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Selections from the Prose Writings of John Henry Cardinal Newman


Word Count: 11244    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

a Univ

d to describe

could, what a U

my answer fr

Studium General

ng." This descri

f strangers from

parts; else, h

students for ev

in one spot; el

all? Accordingly,

orm, it is a sch

onsisting of tea

ter. Many thing

satisfy the idea

such as this a Un

essence, a

circulation of t

ourse, through


in a large sense

eat and incessan

, carried on

rtly not. One g

he existing ge

ng upon itself in

rs. Now, in this

say, that is, th

instrument. It

o in this age.

s of the press,

s time in the ne

cals, tracts, pa

literature, we m

me which promi

every other mean

n. What can we

he intellectual

r every man, than

and persistent

knowledge? Why

to knowledge,

o us? The Si

e leaves of the fo

such careless p

lged, for it c

consequence of th

e instrument wh

ed. We have serm

e running brook

ehensive than

ents an immorta

and are proje

arth at the rate

seats are strew

with swarms of

ricks of our c

ming us by their

e cheaply

his, and much

opular education,

rtheless, after

men are really

the language of t

when they aim a

hing refined,

ng really large,

er market; they

other, of the r

f oral instructio

etween man and

ng, of the person

humble initiatio

quence, of gr

hrong, which suc


of men may be t

tions, then we

iz.: that the

t of the litera sc

truth, and an au

nt of teaching

t, if we wish to

in any branch of

d complicated, we

nd listen to his

onvey the spe

arities of its

ainty which atten

nd, through the

he manner, in cas

the moment, an

r conversation.

ng on what is b

main subject.

is undeniable.

y study you may

etail, the colo

ich makes it liv

e from those i

imitate the stud

ho is not co

es to Paris or

om the young ar

eat Masters in

e have disco

reotype, which take

e form, lineame

ompletely and

ment reproduce

come to the teac

we must repair

e. Portions of

ends of the ea

ullness is in on

mblages and con

ooks themselves,

us, are writt


on which I hav

d instances in po

ink it tiresome

ept that one or

plain my own la

ave done justic

been intend

the polished m

which are so diffi

personal when

mired in socie

All that goes

rriage, gait, add

the self-possessi

onversing, the

ty principle, the

of expression,

enerosity and fo


ties, some of th

y be found in a

ct precept of C

age of them, bou

ividual charact

arned from boo

ired, where they

y? The very na

o; you cannot fen

hallenge all come

e supported a

stands to reason

l you have the

nnot unlearn

kwardness, or stif

ity, till you se

manners. Well,

ct? The metropo

of the land, ar

imes the country

nement and good

country goes b

h a portion

ich those very visi

he gracious dispe

le to conce

can otherwise b

in this w

ching itself

r subject to a cer

seat itself mere

is impossible fr

intended for t

-matter is truth

te and rare; but

a University so

ument, or rathe

ature prescribes

resence of a t

e, Oral Tradition.

ng form, the expre

s, which cate

le, manifold spir

scholar by his

ctions, imaginat

his mind and is

by propounding

and requestioni

by progressing a

les, by all thos

rd "catechising."

a work of lon

were devoted to

e mind of the in

rors, and of mo

The Scriptures

tudy of those

them; but St.

ak of whole rac

istianity, witho

unable to read or

vidence of want

eserts were, in

te; yet the gr

not letters,

he learned philos

Didymus agai

ologian, was bl

the Disciplina Ar

. The more sac

not committed

ccessive tradit

d Trinity, an

e been so hand

and when at l

illed many folios


said more t

as I began-a Uni

hither students

very kind of

st of every kind e

great city or

all the choic

rt all together

separate place

e land, and of t

r; there are the

workmen. It i

eme court of fa

, and the standa

s the place for se

ctures, and for

ormers of trans

great preachers

reat statesmen.

ess and unity

s a center. And s

is a University;

eader by repeat

ch a thousan

which the intell

late, sure to f

activity, and

th. It is a pla

rd, and discove

rashness render

the collision of

ith knowledge.

