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My Millionaire Boss

My Millionaire Boss

mary leterman


The scream wanted to escape my throat as soon as the searing pain hit me . But I had to be strong. Not for me, but for the baby that wanted to be born at all costs. I managed to walk to the apartment door which was locked. I wouldn't be able to drive to a hospital, and most likely there wouldn't be time for an ambulance to arrive to help me. My only alternative at that moment was to reach my neighbor's front door. Fabiana, besides being a neighbor, had become my best friend. And I knew that as soon as she got a knock on her door, she would be ready to help me. When I managed to unlock the door, another wave of contraction hit me, making me stop, putting my hand on the wall to support myself and wait for the pain to pass. It lasted a few minutes, and when it passed, I started walking again, stopped in front of my friend's door and knocked. It didn't take long to open. And as soon as she did, I regretted having only her to look for. Fabiana looked beautiful in a short black dress, which shaped her slim and perfect body that made me envious, with well-placed curves, just right. The makeup was discreet, highlighting every detail on her face, especially her full mouth, highlighting her black skin. She was ready to leave, and it wasn't fair for me to be there stopping her from doing so. - What happened? Are you well? Before I could say anything, another contraction had me squirming and leaning on my friend, who promptly grabbed me by the arms. — Contractions, the baby is going to be born. Was all I could say and I watched as her eyes widened at me. — What do you mean, being born? Where is your husband? That was a great question. Otávio had left in the morning, leaving me alone all day. A woman just over thirty-nine weeks pregnant. — I don't know, he left this morning and hasn't come back yet. I squeezed his arm a little tighter when I felt the pain worse. As soon as it eased a little, I apologized and she asked me to come in. — No. I was going to ask you to take me to the hospital. I couldn't drive like that. I pointed to my body hunched against my huge belly. - Clear. My friend quickly got ready, closing her own door and leaving for my house, taking the bags that were already packed and the car key. We went down the elevator, and the interval between my contractions was getting shorter and shorter. Luckily for me, the hospital where I was being monitored wasn't that far away, and as soon as I arrived, a team picked me up in the parking lot at Fabiana's request, wheelchair and everything. — Fabi, thank you very much for everything, my friend. I don't want to bother you any more than that. There's no need to wait — I said, holding her hand as she was pushed towards the hospital. — Really imagine that I'm going to leave you here alone. I wouldn't leave you even if your worthless husband was here. Hearing her talking like that hurt me. Not for my husband, but for the baby who wasn't even born yet, but already had a terrible father. Otávio was a totally different person when we met. Affectionate, loving and attentive. But the moment we got married and started living together, everything changed. I was a woman from a small town with no family nearby, so he took advantage of that. And everything got worse when I found out about my pregnancy. Not that my son was a burden to me, far from it. That child, whose face I hadn't even seen yet, was the only thing that kept me going every day, that cheered me up in the mornings when I woke up alone, because Otávio hadn't come home after a night out partying. I didn't know him, but I already loved him with my whole life. I squeezed his hand tighter in a comforting silence, despite the tense moment, and we continued heading to the hospital. I went into the room alone,

Chapter 1 After the cold shower

normal and I was dilating quickly, and within a few hours I was with Fabi and my son in the room. Holding that little bundle of people in my arms was the most magical feeling I could feel in my entire life. — He's beautiful, my friend — Fabi said softly as she approached my side and began to run her fingertips over Pedro's face. - Yes he is. At that moment, looking at my son, my most precious possession, I promised myself that he would never miss a father. It wouldn't even be necessary. My son didn't need an asshole and irresponsible man to disappoint him. We would be fine just me and him.

