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Selections from the Prose Writings of John Henry Cardinal Newman

Chapter 8 No.8

Word Count: 14023    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

his devotio

leads me to dwell

e kindle at his

Saints, as the

, command indee

ersonal claim

have died in e

ccessful preache

rite upon St.

s, that he was el

ution? He is no

cred dogma with

an inspiration

in his romantic l

litariness, in hi

en, in his serie

and civil tyran

, does he remin

t his ground ob

nd fortified him

urt by the liv

ion. Nor is he

rature and philo

g the Church wi

ain, he is not

rs to one masterp

successive co

ology. Nor is he a

he can imitate

without dange

ethren. He has no

ten emperors, no

vice of God, nor

stendom, nor fou

up the framewor

ence of the Saint

ove David o

account for

as it might happ

ted time and toi

f his history, an

ve made an outl

iliar to me. C

ration for an

ur own comments

d acquaintance is

For me, I have

om, nor translat

re in his expos

oversy out of hi

s eloquence of a

o has ever so l

of Greece and

, nor cogency

sition, nor dept

constitute hi

influence, so my


Chrysostom's ch

thy and compas

not only in its

the lively regard

g that comes be

, whether as ma

ed with a natur

any religious

nt-could possibl

ve of the work

ould feel a ten

pring from devo

d not love every

the Creator lo

measure of gifts

on it, and pre?

But this is th

nd I am speaking

n common with ot

o himself; and t

e interest whic

far as God has

made them diff

k of the disc

h which he accepts e

and unlike other

ition of men, on

tion of good, be

or a higher, wh

hem; his eager c

they do, effec

works, as nati

ey are corrupte

that evil may

heir proper natu

ere material di

acter of guilt.

nd the genial t

d at all thin

tains; of the graph

them down upo

f the promptitu

calls them up

the course of h

s. Possessed tho

ine charity, he

not miss one vi

of human sentime

ous bush in the

wrapt it round, w


nscendent perf

reverently sup

r of all surveye

its minutest de

create such the

the word when

an to mold th

s infinite hands;

ith which he

innumerable birds

y the very hairs

s of our breath

ful contemplati

ssantly every on

s His mercies h

e intimate asso

ter. And we too

itate Him in ou

Himself and of

Him, not simply i

e personality, l

so, again, we

what they have

there could be

hat is peculiar to

warrant, therefor

l, becomes itse

t. John Chrys

ial pattern of t

may indeed be said

n of his own f

m,-for persons,

es, considered as

his good offices

ave a devotio

rvant benevolen

Scripture its ch


all others, of

comments the dir

before him is th

written Word.

e, not so much t

nd attributes;

nite teaching

eir drifts and motiv

eir circumstan

e loses the crea

ds the Creato

what the inspire

but, out of th

o the Infinite Bei

is most illustrat

attributes and so

ter, he will drop

ogether, and wil

the shadows of t

forever. Ac

will be of an obj

r who delights

an affairs, to

mind, and to con

is naturally dra

sacred writer him

lation, that is,

. Now, in the ins

o happens that l

l characteristic

ught up; so that

at all, he an

ethod; still,

expositors, b

St. Chrysostom w

t the method t


as I have said,

owing himself in

magining with e

mstances or sc

and of bringin

words as direct

s page is like t

hich represents

action of all th

scrutiny, with

they reveal th

he practices in

, living and de

dmires and thos

s as one who w

but kind eyes u

story; and hence

roduce about t

of his argume

he experience o

to overflowing

milk," of rich v

feeling. This i

rare and specia

enters into i

erever he meets w


rysostom, wri


ail me? Why bea

elf to the tyrann

eved because yo

l from Cucusus? Yet

you have effected

in attempting it.

your ill success; p

ake my race cour

ter. You ought to

this, viz., that I

matter, which far e

loneliness dis

be more pleasant th

, much leisure, ex

no market in the

s not affect me; for

s, flow in upon me

place, and my lord

iness to make me

Patricius will te

ness of mind, and

am passing my

report to his fr

e his expressio

towards them.