ssor becomes el

preacher, displ

mplete and mos

with the zeal of

own love of it i

is the place whe

round as he goes

ay into the re

tening it into t

place which wi

y its celebrit

middle-aged by its

he old by its ass

light of the world

ma Mater of the

a great deal mo

r head and han

ibe i

ity Lif

esire, were I ab

der what Athen

e have since cal

not with any p

a heathen cit

ities, or of co

what was intelle

, of representing

t is, as to enabl

in the very const

ea, what is its n

ds of aid and su

e that nature and


ancy our Scythi

talian, or Galli

aronic waves, wh

rse to Athens, at

. He is of any c

ase, and may be

o a peasant. Pe

has been a boxe

ever cross his b

s in search of w

accident, how di

eart? But so it

drachms in his g

drawing water, c

rvile occupatio

ll philosophe

e most high-minded

and out of his d

ght his master th

yment for attend

id he make, tha

his successor in

es not play me

n to the Suprem

effusions of the

ven when he wa

ued in his illibe

and, it is said

s pallium, and b

to have no othe

ke the German st

ith nothing upo

a pair of

er disciple of

er than by profe

y; but in what d

no other than

losopher. Profe

rom Athens for

and now he comes

the battlefie

he end of life, to t

elf to an init

ian mys

g man of great

ot for his weakne

ary that he shoul

hout over-exert

sufficient for

s on the one hand

resources on t

e will stop but

Asia Minor and i

ntinue a career

al; and he will

so well, that he

son thither at an

ted it

comes from Ale

solicitous abou

m twenty to twe

scaped drownin

n at Athens as

n the course of

f Latin, think

ed in Greek compo

cceed. He is a

e out; some say

r in the Christia

His name is Gr

ocian, and will

a theologian,

ctors of the

race, a youth o

hose father h

above his rank in

inish it at Athe

poetry: a hero h

knew it; but he

e hour, and goes

ssius, and will le

n the field

re boy of fif

h the voyage wa

inement, or bad l

im into a fever

d in the evening

tand. His c

took him up among

of the great te

was a friend o

e it was whic

outh to Athens

t of place they ar

mic students, th

ouse, though he

night, and pro

f it, with an abs

ot impudence, b

ly. Strange intr

eat of learning

s; for what could

re was a mob of

se of control;

nd got on as the

lves had no pro

ces of the stude

halls? Howev

us took a fancy to

ories about At

e up to the Uni

they were even w

oic; for they ha

and nothing wh

d bedding; so

Heph?stion la

f in oratory; an

and Pro?resius c

other time ther

what would be c

nglish Univer

dare lecture in p


an like Euna

himself of the

ens. Such a one

y, when he was

ademic youth, who

awkwardness an

ne wonders at th

nduct obtained

nd not many mon

ournals have tol

n to matter-of-f

eties of money

snowballs on t

efying the magis

e with their p

I suppose we mus

her in human na

newcomer, surro

ciates, who for

anter, and to make

their wit. Some

, others with f

in solemn proce

ths; and as the

m like madmen.

trial, for the Bat

hereupon receive

wn, and was s

depart in peac

ving been exem

s a youth graver a

himself: but it

r, but at the ins

. Gregory was h

in Athens to s

another Saint an

n, (it would app

chumen of

to our freshma

nd, though he h

is he to lodge

inds himself se

e he is, by ano

r parties at on

ing, who seize on

r, and thrust hal

ing hands. Our

f professor this

shes the fame o

ul. We will say

s,-but then he

lf where he will

with all the pra

praise I shall

, nevertheless,

ood which forme

flesh and blood

ng the mansions

ot seem to have

reek or Turkish

a topic of inte

nts. A lively pic

us of Gallipol

titude of the dil

ards in England

ments, the crac

s and tiles, the sh

lanes, or fi

supply; tumble

bare bald hill;

and house, thu

rstood to form stre

ason, and with n

the roadway alw

uniform, the s

ng below, as circ

leaning forward

you have a

stion whether th

spond to the spe

t times. Learne

t the houses of A

mall and mean;

d narrow; that

he roadway; and

nd doors that

a remarkable c

do not doubt

, that that roadw

all but impassa

drains, as free

s seems in thes

the average ci

ays an ancient,

w, if really h

Letters in the Time

s, and much mor

Athens was the

beautiful; not

nd material or

r lodgings coun

holes in your t

u away? You mus

and a table, a

, anywhere els

place does not d

galia in Africa,

perfection. I sup

ens to swarm up

closet: you ca

and see you coul

he intellect is

hat you stay there

nk to read ther

expect to pu

much out in you

at this day,

ry, have the boo

al; and copies t

that they were

thens to procure

Athens. Strange

century, that in

there was not, i

hole place: nor w

ill the very t

pect, were the b


ary till the reig

student gazed on

by the magic

hich was the ed


controversy on the s

se to Lipsius, Morhof,

to whatever historica


arrow lodging e

till night, if

but a crib or

the weather is

in no respect

ors, not to re

buy the gay shill

sible atmospher

rt the oral tra

and, leaving

m, he mounts t

turns to the Areo

rthenon to study

he temple of the

of Polygnotus.

