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My forbidden lover

My forbidden lover



Rosi is a mature woman who ends up getting involved in a forbidden relationship with a young man younger than her named Galeano, who falls in love with her and makes her feel more alive than ever after having endured for years living in a marriage where she only received abuse from of her husband Antonio. However, what seemed to be the most exciting thing she had ever experienced ends up turning into a true nightmare when she discovers that her daughter's future husband is none other than Galeano, her lover. A struggle begins for her between the love of a mother and that of a woman. What will Rosi do? Don't miss this interesting story.

Chapter 1 A great tragedy

Rosi was in the middle of a heated argument with her husband Antonio, who was trying to prevent her from abandoning him and taking their little daughter Alicia.

— Let go of me, you hurt me, you can't keep pressuring me to live by your side, I don't love you anymore and to be very honest the only thing I want from you is a divorce. I can't stand living with you one more day under the same roof. Understand it once and for all!

— Rosi, you can't leave me, I'm your daughter's father, and besides, I'm not going to allow Alicia to grow up without the presence of a father, and if I have to force you to stay, then I will. Without me you are nothing, remember that.

- Let go! Don't you realize that all you do is hurt me? Furthermore, you are also hurting our daughter with your attitude.

— Even if you say what you say, I am not going to allow you to abandon me, understand once and for all, you are mine Rosi.

Rosi tried to get away but Antonio held her very tightly so she wouldn't leave, he was obsessed with her and although his marriage was already destroyed, he didn't want to give up, he was willing to do anything to keep her by force.

Their little daughter, Alicia, was watching the entire argument completely terrified and without understanding what was happening between her parents. Their screams tormented her and made her feel very afraid, she loved them both and deep down she did not want them to separate, but at the same time she was very afraid that together they would continue to hurt each other.

Rosi was desperate and upon realizing that Antonio was not going to let her go, she began to struggle with him, causing him to fall down the enormous stairs of the house, leaving him very injured and completely unconscious as a result of the blow he received on the head.

Little Alicia just watched her bloodied father in horror, while Rosi watched the chilling scene from above.

— Dad got hurt! Mommy daddy got hurt! Quickly you have to help him, he has a lot of blood,” the little girl shouted as she put her hands to her head in shock.

Alicia's crying made Rosi rush down the stairs; she could not allow her daughter to continue seeing such a heartbreaking scene of her father almost dying in the middle of a pool of blood.

— Calm down darling, don't cry, everything will be fine.

— Daddy is hurt, he has blood on his head. Mom, please, you have to do something, I don't want dad to die.

— Don't cry anymore, honey, your daddy is going to be fine, don't worry, you better go to the car and wait for me there while I call the emergency number. Daughter, I promise you that everything will be fine.

Rosi was too nervous and the first thing that occurred to her was to take her daughter out of that chilling scene and put her in her car while she returned to the house, she wanted to be sure if Antonio was really dead.

She hit him several times with her foot and he did not respond, she was so terrified that she did not want to approach him, so seeing that he did not show any sign of life, she finished collecting the most essential things to take with her, and when she was about to As she walked out the door she heard a soft moan that made her shudder.

He immediately returned to where Antonio was, and when he observed him carefully, he realized that he was indeed still breathing. He immediately called an ambulance and waited to be taken to the nearest hospital.


Years later…

— Galeano, we should not continue with this relationship, you are my student and you are also almost my daughter's age.

— Rosi, you are a very attractive woman, and you don't look as old as you are, and if you want, I can withdraw from the university so you don't have to worry anymore that I'm your student, I'm willing to do whatever it takes to be with you, but Please don't end ours.

— When we met that night at my colleague's birthday party, I never imagined that you would later be my student. After that night of drinking and unbridled sex, I almost had a heart attack when I saw you for the first time entering my class. .

—But I must confess that I did know who you were, for a long time I had wanted to take art classes so I could be close to you. I fell in love with you at first sight!

— Don't talk to me so close, look they can see us, remember that we are still in college. Furthermore, I understand from comments I have heard from some of your colleagues that you have been dating a girl for a few months. And he's also your age. Or am I wrong?

