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Yago has everything he ever wanted: success, money and a considerable turnover of women in his bed. At just twenty-one years old, the boy still has a lot to enjoy. However, a surprise of fate will throw his life off track: A child inside a basket with a note saying that the child is his. Júlia works as a production assistant to pay for her nutrition studies. The last thing she expected was to take care of a baby along the way. However, as soon as the toothless smile opens and the little fingers close around hers, Julia knows that she won't be able to turn her back and leave the most clumsy father in history to take care of the child alone. She will just need to keep her heart out of the game, after all, the child is not hers, much less the handsome, womanizing father. CHAPTER 1 | YAGO I accelerate my drumsticks to reach the peak of the song. Melissa continues spewing the lyrics in the most intense way possible. The girl is awesome in every way. It was the best choice to bring her into the band seven years ago. Nicolas was the only one reticent about it, but I know that even he agrees that she brought that extra something that everyone said was missing. The Dawn Giants are badass. With a movement of my head, I toss my hair to the side so that it ends up falling into my eyes and I slow down, as the beat demands. Everyone does the same and the sound drops, leaving only Melissa's voice in evidence to close with a flourish. I stretch my back and watch Nic and Ramon do the same. Seven shows in four days. We're moving at a frantic pace, and I'm definitely not complaining. This is the future I always wanted. I put down my drumsticks to grab the water bottle and drink the entire contents in one go. I throw the packaging on the floor, without really caring, and a little blonde, wearing a huge headset, comes out from behind the side curtain, walking low to where I am with two full bottles in her hand. Now is the time for Mel to interact with the audience, so no one is paying attention to her. Except me. The jeans hug the slim waist. The inclined position makes me see her round, appetizing breasts peeking through the V-neck of her tight white shirt. I look up, seeing long, blonde hair tied up and hidden by the production equipment on her head. I forget where I am and my focus is only on her. When she's up close, I notice that she doesn't wear makeup, and yet she's beautiful. — Hi, kitten. — I put on my best smile, happy to have just chosen my company for the night. I try not to get involved with anyone in the production, after all, women are like gum, and traveling with me can be a problem, but, for this blonde, I will make an exception. However, her reaction is not what I was expecting. She looks at me, rolls her eyes and returns her attention to the floor, completely ignoring me. The girl exchanges the empty packaging for the full one, turns around and continues walking low, quickly disappearing from my field of vision. How have I never seen her before? Which is no surprise, we have a powerful band here, and for that, the production behind it is enormous. We are always renewing those who can't take the hassle. This must be new to the team and with a boyfriend. Certainty. After all, in recent years, I've realized that it's very difficult for a single woman not to surrender to my smiles. That's why she didn't return my greeting. I don't mess with compromised ones. I leave these rolls to Ramon. — Do you want more? — Mel shouts, and the crowd goes crazy, which makes my attention return to the right place: the show. — It's hot in here, isn't it? — She rips off her fucking blouse, leaving her with an almost transparent bra. Holy shit! She's doing it again. My eyes fly to Nic. I know he doesn't approve of our vocalist's

Chapter 1 Keep it there

Nicolas looks more like a fucking poker player, but I know my friend to know that this hurts him. Damn it! These two are a pain in my ass. I've tried everything over the years to understand each other, but Mel lives in a glass jar. I can see in her eyes that she likes Nic, I just don't understand why she denies it so vehemently. My friend tried, and how he tried, but the little redhead's heart is completely closed to swinging, so, after so much advice, he decided to move on. Viviane is a good girl and idolizes our bassist. After he gave dating a chance, Mel lost her mind once and for all.

