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Battle Studies

Chapter 10 ARTILLERY

Word Count: 604    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

its support, as it would have to wait until the enemy was but four or five hundred paces away to fi

edom of action from the different arms, which no lo

dred meters apart can concentrate on a point twelve hundred meters in front of and between them. Before

ced too close, and consequently have its advance demoralized? This will throw away the greatest advantage that we Frenchmen have in defense, that of defending ourselves by advancing, with morale unimpaired, because we have not suffered heavy losses at a halt. There is always time to run to the defense of artillery. To increase the moral effect advance your supports in formation

or might not recapture. These supporting troops should not be too close. It is easier to defend pieces, to take them back even, by advancing on an enemy dispersed among them, than to defend them

ho are always the same. Thus there is in effect a roll call each time artillery is put into battery. Artillery carries its men with it; they cannot be lost nor

talions is a big enough command for a colonel. A general has eight battalions. He gets orders, "General, do so and so." He orders, "Colonel, do so

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