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Stories of Comedy


Word Count: 1746    |    Released on: 06/12/2017


and shut, that book upon P'litical Econimy lifts the pins! Well, well, if they wait till they persuade me that taking a man's rints out ov the counthry, and spinding them in forrain parts isn't doing us out ov the same, they'll wait a long time in truth. But you're waiting, I see, to hear how his Riv'rence and his Holiness got on after finishing the disputation I was telling you of. Well, you see, my dear, when the Pope found he couldn't

hemselves," says he, "and if Belzhebub takes anything amiss that aither you or me says in regard ov himself or his faction, let him stand forrid like a man, and never fear, I'll give him his answer.

itatis salutem

joke, I tell you, to remimber sich a power ov larning). "Here's to you wid the sam

ia et animositate," says he, as much as to say, "Wid all the veins ov my he

ne est liquor admirab

-says his Riv'rence, forgetting the idy

ine," says the Pope, finding

Riv'rence, "nam multum laboro in partibus interioribus," s

" says the Pope, axin

è vocamus a looking-gla

wid a looking-glass in undher the lid-"Subther operculum pyxidis hujus starnutatorii-no-starnutatori?-quam dono accepi ab Arch-duce Austhriaco

ccusatives for yes!-"nam mane speculum sonat," says he, "post prandium vero mat-mat-mat-sorra be in me but I disremimber the classic appellivation ov the same article. Howandiver, his Riv'rence went on explaining himself in

inavisses meam pyxidem, excimnicari debuisses-Hillo, Antho

off his sate,-"you spoke first in the vernacula

ee himself bate thataway at his own waypons. "Sure," says he, "Anthony wou

says he, "I'll let you off for this time! but mind now, afther I say pr?

At last, says the Pope,-the blessed man, only think how 'cute it was ov him!-"Domine Maguire," says he, "valce desidher

I tell you, could carry sich a car-load ov the dead langidges.) "In agro vero Louthiano et Midensi," says he, "nomine gaudent quodam secundum linguam Anglicanam significante bombardam seu tormentum; quia ex eis tanquam ex telis jaculatoriis liquorem facibus immittere s

ing his hands,-"leporem te fecisti"; as much

t's himself that was handy ever and always at getting out ov a hobble,-"da

he Pope very sharp, "q

nce, "id flagellat mundum! Dand?us dixi, et tu dicis dandy; e

e forgetting himself, he was so mad

ng him a liar; and, in troth, it's very well it was in Latin the offence was conveyed, for, if it had been in the vernacular, there's no sayi

e, "quomodo audacitatem habeas, me Dei i

cumcirca," say

us meis," sa

m crucem," says

bo te," sa

rat," says h

sis," says

going to say, the Pope broke out into the vernacular, "Get out o' my house, you reprob

ggravate you,-all's fair, you know, in love, law, and conthravarsy. In troth if I'd thought you'd have taken it so much to heart, I'd have put my head into the fire afore I'd have said a word to offend you," says he, for he seen that the Pope was very vexed. "Sure, God forbid, that I'

hat it is in fun you

as all to provoke your Holiness to commit a brache ov th

you take sich small liberties again, or maybe y

sartan preparation ov chymicals that's very good f

indignation. "What's that?" says he, "for 'pon my Epistolical 'davy, I think it 'udn't be asy to bate this miraculous mixthir th

rious operation: but we're now arrived at a pariod ov the evening when it's time to proceed

nt; but I'll tell you the

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