?schylus out of

urner at Athens

et can write, h

heater on the so

iterally in acti

Agora, and the

cides pleading

es farther west s

noble planes,

and he looks ar

ticoes and vest

genius and skill,

r city. He passe

hen he is at the

bs of the mighty

, is Pericles h

t thrilling of or

er the slain into

c of the

oceeds still;

till more cele

wed its own nam

and there he see

on his memory t

of the place, t

e temple, and t

ing by; many a

ught him day aft

but his eye is ju

t is the very pr

r a word that h

r; he asks neit

on; what he s

not to be increased

thing else. It w

is life; a stay

ng thought in hi

of like mind, e

which the living

r good or for e

n upon others, m

the qualificati

s said to have t

; he had his fill

k again home.

hing by his voya

ing and movin

re room to hear,

got some measure

o tell of to hi

the only sage,

lesson to be

. It is the regi

olleges were the

later; and they

or at least a lif

thenian. It was

tatesman of A

ed by the mere fo

noble and the gr

by laborious dis

g them were s

education. We

wanderings from

and now he is in

No awful arch

ts marks the seat

hilosophy lives

oppresses the b

ng session stiffe

lining in his g

n his porch; the

e of the city, a

ing his pupils of

Ilyssus. Our s

ntering himself

eacher of marvelo

ether two thous

world. He himse

ll as students, co

he earth-as befi

s have collecte

she had selected

he range of ter

rsity implies, wh

ty of the one a

agoras was from

no from Cyprus,

rgias from Sic

ro?resius an Ar

liscus a Thessal

celebrated for h

; Athens was

re was no narrow

essor, because

nd talent were the

em to Athens, w

ersity. There w


, and was the f

; but it soon bro

round itself, the

of life. As tim

sentenced to th

beginning in r

Professors bec

the students r

mes, and were

ir countrymen.

to four great

ian would style t

urth century, Pr

or of the Attic

Epiphanius of

he Pontic. Thus

ns of clients,

ers and visitors,

: and the Capp

th who came to

e encouraged

nd to aspire

n the schools o

ears old, was i

um cum dignitate

; and he left h

hose hands it re

ying, a marvelous

ce, for the lon

Epicurus too

where he lectur

erty of his sec

of grammar, rheto


State; some o

statesmen or hig

their favorite

siatic op

s these can co

om we have inte

of his lodging

ons. In everyt

a worse; in ev

and a respectab

t all to the o

ame University

impressions an

ing to the society

elieve the one,

ld be: if you be

on as it shou

ency are at leas

under some sor

d this being the

ver an Herodes

fluence of weal

of a decorou

the heir of an a

nt to devote hi

nd his fortune t

gave the soph

ounds, as the su

amations. He b

ed feet long, ent

pable of admit

theater, erected

de of cedar wood

s, one at Marath

ten miles from At

the distance of

he èlite, and at

dents. Long arc

ols for the bat

ummer visitor.

ecture room a

highly connected

harp-witted prov

nd the flippant

r, half philosophe

ion, courteous al

s. Herod was

we have instanc

n, according to

one and t

though a rarer

youthful Basil

eem by a sort o

ound them even

ave deemed that

have kept them a

pite of himself,

ths, who, pagans

ns honestly for

ssed to seek it;

