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Selections from the Prose Writings of John Henry Cardinal Newman

Chapter 3 No.3

Word Count: 602    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

cting the reade

wo great bishop

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I will put be

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ction of a candlest

the same heret

y successfully r

history of the

Bishop of Hippo

phed in the Eas

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f the

not be given u

f the Apocalypse

they belong, yet

pired pages, an

n of the Roman

kable agreemen

mities of that p

n. There is a pl

d page, of "Wo

of the earth";

ire mingled wi

f "trees and gr

s, the darkening of

rivers over a thi

r prophecy of r

h and in the str

r hand, let us o

tokenings are bor

of history, i

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rica, between t

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remity of it wa

the empire, c

, and other tow

he Christian Ch

mportance. In the

Vandals, Arian

rth and disposit

altar, and proc

, bringing with

n every side. T

the most savag

y pillaged, r

came in their way

, which might h

remnant of the po

m them into cav

, or into vaults

lence sweep over


Vandals was espe

orials of relig

asteries, were

and most viole

aces of worship,

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hops and clergy w

sure. The name

ferocity are pres

, was burnt ali

was laid upon

near upon the t

uncil was assemb

insecure state o

isery which rei

ishops were p

gy, the religious b

re scattered all

fice was stoppe

ained, the festi

d. At length, o

isited by th

arthage, Hipp

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