e President of


ce desolate in th

me so much by its

quiet and its lei

of harbor in thi

o recover breath a

d have availed mys

mained both of my

ich I have underg

ss, knowing well t

I can never forget

quelling those fur

ng to the utmost, a

ce me in securit

o, feeling the liveli

ord, for so great so



ed a desolate sp

, from the continu

brigands. You, ho

me into a paradis

dant zeal and cha

m (it does not at

rom you), I posse

in such affectio

e safest of cities,

which bears me

which I enjo

ne of the frie

he writes

l yourself that I

warmly attached a

t be hurt at my h

pressed out of th

ey did me; and if

been from no slight

in no need of th

of many others; f

ke yours, ardent fri

offers; and the s

m which I now ask

ll ask these thing

hey were my own

will show. Receive

fully; so that, if

nce, I may reckon

the above, I



ying? that your

dered you from vi

re present with

ained all this, no

f in this matter.

o vigorous, so cons

py. What I have

eclare again, that,

orted to a still m

d your matters I

ur warm and true c

pledges which leng

te; but, whether I

cherish that sam

lty and sincerity o

n my comfort hith


ht effort," he s

ergetic soul and

n from one who

ist. Every one

s to love since

ernatural love.

man who had str

and who went a


his heart every

e passionless s

igences, and who

m, and shared wi

c, and bore p

courges, stoning,

ng; yet he, whe

him in Christian

nd distracted a

city, in which he

hom he expect

e says, 'for the

pened to me in t

pirit, because

bidding them f


ho says this?

when fastened in

in a dungeon,

ge, did neverthe

er sacrifice, a

ich was seekin

arrived at Troas,

f weeds, and rea

full, and read

gs away the prof

y for it. 'So it

was possessed by

w, for Titus was

n me as to com

who have the

to be united i

sonal presence o

o this scholar of

hat so it is. '

reaved of you f

not in heart,

y to see your

would have come

once and again

or which cause

ght it good to

sent Timothy.'

ression! That fla

oul is manifest

He does not

you,' nor 'torn,

' but only 'ber

n period,' but me

'; and separate

e only'; again

antly to see y

ty so captivat

sight, you longe

fleshly counten

s: 'I am not as

ng all the chann

I desire to see

e tongue which

ecret feelings;

ceives words, an

e movements of

not content wit

ually sends to

who was more tha

ht it good to

e is divided fr

eft alone, thoug

s wit


tar and

Gentlemen, I

to the Turks, a

an I could hav

necessary, in or

em, that you shou

heir original con

history they are

lse; they are

cts Tartars even

something more t

d have had much

world. In that

e fortunes of At

swept over the f

human race, power

onstruct, and

is would have bee

regards the Tur

e resemblance or

s, in spite of t

day, still they,

he race, have

have been subm

with a long histor

fortunes of a

have gained th

ne enable a nat

date imper

t, when first t

scene of his

e from Tartars.

of Tartary, is

ich not only in t

tals. Gold is s

still more fertil

said to be the m

re have been i

orial, and at t

on the Roman Em

of the Christi

ng more than a

ers of the ore a

tribe. Suddenl

on after the fall

e, with the su

tars, we find t

st, and lords o

they were connec

at once with th

the Romans. Th

the North, the

ps even the mou

h. Here the

e of Tartars, plac

d Zingis; but in

as belonging to

contained withi

h it lasted for

d the political

it was not with

n Christendom,

assies with its

hen Greek Empe

70), with the v

alliance agains

of these embass

resents of the T

s clearly to id


n the mission t

which I have al

led between two

Khan, and they

king they might

e. Now we find i

sy, that, on its

Turks with fir

ch seems out of

is remarkable t

the Turkish cour

rles Fellows, in

sia Minor, in 18

to the festiva

s before him.

ented to the gre

tent, seated on a

ached and horse

Tartar wagon.

d at a banquet

f the day; and

, which was swee

sented to them

.[32] The next

nment in a stil

gs were of embro

ups, and the vase

, the pavilion,

pported on gilt

was raised on fo

entrance to t

sideboard, only

de of wagons, l

tues of solid s

scription-the si

e successively i

ments-remind us

Timour, 700


t. Modern, vol

en, of the Turk

it was the firs

ism to that degree

istorical badge.