th the place hims

o have been th

s advantages. O

afterwards held

bius was anothe

of Sophronius,

s too is named,

he government o

Julian himself,

was then at At

regory. Another J

was afterwards

re we have a gli

among the studen

dit of the parti

men as Gregory a

nnected with Chr

in the world, sh

r esteem and lo

parting, their

th the hope of

rsevered; but Gre

ck to Athens

y and


teresting to

he present intel

aid, and most wo

er laid at all. L

ow high is the

his day, and w

n are in progr

hat, unless som

ce, even what we

imes be nothing

then on the oth

seven centuries

Europe had litt

partial and unce

al, which is conv

first principle

conjectures th

uchingly of Chr

n, is true in its

of secular knowl

turies I

would have d

t by cotta

he only point

science may be

lations of Christ

as delivered o

eries are progres

nce in the respe

d of Science. W

se and spread of C

t, and rightly s

its instruments,

iplicity of the

To clear away

ntains; yet thi

scure, unbefri

cure, unbefrien

t can come up

ar and archetyp

rk, and we soon c

adore. But ther

eatness to cont

rolific of great

its children who

power, have imit

dispensation w

e; and, thoug

s simply miracul

ufficient to be

, and the new po

orld. The reviv

ristian ecclesia

had to be done

stianity itself,

semble a w

tics, as I have

are generally f

nce: first, its

, and can dispe

heir work; and

exist and must

are found who

plainer languag

the patronage o

value and attra

ate; and next,

rtise himself, b

have expressed b

ol of learning li

t the supply mu

t is this but th

ng of the Gosp

angelists went

hout patron, or

tage which cou

n, who among the

d have called fo

that multitude

which up to th

They had no co

, from man; their

being sent, nor i

circumstances th

ivine message,

hen it was utter

those to whom

elves friends

casts as they wer

ealed to the s

f human natur

eariness, its des

e and the Divine

steners and disc

medy of evils wh

his were the fir

ch in medi?val

present intellect

orward. From

Apostles from

onaries of know

r Europe; and,

ord of the presen

Pavia, and Bol

sa and Naples,

into Universiti

or the philosop

nt through labo

n their charity

cks, bad lodging

al, such trials

on by the martyr

as Evangelists

upon the longin

so did these sec

tural thirst fo

achers of Gospel

ruin which p

ght upon their nour

rofessors of scie

of sword or pes

hey themselves

he seats of reli

ing. And lastly,

ified and advanc

n faith without

ke manner we ma

ne, Alfred, Hen

Navarre, and ma

chools of learni

that those scho

ithout such

of the points

agation of Chris

etters; and, to

ch I have part

versity Professor'

his taking the i

, I find both th

Hallam in his hist

point, he says,

e designed to l

, for which there

sire"-that is, t

emand. As to t

tury," he says,

rushed to tha

sdom, the grea

epend upon acade

stipends, thou

effectual in ke

ted patrons, an

is, demand and


stery of Normand

tury by an illit

er, soon attracte

om Italy, and t

franc, afterwar

one of these, an

necessitous, t

o all comers, in

"that he might

he pay of the

that "his reputa

parts of the L

great and fam

ere is an i

ut support, withou

rs, and in them t

èges, too, bear

l, sudden, wide

ranc's advertise

and Lanfranc,

h the whole world

es, the most es

s, powerful laym

" What words ca

siastic characte

than to say that

s; rich as well as

stics, those who

espising letters,

ish to live

and Weakness


w more apposit

trength and weak

he University p

hat it cannot,

and its impotenc

n the history o

e is closely ass

nt of the Univ

arity and in his

ohn of Salisbur

t of St. Berna

as in a pattern s

sses in its esse

tegrity." It is n

ed to show this

hown; but it

eral object of these

o devote even a

Divine Truth, a

he one message

ttered, since th

ming of the Par

y utter it with g

er diverse for

d a richer minis

nd argument.

d encounter the s

e age; and, thoug

d their remedy l

rve their new e

it is imperative

n kings' cabine

s spread, of wha

n course of prepa

true in substanc

d in detail; so

one or other

her, and, while he

int what she is

s it incorrectly

, and risks his

this is actuall

nt, of heresy, t

huge, and grot

nts which are t

n, I would appl

tullian or of Sab

action from existi

mptuous, and ther

em with th

tives which the

h she will actu

nt comes. The G

tual proficiency

s, St. Athana

when these doc

ppose they were

e and deep, wh

inaris anticipat

he Ephesine Cou

consequence; a

times, we may

ve impatiently

use she would no

ve found, had t

, that she knew

she never cou

nciations from

so to speak, truth i

emselves had

s foreign concomi

alone could use

ned hour, and wh

ng simply becaus

Now, applying t

re us, I observe

the first mast

ny seem to hold,

condemning the au

. To him is on

own self-will

and surely un

of Infallib

e certain than

with one anothe

d, again, that e

every other tr

hatever kind fo

by virtue of

th and another,

unning through th

this connectio

the connection w

ving one trut

e, it is able to go

gh all this is

cted on in the

unknown before;

viewed as par

its own place in

other was infer

inferred, becau

than the science

and aim; but I

the scholastic me

ctors were th

be, and Abelard

a principal sha


ider the great S

as the proper sourc

g to discuss

d, and not St.