So I believed, but for a short time. CHAPTER ONE The sweat that dripped from my forehead was always very rewarding. The pain of a day's work on my farm left me feeling more alive, as if my energy was restored. And after a long day like this, nothing better than a relaxing bath and a cold beer. What I could do at home, from the comfort of my couch, but I needed some excitement to take my mind off my worries. Taking care of an entire property was not only making a profit, but also making people crazy. After the cold shower, I took my truck. Well, actually, it was a Toyota Hilux, but I didn't like bragging about it. Simplicity was part of me. I left through the large entrance gate and stopped before entering the road, going down to go back and close the gate. As I was walking back to the car, I stopped and looked across the road at the simplest, but very poorly maintained, wooden gate falling down on one side. It was a sin that a property in such a good location, with fertile land, was treated like that. Otávio Fragoso, or Fragoso as he was better known in this region, was the lucky son of a bitch who had inherited that land from his parents. It was a small property, but if the house was maintained, it would be beautiful, along with the fertile land that could yield a good harvest, even if it was for personal consumption. But Fragoso didn't take care of anything. I only saw him visiting the place later, when he brought a woman to spend the night. And from the looks of the concierge, he would be there that day. I took a deep breath and got into my truck. That place was none of my business. I had already made an offer to buy the place, but the man kicked me out of his house. Before leaving, I turned on the radio, tuning it to an old-fashioned station and drove to the nearest bar. Living in a small town had its advantages, as well as its disadvantages, and this was due to the fact that everyone knew each other. As soon as I entered the establishment through the large door, some eyes turned to me, others greeted me, and there were still those who turned their faces in the other direction. I pulled up a chair at the counter and sat down right there. I had sent a message before leaving home for Felipo to meet me there, but as always, my friend was late. I asked the waiter for a mug of beer and watched people come and go. Everyone was walking in such a hurry, without looking around. People working passed from one side to the other, almost bumping into each other as they served crowded tables. People didn't put down their cell phones. There were few of them, those without one in hand, talking to each other. Time was something so precious, but at the same time trivialized by the busyness of everyday life. I had the habit of stopping every day, even if it was for five minutes, and contemplating something that I found beautiful. From a small thing, like a line of leaf-cutter ants carrying leaves, to a new car in a shop window. No matter what it was, I took my time and thought about the greatness of the world around it, and how, even for a simple ant, it was important. I took advantage of that moment to do that and began to contemplate time and space. Everyone had their place in the world, from the person who brought a tray of pizza to their table, to the cashier who got paid for it. And each one had the right time to act on their task. What each one did did not take away from the greatness of the other. — Speak, Diego. Apologies for the delay. Felipo arrived, greeting me with a slap on my back and snapping me out of my reverie. — As if this were something new. He sat down next to me, ordering a beer too. The weather was pleasant and the company was great. I used to have fun with Felipo. But to completely ruin the atmosphere, the most unpleasant person I knew entered the establishment with a woman by his side. She was a very beautiful woman, tall, blonde, with lush curves. Fragoso's arm was draped over her shoulder in an attitude of possession as they walked toward the closest table to me. I knew he had a wife, and it wasn't that one. One of the advantages of living in the countryside, everyone knew everyone's business. Whether it was gossip on the internet, or word of mouth from the population. And Fragoso's parents lived in that place for a long time, even though they never received visits from their son and daughter-in-law, they praised them to everyone. — It was too good to stay like that — I grumbled as I turned the other way, facing the bar. — Don't let Fragoso ruin the mood. Felipo said as he turned to face the bar, he also banged his mug on the counter, making some splashes fly. — He already does this without me allowing it. And I just had to talk about the devil, and there he was calling me. I rolled my eyes as soon as I heard my name come out, my voice already choked with alcohol. — Hey, Martins. What's good today? Did you manage to sell some cattle and come to celebrate? That was his greatest grace. Saying that I worked in the countryside, and didn't earn as much as he did, working in the city, inside an air conditioner. But he probably had no idea about my profits, or he would rethink what he said. Just look at the difference between our cars, while I used a Hilux from the year, he had a Corolla from 2018. But as I said, he didn't like to brag to me. Even though I really appreciate my financial condition. I took a deep breath, trying not to answer him in a rude way, because I was very polite. — I can sell mine. Now it's difficult to leave anything on your property, isn't it? I turned to him, resting an elbow on the counter behind me and bringing the glass to my mouth. The man frowned at the same time. He had already received a few punches from me, when I found some animals in precarious conditions on his land, and it was because of these animals that I still kept an eye on the place. —Are you spying on my lands again? — He stood up, causing the chair behind him to drag, causing a creaking noise from the friction of the floor. —Of course not, I'm just saying. I placed my glass gently on the marble. Fragoso was a guy who got angry very quickly about things, and when he had alcohol in his blood, that sp

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