ivilization, no

y, as (unless it

coming to an en

ose Turkish trib

iginal character

f the world, hav

qualifications fo

rom that which t

iliar to us. Wha

say presently; f

fortunately for

cimens existin

which were nev

education and ch

as they now exis

rkish nationali

ginal form, and a

n its close app

recollect I po

in the opening o

h the pastoral

en called, must

ations. They w

till they emerg

ys, and descen

nd of Tartary, a

of turning sou

lves of this ope

their next south

f the Caucasus a

Caspian. If they

t the top of th

. Thus in the e

you may recolle

the South as so

mselves between

a of Aral, whil

urthest West by

with this las

t here concerned

oduced themselv

] but with thos

re Asiatic, viz.

that to the wes

es have all desc

y one or other of

that those whic

of the Aral hav

nd gained polit

nded to the west

much what they

e go among us

the latter ar

.. At the ver

the Turcomans int

when their E

hern border of S

ous import had

eligion had ar

omet, announcing

was writing th

g the faith of t

alf the known w

rtes southward

re Mahomet had

t six years afte

egan the conque

course of 20 ye

at its very ext

re the last kin

e south, while

rom the north. Th

unfortunate pri

aracen; the Tu

; they had bee

e popular poet

heir arms. The

ayed him, mur

s with the Saracen

y strength of th

acenic and the T

ct in the region

e struggle was a

s; the Turks str

to the ocean,

k into their S

ght this issue

urks got the wo

thrown back up

e it ended again

e end of 90 yea

kish descent on

shed it to th

querors found it r

ts cities, Cari

re surrounded

a suburb of fields

cted by exterior

vated, and its

Europe. Its

at; the Saracens w

o million gold

e read, moreov

f the Turkish p

other, which she

okhara, as be

gold.[34] Such had

invaders, such

or adversity did

erity, as we

Magyars are not of the Turkish


r historians t

South threw the

hern solitudes;

se with some of

r passing the

but it is no ju

viewed as a whole

l nations pres

ility of characte

day are substant

uries ago. We

errun by the R

that the fanatic


the foreign yoke

onquerors, be

police, men of bu

ng their way up

into influence

ill in the Sara

ity in the Turks (

either cause), s

nature followe

uest of Sogdia

to a variety of a

obably were mad

ch they were s

e. Numbers had

nheriting the b

original inhabita

d simply unlear

hepherd. Others

heir conquerors,

xercised a mo

hem. Not all at

d after tribe,

ion, they succum

nd they embra

usiasm which F

meritoriously mani

n to Chri

s a very powe

of their nationa

in one particular

another, proper

r, it is that of

ordinary occasi

d, are nationall

most apathy of

ntly elements i

uld tend to cha

erament to t

dness, its doctrin

h it borrowed f

from the truths

pered by mediati

e attributes, of

n to come, wrou

rovement in the

e effect which

roduce among ou

e mode of opera

ligion that this

ribed by com

in his journal g

uliarity of thei

ttributes to Isl

difference betw

ety more stron

alks of life..

