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The Manatitlans


Word Count: 1562    |    Released on: 17/11/2017

ied with its full allotment of wood. This was accomplished with a despatch that betokened an earnest desire to resume their yesterday's toil in the sands. The capta

study of an artist, but unfortunately our own was too much engrossed with interest to heed the rare advantages of the absurd comicalities of selfishness. In truth all were so moved by an acquisitive spirit

n store, which removed all the barriers of distinction bred by the pride of birth and station from the standard of laboring vocation, inasmuch as they debarred 20in exchange kindly equality in reciprocation. Unusual alacrity and kindliness of feeling had been observed in "putting" the vessel to rights by the hands, whi

with a sharp squall we kept our eyes well to the wind'ard, for you see on this river with cannibals on the lookout and no vessels there was no chance of skulking on shore for a down-river craft. To be sure, we soon found that we were out and wide in our calculations, so when brought to our bearings we began to take kindly to the lay of our watches in scrubbing and wooding, as there was no hand-spike snubbing or sq

the question to the others and they took the bearings at 21once; so you see that we've concluded th

to the men, Jack, with the advice of Bill, objected that the most important persons had been left out, which in their opinion were the vessel and captain. As this amended consideration met with general approval, it was adopted. Then Antonio, the steward, said, that the men for'ard, from being accustomed to work, had gathered so much more in proportion than those aft, he would propose to "lump" the whole for an equal division, after one fifth had been deducted for the vessel's and captain's share. This was acted upon, notwithstanding the captain's protest that all should share alike. The division accomplished, there was a hearty shaking of hands that opened a sympathetic current of reciprocation void of selfish envy, which as an omen heralded a happy result for their adventurous voyage. After the parties to this happy arbitration had resumed their usual avocations, 22Jack and Bill-to whom had been assigned the duty of "freshening up" the trimmings of cap

e, so truthful in expression. Probably during their long term of service they had never felt a like cause, foreign to themselves, for the revival of emotions so nearly allied to affectionate reciprocation; for it was evident that the gold of itself occupied a minor impression in the ruling of their thoughts. Indeed, in the after detached rehearsal of their sea-faring experience, they declared that a glass of grog was the only compensation the

ation to his crew, who offered daily sacrifice of labor for kindly propitiation, whi

ent desire for pitying sympathy that Antonio volunteered his tonsorial service as an initiatory introduction to civilized habits. This act won the young savage's first love; while it added another count to the special hatreds of the old, who bestowed upon Antonio a toothful longing to re

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