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Ham Babs


June, who grew up in a lowlife family, was the breadwinner of the family. She struggled to get their daily needs with the help of her part-time jobs as a Waiter. But later she found a young charming man who came to her restaurant where she met him for the first time. He was Daniels. Daniel who always focused on his Business neverminded having a partner in his life but due to the frustration by his parents he had to go for a contract marriage. The contract marriage which caused a lot of problems so would he overcome it with June or would all the problems take over him

Chapter 1 All about my world

In the family of four where June lived with her siblings and her mother, there was no male in the family; it was all female. Love and Esther all treated her like the king because she was the breadwinner of the family. She was not one of the family which was not told to her, she was yet to discover the truth about her true identity. There was no help for them, and she was the only one who could raise some money for the family to feed because she had a part-time job of working in the restaurant.

It was like her responsibility to make sure there was food for dinner every day because the whole family depended on her at times of feeding.

"Am home" a voice came through the entrance of the door and when opened by her mother, she saw it was June.

"Wow, my lovely daughter, I hope you are with some food we would eat for dinner," her mother said in a low voice, curious for her to say yes, so her soul could rest.

"Mom, you have to welcome first before asking for food," June said in a low voice, putting on a frowning face.

"Oh my priceless jewel am sorry just that I and your siblings we were hungry, and we waited for you to come back and feed us" her mother said

June gave her a white plastic bag containing some food. "You guys should just have this one, okay I would bring much bigger than his one" June said, handing over to her the plastic bag.

"Okay, my dear, we would just have to manage this little one. Okay, thank you for your effort of remembering you have someone at home you have to feed. I love you so much, okay" her mother said. She nodded to her in agreement with what she said.

It was an ordinary day the next morning as June was set to go to work after she was ready to stress herself as she did the previous day.

"Wow, it was a bright morning and a bright day. The sun is shining brightly, which means that something wonderful will happen today. I have to be fast to work, so I wouldn't go late as I had for the transport fee" she said to herself lying down on the bed singing for the bright morning. Not long after she was in the bed she was set to go and get work started, then she left. It was just a few miles to the restaurant, since she didn't have money for her transportation, so she went to her walk place.

"Good day, ma," June said as she arrived at the restaurant.

The owner of the restaurant was putting on a frowning face. " Haven't I told you that you must come to walk early I think it's time to give you a sack letter"

"I am genuinely sorry ma it won't repeat itself anymore I trekked down here that was why I couldn't come early"

"Jeez, you mean you tracked here oh, just go get ready for work today okay" June boss said.

Daniel on his home was having some conversation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gonzalez they had a serious conversation on the way further of how Daniel would go on inheriting the company, but they kept one thing difficult for him must have a companion to help him in his actions, but he never took it seriously because he had no feelings in getting a woman anytime soon.

"Father, I promise to get a wife, but I need time to choose the one for me before I regret something I would never be happy of," Daniel said, assuring his father about it.

"My son is not about giving you time. There is no time to be wasted, you have to get a woman. I mean it's okay you have to do it, maybe she could even start bearing my grandchildren as well" Mr. Robinson said.

"Wow father, you just required me to get married without me knowing who she really was. With all due respect father, I would get a woman for myself in no time" Daniel said and left.

Daniel went to a corner of the house and when his parents wouldn't hear what he was saying clearly. "I can't imagine the rate of which my parents are pressuring me on marriage are not something we should rush in to have to understand each other because love comes after marriage I would just try loving any random girl just to obtain the office"

Daniel wasn't comfortable with the stay at home because each second he would be reminded he was still single by his parents. He entered his black car and drove off to work. On his way to work he thought of getting something to eat so he stopped by at a restaurant to get something to eat.

"Waiter can you please attend to me" Daniels said in a harsh voice?

"Sorry sir, I'm coming" the waiter ran towards him.

He looked up to the girl. She was a beautiful one but he was never interested in women; he was only addicted to his company. He stirred at her for a while and suddenly disconnected the eye contact.

"What is your order sir" the waiter asked with a fluent voice which attracted Daniel to her.

"Oh Ii... Just give me some water and a burger" Daniel said!

"Ok, I would do it immediately" the waiter entered to get his offer.

She walked inside. Daniel admired her beauty. He wanted to ask her more about her but was a shy one he had to let go for another day. Few seconds later she brought the water and the burger he asked for and gave her his card to take the payment, she did as he said and went away.

She thought she had some feelings for him and was attracted to her. Both of them never knew what was going on in each other's mind.

"Am done, am I leaving okay" Daniel said

"ok thank you sir"

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