ample, will come

er his letters in

throughout th

re and self-pos

rdly believe th

w. After he has

es his seat amo

and without he

h may be addre

e verbal instru

trusted by his

of more import

s. Indeed, all th

te self-respect

tment, which dif

of a Hindusta

of an English cl

ntinues, "in Mah

l degree of gr

oy, who can but l

bibed this portio

ssing through a

l place their

e the usual gree

children of chie

r, and stoppin

door, utter the s

to draw all ey

, they marched

ng down upon th

took their seat

avity of grown-

s changed the

ss it has in othe

eir Tartar natu

military effor

ocial bond. It has

onsibility, has

d taught them a

e in it. But to

dequately to its

en, a research a

table to the his

ndertaken. I h

upon this top

question of the

ter to which th

iod subj

and the

on of a rich

zation, as I have

into the plea

diana; the Tur

tains and sunny

rcomans were

erts, yet they r

y remain barbar

t be borne in m

habitants of thei

d, nor were su

hey never had d

it; they were b

nment at Consta

hey never naturali

like gypsies in

mounted freeboo

tune tellers. It

thren in Sogdi

conquerors, the

t in possession a

they came into

Next, their polit

as in the case o

al surrender of

rst consequence

Huns, they inte

d there. We kno

rs and Turks

ey would avail t

e of polygamy to

the course of t

d arise of a mi

would marry

at the end of ni

find the great

ndsons of the w

Jaxartes, so diffe

eatures both o

would be recogn

At the end of t

an end, the

and of their cou

igration sout

which had never i

eir domination,


ary to have a cle

ssociation of th

to the Eastern

name of Empir

ical as of a na

, not of a syste

e well-organized

endent tribes,

owledging one


the identity of o

en jealous of ea

each other on

Each tribe made

could; one block

time; there we

there was a cont

own they came o

er their prey;

became partiall

ation arose, the

eping back their

s, if they could

a while: but cu

m; and so, in sp

wn they would

me, even after a

of their Empir

ld, to get what

ady to turn to

o struggle on an

into countries f

ght turn up, so

his was the pro

ere their fort

wn, prosperous

ill say for 7

e north was neve

ver ending run u

referring to

I have mentio

portant a beari

upon their subseq

in their physi

s to recommen

purposes of wa

ng any longer th

ns frightened t

remarkable, eve

when they had

diana only two

of their person

was the result

the Turks into

e. By this time

amascus to Bag

vince, and into

the reason I ha

ves, sometimes a

imes as merce

: at length they

Caliph, and ev

ace, to the comman

ships in the pr

ed Harun al Ras

ese troops in B

silently they

with the pomp

by means of th

which connected

Caliphs with a

re introduced

history for a h

do we suppose

mportation of ba

rishing empire

es or settlers i

would they, l

al to the power t

r is not diffic

introduction a

ource in the r

loy them was a

racenic power in

the Turkish w

gorous; the

difference of n

ks and the Sara

the present centu

he Romans; suc

ul and fallaciou

the present i

ture by likening

Greeks, and we k

he collision be

ians were poet

rs. The mathema

special subjects

observatories we

considered to

chemistry. Th

ough they are

hough certain of

etters, have neve

xercises of pur

an energy of

severance, and a p

hen had the qu

ng, in far greater

y were serving

s, carried the

arth with an unr

red success; bu

ce, did not last

rs. Rome grew

and its influe

h race battled

nd made its way

, for a good 100

ill at length it

nstantinople, an

. It has ended

onstantine; it

of the rulers of

ia and


, we have alre

and then in turn

the Turks; an

k and its reaction

spoken of the fo

urks, which for

ediately after

ddenly they re

urst into his a

murdered him, an

es. They got po

rial power, the

et, and procee

at their pleasu

ey had elevated,

ny as three. A

de these success

of their insults

em by the feet,

to the burning

, and left them

, however, the

efense of the Ca

e were brought

country, or ra

licy of the mome

and thus beca

ements of rev

traitors of thei

we shall presentl

a from T

were opening

their ascendanc

th century, whic

ear from histo

l along in progre

r great destiny

e was alread

ogdiana was one of

from his power.

s in Persia, filled

fices of the go

es which took p

visible advan

revolt of the C

a great kingdom

s around, exten

h was the nort

ost to the In

es of Georgia t

The dynasty thus

generations and

Then the succe

ne of his serva

able and exper

tances to rebelli

ul, and the who

ell into his ha

; and thus at

r in history,

a southern

igin of the ce

aznevides, so ca

uznee, the princ

o hundred yea

rned in it, becaus

Europe; but it

g been instrument

towards the W

monarch was

ostan, which b

e empire. In M

a prince of true

of Sultan or Sol

became the spec

s; as Khan is t

e Tartars, and

Saracens. I have

extent of hi

na, Carisme, Kho

alous Mussulman

champion, by his

his destructi

as no need, howe

stimulate him

amassed in the

ply sufficient.