Each show does one crazy thing worse than the next. And I know you're one step away from losing yourself for good, and that drives me crazy. We're a fucking family. — I want everyone to shout Yago's name. — I blink as soon as I hear her say my name. — So he can smash those drumsticks on the cymbals of his drum, giving power to the next song. Let's go? - YAGO! YAGO! YAGO! — Wow, and the audience follows suit. I leave the blonde from production, Mel and all her shit to think about later. I lift the drumsticks, count to three by hitting them together and start the next song in our repertoire, which is fucking amazing. We started our band when we were still kids. Nic, Ramon and I knew we wanted to make a living from music, but it was a distant dream. Until Nic's father, Adam Moretto, showed up in our city, brought Mel into the band and made our dream come true. Today, seven years after signing the first contract, we begin the tour in honor of FOUR HEARTS. The members agreed to release the rights to all the songs they have already made for a new and special album. And it was fucking awesome. We were lucky on the way here, but every second of success was a merit of our work. And I hope this is just the beginning of a brilliant career. — You guys are badass — Mel shouts. - To the next. — I hit my drumsticks harder, finishing the last song of the show. The screams are deafening and, at the same time, they are like music to my ears. We move to the front of the stage, join hands and bow in reverence to the audience. The lights go out, and we leave the stage to a standing ovation. The best fucking feeling in the world. — You guys killed it. — The general, or Úrsula, greets us as soon as we arrive in the wings. — It was a memorable night. — Is there a party today? — Ramon questions, and I hold back a laugh at the withering look he receives. — No. We have to travel. You will be able to rest in the dressing rooms that I have separated for the four of you here. Take a shower, eat and get some sleep. Early in the morning, we hit the road. Did you understand? — He puts his hands on his hips and looks at us with a frown. — I didn't hear a response. — Yes, ma'am — we mumbled reluctantly. Not even with Uncle Patrick, who was a bad guy when he wanted to be, I didn't feel as cornered as I do with her. The bastard picked the perfect replacement to keep us straight. Son of a bitch. — Where is Melissa? She was here just now — he questions looking around. Well, she's capable of keeping almost everyone in line. — I'm going to leave you and the drama of the moment so I can rest. — I raise my hand in a sign of salute and turn to leave, but Ramon soon catches up to me. — I know your rest well — he teases. — They're waiting in my dressing room. Let's go so you can choose whether you want the blonde or the brunette. — How did you manage to arrange this with Úrsula on our tail? — I whisper, risking a glance over my shoulder to make sure we don't get caught. — I have my contacts, partner. — He hugs my shoulders and we continue laughing towards the slaughterhouse. Nothing better than a good fuck after an intense show. — Mr. Yago? — The knocking starts at the door. I ignore. They know what I'm doing here, why are they interrupting me? — Are you going to... — The girl on all fours on the bed starts to ask, but I increase the pace to keep her quiet. — Quiet, baby — I lean over her body and whisper in her ear. — They will leave soon. — Mr. Yago? We have a... order for you. — Keep it there, damn it. Then I'll take it — I shout, starting to get angry. I hold the brunette's hair in my fist and push harder. - We can not. — The security guard speaks, once again, and I feel the excitement fade. Holy shit! I will kill this man with my hands. Bag. — Wait here, sweetie. I'll be right back so we can finish. — I pull my pants off the floor, quickly slide them down my legs and run my hand through my hair. — What the fuck? — I open the door in a burst, and the almost two meter tall man has his eyes wide and his skin pale. — They left a package for you. — You already said that. What can't wait? — Yeah... — He takes a step to the side and a wicker basket is in the arms of another man on the team. — A child, sir. Miss Dora stopped by, left the child, a bag and a letter. — He hands me the last two items, but I remain petrified, looking at the blonde baby sleeping peacefully, even in a noisy place like this. He looks too big for that basket. His little legs are hanging out, but he doesn't seem to be bothered. — Why didn't you fucking stop her? Did you have to call me when she was here? — he shouted, rubbing his hair angrily. Dora has already done some festival work with the band and she's not stupid. She must have used the fact that she was known to avoid being shooed away by the security guards. — In fact, we only know it was her because of the cameras. She didn't talk to anyone. She left everything and left. We saw that it was a baby only when she started to move and we went there. — Is everything okay here, kitten? — The girl appears behind me, but I can't pay attention to anything other than the damn paper in my hand. I unfold it and the words written there knock me off my feet. “I can’t be with him anymore. Sorry for not saying this in person. I'm going out of the country, the offer is irrefutable. Enjoy the experience, Dad.” - Cum! — I scream so loud that my vocal chords hurt, and the baby wakes up scared crying. It was just what I was missing. I'm fucked, with a child to look after and a huge desire to kill Dora with my own hands. Holy crap. I have a son. And now? | JULIA — Thank you very much, teacher. I'll deliver the completed work next week. — I'll be waiting, Julia. Keep committed like this, you'll go far, girl. — I smile, and I do the same. - Until later. — Say goodbye, then end the call. I lower the

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