—And assuming that was true, would it bother you?

— Well… the truth is that I'm not going to tell you that I would feel comfortable, but in reality I am very clear about our age difference, remember that I could be your mother. And I must also admit that there is no formal commitment between us, this is just about having fun and having the best sex.

— Yes, I know, you don't have to remind me.

— Don't bother, we must be realistic, and you haven't told me if the comments about your supposed girlfriend are true.

— Well… yes, she is a girl I met a couple of months ago, and we have seen each other a few times, but my parents want me to marry her, they are eager for me to give them a grandson. The thing is, I am the only son and my father wants to inherit all his assets to me, but before doing so he wants me to marry a good girl, or else he plans to take me out of his inheritance.

—And you weren't thinking of telling me?

— It's just that... I... The truth is that I'm not sure about that commitment, but I understand that there are many things that separate me from you. On the one hand, she is a girl with whom I can have a home, children and everything that my parents want. But I love you, but I also know that you don't want anything serious with me and that you would never present me as your partner.

—Understand Galeano, we have had a great time, you have made me fly, but we must understand that reality is different from what we want. And what shouldn't have happened in one night, has already gone on for six months, of which you have been dating that girl for two, and I was the last to find out.

— Rosi, please understand me, I didn't want to lose what we have, I'm in love with you and I was afraid to tell you.

— Look, it's better to leave this conversation here, I think it's best not to see each other again, and it's not fair to that girl that you cheat on her with a woman who could be your mother, when she can give you what I never can.

Rosi became a little uncomfortable, despite knowing that in the end she could not have a formal relationship with Galeano, she was twice his age despite still looking very attractive. But she knew that she couldn't cover the sun with a finger, with time, sooner or later, that age difference was going to become more noticeable and the one who would end up suffering was going to be her.

And she realized that despite being clear from the beginning, that it was just a relationship without any type of commitment, having found out about the existence of that girl made her realize that she felt something for Galeano, that she was going beyond the good sex I had with him.

She returned home very disconcerted.

— Hello mommy, you're finally here. I just have an appointment and the nurse who takes care of dad had to go buy his medicine.

—It's okay, don't worry, I'll take care of your father. And may I know which quote you are referring to?

— I'm going to a friend's house, his parents invited me to dinner.

—How is it that they invited you to dinner? Have you gotten engaged to that young man and I haven't found out?

—Mom, we are just getting to know each other, so don't start, also remember that I am no longer a girl and I am also of legal age. The day I decide to marry someone, you will be the first to know. Bye bye.

—Alicia wait, don't leave me with the word in my mouth. Alice, I'm talking to you!

Alicia hurried out without saying anything else to her mother. She was a very conservative girl and did not like to talk much about her personal things with Rosi. As she was the only daughter, her mother overprotected her too much, deep down she did not want her to suffer the same thing that she experienced next to her father.

— Hello Antonio, Rosi told me that the nurse went to buy your medicines. Is something offered to you?

Antonio made a sign to him with his eyes, staring at the jug of water that was next to his bed.

After that spectacular fall he had accidentally had when he was struggling with Rosi in the middle of an argument, Antonio had become paraplegic, he could not take care of himself, he was condemned to live in a wheelchair and could not speak either.

He was just making some sounds with his mouth trying to babble some words.

For Rosi it had been a kind of punishment to have to deal with her illness for almost ten years.

She did not want to admit him to any clinic since she felt guilty that he was in such a deplorable state. She also lived with the pain of knowing that her daughter had witnessed that horrible accident that she unfortunately ended up causing in the midst of her desperation, and her daughter Alicia He always remembered that scene where he practically saw his mother push his father from the second floor.

And deep down he had a lot of resentment towards his mother since he believed her to be guilty of his father's misfortune. That was the reason that made her always be on the defensive and despite living under the same roof, Alicia was very distant from Rosi.

Deep down he believed that his father's accident had not been accidental, but rather it was the opportunity that his mother found to end his father's life and thus not continue suffering from his abuse.

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