amounted to twelv

ieges of a truly

rived at what

ing point of Tu

adually descend f

degree become a

they settled.

es in the beginni

have now come

. Four centurie

out of their de

educating the

ecessary for pla

orld. First the

horasan, and t

rs; they contin

es. They offered

had subdued t

ans of their ne

south; they lai

e supremacy in

wards through the

been admitted,

length at the

which they had

vides, drifted of

tribes of their

and filled up th

Turks was est

cond dynasty ar

their po

era at which I

f their fortune

nded down to K

it, they might h

est, as they cho

rn their forces

Hindostan, whom

d Afghanistan, o

ke their way thi

ia and its neigh

ch determined the


was a turning

her and more se

Khorasan, t

Mahometan faith.

g to praise a rel

need deny that i

eat improvement

o rule of righ

table judge, no

fixed dogma w

being of one God

faithfulness to

moral law, the c

e borrowed by Ma

steadfastly held

t taught much wh

ively important

ormal value and

profess it. He s

e religion of Go

een Christianit

st and the ext

rks, on adoptin

eaking of; they

est, and Satan

e their choice;

e circumstance

ves, not to Pa

happier lot in

mood than befel

in his wake

eastward and fou

own, and fought

the sandal doo

ol temple and hu

almost seemed

ries as the s

ven. The tribes w

aced westward,

nd fought against

were simply tools

a lie, and enem

e destroyed id

shrines. The o

cuting the Bride

all races the ve

he Church has e

. For 800 year

t Mahmood's to

nd for 800 years

an been

8 of our era

e date of the rise

dom is interested

before this date,

me of Seljuk, h

nce in Turkist

followers, and p

f Sogdiana. His

n the prince's co

amily to embra

f his creed, did n

o Sogdiana fro

at that time was

r several success

ned admission i

re he settled. A

ed the tardy ho

d shown him; fo

en, whom he had

ious enmity, and

and infidels, w

est of the devot

Mahomet, and a

e of it


es the Turks are

uddenly in the c

nd under three S

resound with t

pushed to the

he West they ha

of the Mediter

e taken Jerusale

In their long

sowing the see

ir short period o

uit of past labo

pire stood appar

a Turk showed hi

rce within its t

ed by the armies

o long in its pa

f Turcomans, to

e had shown th

e could rely on

rms, ever issui

and following i

f Western Asia

venth c

e second Sulta

to signify in

and the Caliph gav

on of Azzaddin,

as the distinct

pass from humbl

Greek Emperor.

the Greek provin

rmenia, along a l

as that he ha

acres of Christ

he penetrated t

tracted by the

the shrine of th

his arms agai

nquered the har

who at present gi

s. After this

captured the G

le with all th

hero of roman

ws, he called fo

rfumed his body

l, and dressed h

be slain in hi

ry, the captive

ht before him

im kiss the grou

his foot upon

e struck or patte

and gave him hi

nsom, hi

e Sultan was on

d seemed to have

m. Twelve hundr

e; two hundred t

his banner. As

he turned his ar


e related, had a

to have poured

na from the rac

had wrested i

had not advanc

met his death f

ismian chief h

being taken, wa

on. On hearing th

upon Alp Arslan

t his generals i

g his aim, recei

n his breast.

before us that gr

r, of which we h

n Mahmood. F

has left on reco

n my youth," h

ge to humble my

n strength, and n

mptible foe. I

nd my neglect ha

erday, as from

rs, the discipli

earth seemed to

aid in my heart,

e world, the g

warriors. Thes

and, in the c

, I now fall by t

n his tomb w

ived in a similar

ory of Alp Arsla

to Maru, and y

t." [37] Alp Arsl

al qualities bot

brave and libera

stant in his pra

, it is added

t his gifts avai


s in the histor

here is found fir

he greatest glori

reverse is beg

ance, in the h

to which I ha

nificent is at

ries of great Su

house of Seljuk.

