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Never Fell In Love With My Ex-husband

Never Fell In Love With My Ex-husband



Jasper leaves his meek husband Allen for his first love, so many rich men start chasing and courting his ex-husband after their divorce, his rivals range from his business rival , his youth back then, and since then even Jasper himself has had inexplicable feelings for his ex-husband Allen. Allen stared at the divorce papers on the table and saw that his wife had already signed them. Then, he looked out the window. Jasper White's upright form was reflected in his watery eyes. She looks attractive but also cold because of his treatment of her. "I signed that without a doubt, so you should also hurry and sign it. I want all the legal procedures to be completed before Lia returns." Jasper's hands were on his back and he didn't look at him. "We have already agreed on the assets before the marriage, so there are no issues there. However, I will pay you another 20 million and a villa outside. After all, you will leave without anything. Else I will have a hard time explaining that's for grandpa later" Allen was stunned and annoyed. "Does Grandpa know you're divorcing me?" "So what if he knows? Do you think it'll affect my decision?" After hearing that, Allen felt weak and gripped the table tightly. Then, he asked softly while on the verge of tears, "Jasper, can we ... not get a divorce?" Finally, Jasper turned and looked at her with a strange look. His annoyance can be seen because of his jawline, deep eyes, and fierce features. Allen still felt his heart ache when his wife looked at him like this. "Why?" "because I love you." Allen's eyes were red and filled with tears. "I love you, Jasper. I still want to be your husband. Even if you don't have feelings for me." "Allen Cruz! I've had enough! Every second is torture to me in this loveless marriage." Jasper waved his hand. He had no patience to listen to her. "It was a mistake that I married you. You know I fought with Grandfather. Because I didn't like you from the beginning but he forced me to marry you for what reason? You also know that I love someone else, right, so we can't be together. Now that it's over it's been three years and Lia is coming back, it's time for you to leave the position that should belong to Lia!" Allen bowed and his tears fell on the table. He quickly wiped them away. However, Jasper saw it, and his gaze deepened. At this time, his phone rang. When he saw the caller, he immediately answered it. " "Babe, have you been on a plane yet?" His tone was very soft. He was nothing like the indifferent, cold-hearted person Allen was known for. "Jasper, I'm at the airport." Lia's voice rang on the phone. "What? But didn't you say your flight is tonight?" "I want to surprise you!" "Babe, wait for me. I'll pick you up right now." he quickly passed Allen. After closing the door of the study room, the sad atmosphere remained. Allen had a crush on Jasper for ten years, and they were married for three years. he gave everything for this family and stayed true to him. However, in the end, he just felt like torture.

Chapter 1 Divorce

Chapter 1

Now that she and Jasper are separated, and he has left her mercilessly, she is excited to marry her first love.

Allen felt a pain in his heart. He didn't even fall for her in the three years they were together no matter how hard he tried. After that, she took a deep breath and shook her head as tears fell while reading Jasper's name on the divorce papers.

That night, Jasper brought Liana Gray back to their mansion. He had his arm around Lia's waist. They entered the villa in a dignified manner, attracting the attention of the white family.

"Jasper, you and Allen haven't completely separated. H-I don't think it's a good idea for us to be this close. And introduce me to your family right away. Allen might get mad at me." Liana stared into Jasper's eyes as she spoke.

"He won't do that just try." Jasper didn't hesitate. "I don't love him anyway. We're just in a contractual relationship. He knows his place."

everyone in the family surrounded Liana and introduced herself. Only Allen was left alone in the dining room, preparing dinner.

Allen simply looked at the entire White family who were almost all around Lia. He couldn't help being jealous, what right did he have to be jealous if this was Jasper's first love.

After he finished all the food, he left immediately, however, he took one last chance to glance at jasper who was now happily smiling at the woman he wanted to marry.

"Even if it hurts me, I'll do what you want, you'll never see me again, I don't need anything from you, after tonight I'll disappear like a bubble I hope you'll be happy goodbye Jasper White my first love"

In the middle of the fun, Jasper caught a glimpse of his wife's sad face and suddenly he smiled and thought, he ignored her and approached the woman he wanted to marry.

"Even at this point, she seems like an honest maid, serving the Whites. Does she think I will change my decision? It's funny," he said to himself.

"Mr. White Mr. White!" Suddenly the butler rushed in

"Sir Allen, he's gone!"

"Really? Did he take anything before leaving?"

"Just a minute. She didn't seem to be carrying anything she didn't take anything. After she took off her apron, she left through the back door and was picked up by a black car."

Jasper hurried to the room to see if the room was clean and that nothing else was missing. There was only a signed divorce agreement on the side of the bed along with a ring, this was Allen's wedding ring, he looked at the divorce paper again and saw tear stains.

He frowned and walked towards the window. A car sped away from the Villa and immediately disappeared into the darkness.

"Didn't he want to leave at night? Now he disappeared quickly." Disgusted, he called his secretary.

