio made him, but unfortunately there was a mishap that later forced him to have to agree to give his daughter to Rogelio in marriage.

Of course, when she had to tell Empress her macabre plans to give her in marriage to a selfish man, ten years older than her and whom she practically did not know, the young woman flatly refused since she was in love with a young man with whom she She had been dating for a year and also had plans to get married in the future after she graduated as a nurse, which was actually one of her biggest dreams.

However, his father, in view of the pressure he had and the fear of being on the verge of losing everything, suffered a heart attack and had to be admitted to an emergency clinic in a private clinic and thanks to the immediate attention they gave him, he was able to save himself. , but this resulted in him going into even more debt, since all the medical expenses were truly exorbitant.

Rogelio, of course, did not hesitate to take advantage of the circumstances and put Emperatriz between a rock and a hard place, since he offered to pay all the expenses of the clinic, plus the two mortgages on both the house and the factory, but only in exchange for her marrying him or else her entire family would be on the street, and her situation was now worse than before, since she had her father convalescing and on top of that she needed medical treatment for life. So Emperatriz had no choice but to agree to marry Rogelio Salinas against her will.

But now we just have to wait and see what the outcome will be. Could it be that Emperatriz manages to fall in love with Rogelio? Will the character of this aggressive man change?

Don't stop reading the novel so you can join me on this controversial journey through this story.

Chapter 1

— I can no longer wait any longer for you to pay me everything you owe me, I have given you a lot of money and I have not received a single cent from you. —Rogelio told him annoyed as he got up from his chair and headed to the small bar he had inside his luxurious office.

Miguel was trembling, not knowing what to say to him, he did not have a single cent in the bank to be able to pay off the huge debt he had with him.

—Rogelio, please understand, it's not that I don't want to pay you, but I swear I no longer have money in my accounts, I have taken everything out and the only thing I have left is the shoe factory and my mansion, if you want I can give you that in exchange for the debt.

Rogelio, annoyed, looked at him while he hit the desk and said:

—But do you think I'm stupid? How do you intend to give me your company and the mansion if you know perfectly well that they are mortgaged? You are crazy if you pretend that I am going to keep your debts. But who do you take me for?

— Rogelio, I really don't know what to do, I don't want my family to be left on the street, my wife and my daughter are the only valuable things I have right now.

—Would you be willing to give me something valuable in exchange for me paying off the mortgage debts.

— I don't understand, what do you mean when I say I'm willing to give you something valuable? I already told you that I don't have a single cent in the bank and in reality the only valuable thing I have is my family, there's no way you're referring to that.

— Well, I would like to make a deal with you, I would be willing to cancel the mortgage debt on both the shoe factory and your mansion, only in exchange for you giving me your daughter in marriage.

Miguel was completely frozen by Rogelio's proposal, for him it was something really very shocking what he was asking of him since his daughter was the most sacred thing he had in the world. He immediately got up from his chair and frowned without taking his eyes off Rogelio, then he said, totally dismayed:

—But how can you think of asking me for such an outrageous thing? I just can't assimilate what you just told me, it's totally crazy, you're practically asking me to sell you my daughter in exchange for paying both mortgages. But for God's sake Rogelio, what kind of man are you? That's the lowest thing you could say to me.

— Stop making a drama out of all this Miguel, also don't talk to me about baseness, what do you call what you have done to your family's assets by throwing away all the money on gambling? I think there is no worse baseness than trying to make money through bets and cheating games like the ones you do.

— But please Rogelio, one thing has nothing to do with the other, you are talking about my daughter, a human being, not an object you buy in any store. You are buying my daughter's life, or don't you realize that? Because you are asking me for something that I cannot do, no matter how much I think about it, I could not do such a monstrosity to my daughter.

—And what are you going to offer your daughter from now on? Where is the future that you have assured for her? Don't you realize that you don't even have anywhere to drop dead? I think that what I am offering you is something very tempting, you are going to give the best future to your family, you are going to keep your house and the possibility of saving the shoe factory and all in exchange for a marriage for your daughter with a man who will offer her a bright future.

— I cannot do this to my daughter, the truth is that analyzing it from any point of view it is something truly atrocious, my daughter is a young lady who has remained pure and chaste because she has the illusion of marrying her current boyfriend, a young man. his same age who has the same dreams as her.

— Well, very good Miguel, I'm sorry for you and your family that you don't want to accept my proposal. For me there is no problem, except that you only have a period of fifteen days to pay me everything you owe me or else I will have to be forced to seize the factory and the house where you are currently living with your sweet daughter . If I were you, I would go looking for a roof over my head, because you are definitely going to be left on the street, because I want you to know that my pulse is not going to tremble to charge you every last cent.

Miguel left Rogelio's office totally devastated, he didn't know what to do, what he was proposing was too horrible for him, he couldn't do such a big disgrace to his own daughter. He had to find a way to get out of that difficult situation, but the question he asked himself was: How?

He had already lost all the money he had left, they barely had enough to eat.

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