, the third sover

d, is represente

ht and perfect, t

e not reading th

nage. He came

seventeen; he was

ished both in

courageous, pio

himself eve

his empire than i

; he reduced th

ghroads, bridge

al mosque at Ba

wed a college.

poetry, and h

vided marts for


helpless and t

ls and cisterns

of pilgrimage t

nd distributed


y respect a gr

nquests across

of China. He

ia and the Holy

s said to have

ons twelve time

tually gave aw

ries great prin

territories in

against Constan

re conquests; a

allotted to th

Western Asia,

to th

ness has its te

is great Sultan'

extinction; and

r, the earlier d

twenty years

ld, when he was lift

his end. He

sassin his faithfu

who for thirty

efactor of the

from the Caliph


faithful," unsa

is own throne i

mpotent super

. He demanded th

Greek Emperor,

ew days, and

out hunting,

in was opened, a

rning fever to

er the murder of

fore the day whe

n removed f

reatness at the

ent; but as to t

spect even of his

ed here or els

k of him or his

y take me, Gent

w of the Turkish

o the determinati

storians and poe

Malek; but what

has said that w

rnerstone shal

shall fall, shall

ng at this Su

ns of human po

arvelous; but t

m formed in the

miration roused

e chivalry o

here one, the di

e poor of Chri

Church, who f

er, in the fullne

ed narrowly wha

les from him, a

the future age;

was in the eve

tian world, sho

of the danger,

asures for aver

touched the

d the Archipelag

nounced him bef

f, St. Gregory th

hrone of the Ap

in one of the s

ever sustained,

er, but against

time when his ve

esent responsib

would fancy he

regory was able

tion of a contin

ast. In a letter

lek Shah, he su

inst the misbeli

out. He assure

he was address

ady for the holy

led in person.

r 1

most melanchol

pe of the state

rude Turcoman

eople insulted t

n; they dragged

the pavement, a

opes of a ranso

e the Latin Mass

surrection. As t

country throug

age when the sea

was a scene of f


ted by their suf

nated them by d

to kiss the H

said that the

that they were

ture of men and

sion of the Hol

y is a proof of

a very intricate

that, if the trib

ip of the house of

the West in t

ry; if in fort

Khorasan to Je

of Constantin

were threatenin

nd if, for that

drive them bac

it were a wort

ue Europe from t

anxious minds

were the Crusad

this object was f

urks were hurle

roken up, by the

lieutenant of

ished as Sultan

by the Turks),

here his dynast

indled away. A s

use of Seljuk i

internal quarr

s weakness. Su

was its fall;

g on the Turkish

o?perated effec

finished the

ot protected fr

ntinople was sa

urity, for three

Present of

ear, that, if my

ect, the Turkish

zed, and is a b

lives withou

oes but reflect t

ances in which h

es with the

heir change is s

was just before

ndition is unl

is urged by ap

h and inactivit

as done nothing,

nd it. And what

whole generati

h is the genera

ation can say w

made the state o

trogression ther

o sort of mater


oints, as I may

Turks, as drawn

hem. I shall p


Volney, men of n

reasons preferab

of the pres

ays Mr. Thornt

eir shortcoming

hem, "the Turk

cast ... patie

le of enduring th

much inclined

y prefer apathy

ments; but w

they sometimes i

e Turk," he say

ease on the bank

the stream

tion on the pa

future. His life

everie. To his

pears occupied in

very custom inv

ject inspire

ir delight is to re

of trees, and

on, lulled by the

e murmuring of

their pipe a ge

easures, the h

are equally wi

n or the p

oborates this

" he says, "is s

; they rarely

rench appears t

n they speak,

hout gestures and

hout interrupti

e days together

themselves o

ey walk, it is alwa

They have n

vity, and our wa

musement. Cont

days smoking,

pes in their mout

ng their attit

a contrast to t

e English travel

seeing some Tur

says, "English

d the Turks the

e ever seen.