"Find out who is the owner of the car with license plate A9999."

"yes, Mr. White"

After five minutes, his secretary called. "Mr. White, I have found who owns the black car. The car belongs to the president of KS Group."

The president of KS Group?

Allen came from a poor Place. He is poor without a unique background. He didn't even have a friend in the three years they were together. How did he meet the president of KS Group? Did she move on quickly and find another man? He clenched his fist in annoyance.

"Mr. White, are you and Sir Allen really separated now?" asked the secretary tentatively.

"What's the problem? Can't I break up with that? Do you think I want to be with that person?" jasper was very angry.

"But Sir B-his birthday is today."

Jasper froze when he heard that.

Meanwhile in the black car in the back seat of the car, Jonas took Allen's hand and squeezed it gently.

"When Grandpa heard you were coming back, he prepared fireworks to welcome you."

"I'm not in the mood for fireworks."

Now, he has returned to his status as the grandson of the Tua family. He leaned on his oldest brother's shoulder and sighed. His eyes glistened with tears.

He's not Allen Cruz anymore.


Allen glanced at his Cellphone to read the message from jasper who is now no longer his husband. This is not from the ex-wife but from Liana who is now jasper's fiancee.

"What did I tell you before? You have to give me back my position as the real mrs,White after you stole it from me. Jasper is mine now. Don't even dream of getting it back!"

He forced a smile and finally came to his senses after the last drop of his tears.

"What's the matter? Can't bear to leave?" Jonas hugged him, his heart aching for his brother.

"Jonas, today is my birthday."

"I know. If that bad guy could be struck by lightning because of what he did to you, it's your birthday and he'll just hurt you, if you had only let me see him earlier I might have punched that h*yôp " his brother said angrily

"That's why I can't seem to leave. Because Jasper has pinned Allen Cruz now."

When Jalen Tua opened his eyes again, he no longer showed any feelings for Jasper.

"I finally get to be free. If I ever come back, I'm better off dead."

"Yes welcome back Jalen Tua"

The only thing he gave his brother was a smile.

The night breeze is cold. Jonas took Jalen to the lake and went on a yacht to enjoy the beautiful city nightscape. He hoped this would make his brother happy.

"Jonas, are you really trying to torture me?"

Jalen looked at the couples around them.

"This is a place for couples or lovers to go on a date. I wouldn't dare go to this place even in normal weather!"

"Really? You can blame Grandpa. He prepared the fireworks here, and they will start at eight."

Jonas looked elegantly at his watch. "Five, four, three, two, one."

With a loud explosion, a huge purple firework ignited the sky.

all the couples and lovers nearby gathered and many more went to the shore to watch.

"Grandpa must have terrible taste" Jalen shook his head and smiled but he still felt a pain in his heart.

"Think of the strange gifts you've received in the past. He's improved a lot." said his brother

Jonas grabbed his brother's shoulder and gently pulled him into his embrace.

"This is not the only gift for you. We all prepared something for you, and it's all piled up in your room. We love you jalen, your family loves you so give your love and time to the worthy person."

Jalen was touched by what he said, and he was in tears.

At that moment, a black car pulled up outside the crowd. Jasper held Liana's hand as they got out of the car. Because it was windy, Liana hugged Jasper tightly.

"Hey! The fireworks are beautiful. Jasper, look!" liana showed her childlike innocence when she was with Jasper, and that was what endeared him to her.

But why is he still thinking about Allen, whom he doesn't like. In the past three years, why had she allowed herself to be with and marry someone like Allen Cru—she suddenly stopped. Why is he still thinking about that person who is useless? In jasper's mind, he is useless because he thinks he comes from a poor family, and the reason for marrying him is to rise in life, that is the reason he sees that he hates his grandfather a lot, jasper didn't love him at all they have been together for three years as husband and wife.

They walked to the railing. Suddenly, fireworks erupted, turning into a line of words in the air that said,

"Happy Birthday"

"Oh! It's someone's birthday. Who's the lucky person who gets such a nice present?" Liana said in an envious tone, however, Jasper was shocked and felt something tug at his heart. He frowned and thought, "Today is Alice's birthday. Who prepared this as her birthday present?"

Then, he heard a familiar clear voice as a yacht passed in front of them, and two people on its deck. it was Allen and Jonas. Why are they together?

"Huh? Isn't that Allen? Who's next to him? He looks familiar, and the two of them seem intimate." Liana was naive as she asked him.

Jasper felt a surge of anger, and clenched his fist and gripped the bars tightly.

they are not officially divorced, but Allen is having fun with another man. Why did he cry and pretend to be so sad?

After two laps around the lake, the yacht stopped at the shore. When the passengers left, Jonas put his arm around Allen, and they got off together.

"Allen Cruz!"

Allen froze when he heard that name. He looked back and saw Jasper walking towards him.

To Be Continued...

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