The Victories of Love
smile at y
ed, my Cous
all nurser
t badly ta
rgotten Cha
e in the p
y, and her
o made on th
e blue, the
to their fa
kiss her i
nd all the
of my sic
yet had I
if the sign
Spring has
ranch all tu
a leaf is
of life pr
ill then an
orth nought
: life was
holly good
just, with
yself no le
n the lone
slightest ge
t one so fa
rved that
e weak towar
nnested black
he gadding
my flung c
e hollyhoc
rapp'd with h
honey slai
things even
the unfenced
that which
r doing, a
for his son
m innumer
stars that thr
sad summit
weep for h
to triumph
of every ch
ould come i
s; howsoe'
ition or
, or perso
g neutral
e live, el
aspect, an
and stones w
of joy a
t apocal
nd obscur
re any mo
or these sigh
th its auda
certed hea
monies and
agems in
t kiss her
strange that
, forecastin
they desi
in their p
ditches two
e fair place
ooing; but
roach thy pl
when it flush
n me such wo
in men and
with vanit
oud, 'I lov
to mysel
s in my
enly, I s
nd bound with sh
e furious
ty upon
s buzzing t
me, the bon
ill'd me throu
yond aught he
dream mysel
n slip of wi
ley Wood on
home from h
I as I we
arms to the s
lastic sod
, love her!
e words came
ow, when I
t always d
hile of the
me in that
fade, with
he sunset d
he rapture a
, their o
ch, having
and perfec
dainty o
, poignan
es that exc
s which the wo
hese lure it
with a wi
te, whom we
ut by her r
e less than lo
still by f
e is a D
his high e
merit; or
ladies call
of their be
one who sit
lse, yet o
o come int
y Cousins,
oved becaus
lse this gra
ight from la
y; Heaven i
rough the shower
f Earth, ye
's thoughts o
noria, Heav
ty in her
irl! With w
rst with her s
es, to such
seems to m
st and the
cheek which
as a mere v
heart; love
like the
Vestals' T
he image
ff with no
subtly ski
e pride, and
an per
common sor
ch homely s
brightly li
d love her!
he common m
ge of what'
tue gail
er silken
than all
old, sweet,
e master o
feel at rest
ooks on boar
hence, all
y pleasures
ou know, to
e up for sc
ase; and this
hurchill tho
, which I f
gap I some
happy li
friends; and s
he space fro