otion on a journey

culation of his

Turk on his, i

e of the miseries

rest is as muc

ned to his rock,

m; the other

ion tied to his eve

by's Visi

barian, when rou

erent being fr

Turk," says Mr

cid, hypoch

t, when the custo

uffled, his pas

ntrollable. The

all the ungover

all ties, all a

al obligations,

is rage subsides

y a writer of th

as no resembla

is carpet. He

plays a dexter

be capable of

s the Turks; an

ich they are ac

the violent exe

their ancesto

eir horses or th

he plains from m

successive ph

ported by travel


ts the inconsi

er of the Turks,

contradictory q

d pusillanimo

lute and incons

idiously abste

indulgent. The gr

mble, arrogant

d." [39] What is

t we find th

ll's Ge

ese distinct mo

they will leav

emselves on the m

traveler find

repose and serenit

ind them so diffe

e admires and

nst the preju

the European wor

, tender to the

dren of a Tartar

self-possessed a

ociable with eac

e. It is true; t

the desert, and

reside cat. Our t

nd seems to for

highest of the f

e lion, the m

ty alternates wi

e elevated. Oth

ve their innoc

the classical poe

choo islanders


Charles Fellow

the natural ex

ressive they ar

s seems to all

er of the Turks,

think so highl

ot given me the s

he development

refinement is

is little cultiv

them." This ad

and brings us

erve, they were in

cal existence w

mong them, and

as follows: "Th

re heavy in their

both in taste

oration, and des

re not decorat

bject is to enlive

forbids them ev

re, or engraving;

mong them. The

d know of no

one note like tha

in a great measur

ation of note. T

edicine or surg

anatomy. As t

croscope, the ele

as playthings.

lly employed in

purposes thorou

tronomy, geogr

known, or pra

ploded principles

inal codes of

fixed in t

ome of Junius

tine, 800 years

lities there was

and the end w

Turks, except tha

political union

when they cross

at the time of To

so took place;

1054, to Anth

nstantinople, ei

ous deadness and

s passed in Ch

ess: yet China h

ation, and Greece

ich they respect

p; but the Turk

s than infancy o

general knowledg

that, if they

et of science i

not likely to se

ne hun

n the last quarte

een made by th

to innovate o

people; and it ha

tance to certain

must take it for

hanges as were ea

small matters s

s for hope of

important and

the details of d

anners, the T

Europeans: so d

ferent, that the

rom some differ

his dissimili

pervades the whol

, even in thi

almost to indicat


others, you mu

m; no one liste

hristian natio

ers, because th

to learn, and do

them, so that he

at Christiani

h imitated it, has

rsal rule, an

wers and lessons, f

ine wisdom, and

it has carefull

ression) agains

any point which

n research or th

has taken those

the human mind,

ably exercise it

as confined its r

logy, only indir

tments of know

h accidentally a

n equally rema

ntroduction of t

constitution or a

m it abhors; it

edly ignore the

and warn us tha

t; while its su

his great princip

d inscrutable, a

ntry to country,

Such, then, it

and such, too, as

s of his own, a

into the world,

hich preceded it

to whom they

ws of a very di

s, relying on t

and temporally

into the error of

earth was reserv

eir own race,

he reverses which

me an imperi

t is presented

s of a univers

race are indelib

or a Greek a J

e; according to t

as a nation,

ll other nation

ubject. What w

here is nothin

n birth, for this

ocable; it can n

it not, nor t

. The Almighty

doing; He can

ek poet says th

le to Him-to u

throwing the

ders on the pro

n why the idea

so dangerous t

of inalienable s

rd Roman and Gr

ineffable arrog

are accustomed

stians as their

possesses them, t

e not, is obvio

which nationa

r own faith, ther

mselves and the

eing in the whol

ir religion to

mselves, and, d

ery level, as if

ccessions to

ive, and they ar

uty to promote

f any one, now

t some day be a

unce of themsel

thin, they may

e, the Divine p

inculcated by C

lation of the

even there it is

tween man and m

t as to subjec

e here it does

, it has in fact n

sciple's contemp

him from his

defers to the s

of those, if

s to Christianit

gress on all mat

hich the Creator

by revealing it;

to learn, in tho

those who can

Christianity, ev

ating its positi

n of civili

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