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The Manatitlans


Word Count: 3552    |    Released on: 17/11/2017

of Padre Simon, who ministered to their relief after depositing with his traps his godsend, which he averred came from the source of their misfortunes. His arm warned him to be cauti

s he forced his sheath knife between the back teeth of the cannibal with a delicacy peculiar to the tar when called upon to repel boarders; working the blade, with a prying motion, hither and thither with the edge directed toward the ear the backward capacity of the mouth was insensibly enlarged, which produced a diminution of muscular tenacity and consequent release of the padre's arm. His release was not effected until the teeth of the savage had penetrated through his linen coat and sleeve of his shirt, inflicting bruised punctures beneath the skin sufficient for the absorption of virus. The general consternation was greatly increased by the exultant gleams darted from the eyes of the bleeding savage. Dr. Baāhar had just prescribed whiskey to be taken in copious draughts for ad deliquium effect, which the padre, with a sense of relief, said he had premised, when the young savage attracted attention by pantomimic gesticulation, at the same time producing from his mouth a small sac of an acorn's size and shape. From the pleased honesty of his expression and the scowls of the old savage, it was apparent that it contained an antidote for the poison. Aabrawa having caught some familiar wor

standing of a judge without knowledge sufficient for the condemnat

ow them," replied the padre

without strenuous efforts on the part of the subject for revengeful retaliation. Beneath his tongue they found two sacs, or bladders of the river whiting, attached to the cuspid teeth, which by the tongue's pressure could be made to eject their contents into wounds inflicted with the sharpened teeth, which were pointed like fangs, verifying the padre's estimate of his reptile instin

. The savage chief having, in the thoughtless zeal of the two sailors,-bred from automatic education on board of a "man of war,"-received gratuitous injury, they lost caste in the captain's favor, which caused them to "overhaul" their thoughts for a restorative. Bill sagely remarked that "What's done's done, but now we see the drift to smooth water we must kedge for the current and a fair wind; so we must try to make the old shark as comfortable as we can." This opinion meeting with the hearty approval of his mate, they at once "set about" rectifying the effects of their brutality, without fully realizing in thought the extent of their own culpabilit

nd that his name with his own tribe was Waantha. To all the trial changes in the process of clothing him, Waantha submitted with unmistakable evidences of gratification; and when fully dressed to the satisfaction of his impromptu guardians he was escorted by Antonio and the sailors aft for the captain's inspection and approval. The pleasing expression of his joyfully bewildered face won the kindly confidence of all, and he was voted his liberty. When asked by the captain if he would like to be em

s, or like inimical foes, he could detect the intruding species with unerring certainty while distant to the utmost reach of the eye. Early in the afternoon a flight of parrots rose over a distant headland, settling again in the same place; this was repeated frequently with upward impetuosity, which with irregularity in rise and descent indicated some vengeful cause. In explanation, Mr. Dow said, "You will find on rounding the headland a settlement of Brazilian apes, of a different species from any you have yet seen, also in the neighborhood a plantation of sugar bananas. These the natives believe the apes plant, as the spot selected is always adapted in a special

eamer's approach, we were admiring the high order of architecture displayed in the arrangement of their habitations, at the same time questioning with wonder their unnatural desertion despite the prevailing curiosity of the species in the presence of mankind, when 31a guttural challenge was re?choed from hundreds of mouths in answer to our query. In a moment the branches above were alive with the hosts we had excluded from our reckoning, who in chattering response tendered us the hospitalities of their aerial city in a shower of cocoanuts, stones, clubs, and other missiles rank with the "reverence" of ordure, prostrating three of our number outright, while they bewrayed all with an unendurable odor, that would have rendered the stink-pots of ancient Greece worthy of being esteemed pouncet-boxes for relief. These tokens of high admiration, designed for the distinguished reception of allied humanity, were accompanied with a jabbering outburst which could only be likened to an explosion of Chinese tongues. To save ourselves was impossible, for in a moment after they had discharged their weapons, pendant from every branch above was an ape ready to fall upon us. At this threatened juncture, when our lives depended upon the drop, the screech of the steam-whistle saved us. Some of our late assailants, paralyzed with the fearful shriek, dropped nerveless to the ground; others upon us, and clinging to our persons grinned beseechingly for protection. But the majority swung themselves from limb to limb in wild panic, disappearing over the brow of the hill. Without waiting to test the permanency of their fears, or courage for a rally, we shook off our personal attachments, and assisted the wounded on board, under cover of the still sounding whistle. In candor I must confess that our reception by those who remained on board ill accor

seen in the tree tops above their habitations, in which position

atly increased, giving indication of an upward incline to a more elevated plateau. Open glades reaching to the river are now of frequent occur

aptist when in a similar position, exhorting him to do his duty fearlessly, as the act of consummating the conversion of a heathen would be esteemed a meritorious service by the most bigoted of the sects. The padre still urged, "He does not understand our language, and consequently the effect of redeeming grace necessary for the consecrational rites of Christian adoption fulfilled by baptism." Mr. Welson said, he need have no scruples on that score, for Xavier, Ricci, and other missionary apostles of the Church boast, each, of the baptism of five thousand and more heathen Chinese in less than a month after their arrival in the country, and without being able to communicate with their catechumens by the aid of interpretation. Having a strong reverence for the opinion of Mr. Welson, he reluctantly consented to officiate. Antonio standing as 34godfather, he was christened "Tortuga Waantha." Scenes of

inclinations. Meeting unexpectedly with his old friend Dow at Santa Anna, he eagerly seconded the exploring adventure of the Pilcomayo, from the prospective novelty it offered for the cultivation of his humorous studies. In addition to the incompatible whimsies of scientific association, the questionable reports

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