e University of

s that I am sp

rates the stre

e principle of

ledge for its own

ersity principl

irst of scholast

gians. And, thoug

t all without

hing, yet, after al

itself, that I a

ght be which he

e's time the sch

ith various fort

dmitted, to the

lsewhere, when,

amous school o

rs of logic in f

the inductive

the logical

ristotle, the mo

ntiquity, as t

lime idea of mapp

ge, and subjecti

nalysis, becam

lecture halls. I

th century th

d the celebrated

shadow of St, G

thods which he i

a claim to hav

the University o

one at least,

a University, he

schools were not

o admit laymen a

well as natives

ciple of constru

implied of course

ces that are com

of Champeaux,

he pupil; he

where, before he o

and, in the course

had only reac

made such pro

rreling with h

a school

belard was first

of Melun; then

aris, and where

derable number

njurious effect

withdrew for tw

Whether other c

awal, I think,

of the two yea

ris, and renewi

f William, who wa

was the subject

and after a

greater force

nt of his teac

ion with him, g

m to silence.

ted, and its mast

he vicissitudes

dom (as I may st

he old Benedicti

er a time, Abel

icient to warra

mself on Mount

ed incessant

an, who by this

pel the young an

had raised his

e done by devot

ass of geniuses

re, could they

losophical m

s without denying

nfusing the part

ction; whereas

e mind, and hur

men of one ide

heir merit, must

inded; and it i

devotion to the

alue the Seven

felt it impossibl

o be added, as

efore. He woul

ir own use, sinc

t for a new p

ding of the Cla

before him; but

purpose; it was

e gifts of thi

rtification, to

as they would

ips or figured musi

introduced and

different bas

poets of antiquit

nishing an assem

res; and accordi

not be banishe

lato banished t

The animus of

turn to the p

r of Blois, who we

rning. We find

"getting up," a

growing out of

ritically the

got them by heart

they noted down

ly examined in

t before them i

now, another

nts were promise

nded to get possess

in less than

s were apprehen

etails, by mean

rsonal documen

d tables. Su

which the new Lo

, are lesser m

l with Abelard

e Classics. As

is not what he ta

ow he lived. N

stimulated by n

ery earthly and

morally wrong i

rld, though Ambit

should not bla

o distinguish

when he makes th

ument of his am

s with temporal,

gh the medium o

things incompat

ng censured. It

nless my memory

tance of William

to the see of

to pursue the s

e reward. Acco

nding the theolo

of William's, nam

chool was situat

eat reputation

speaking of

him the doctor of

udents from It

advanced since

rd was disappoin

od enough for W

gan to lecture

n his own

me of his great

than his head c

ok him off his

ruction. I spok

three qualities

ity, absolutely

art from the s

ntegrity, is sur

inspired writer

cifica, "from

e already seen eno

tand that his wi

" was ambitious

s of the tongue

It may be the be

rsitas iniquitati

ome in the mout

eloquence was

temporaries, sa

is genius, the

dy flow of his lan

s knowledge."

uarters-from R

obbers; from En

om Flanders an

he remote distr

Poitiers; from N

rom Spain, besi

and among those

w or afterwards

e schools in the

f Poitiers, Peter

nold of Brescia,

was too much

in spite of in

possess the head

e man, however g

effluence of th

s not only "p

e as well as pe

cond disgrace

portion now. The

ools in the wildn

in the fasci

d falls before th

ighty pair, the

and in m

Colleges were u

was commonly t

ity of a great c

careful of his

h an old ecclesia

e Eloisa lived

as laid for hi

or the all-accom

suality came up

ect, and it was

loisa, who beca

eyes, and thrill

intoxication an


he is punished

wisdom is not on

a;" it is "desu

rom above; it

ws strife or lic

career of eart

w is destined to


mous Abbey of S

ly rising from h

ng that followe

clerks come to

him to lecture

before. Once mo

curious and th

mor spreads, t

ay to some nove

Most Holy Trini

ut about the sa

from the place

es himself to a

w him. "I betook

e says, "wishing

was my custom.

scholars flocke

house them, no

hem," such was

the attraction o

was advertised

et o

Champagne, i

ent in the dioces

non presents its

his history. "W

ys, "they began

and, leaving o

ey were content

pacious houses th

abernacles, and fo

ild herbs. Se

themselves: 'B

out after him!

d not hold even

then they were

ld it up with

ace his Paraclet

s conso

I need follow hi

h to illustrate t

the founder, or

the Parisian Sc

mentioned he i

eing about forty-

ey of St. Gilda

n. He had to s

int, directed aga

nt himself befo

the book which

is last two year

way to Rome. T

tal of the sick,

unal of the peni

He did not rea

acted what had gi

nd to have made

age of sixty-tw


s career, the c

miserably thrown

he famous wor

st, which are a

didi, operosè n

r lot

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