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The Manatitlans


Word Count: 5082    |    Released on: 17/11/2017

shore. Food and clothes for raiment were bestowed in hampers and bales, by the Kyronese, in quantity sufficient for the easy carriage of the mules; while Ca

fest by extending and contracting the sheath muscles of the claws, the falcon unconsciously closed its talons upon the wrist of its mistress, causing her to utter, with the painful punctures, "Soh, soh, Merlin, mon brachiale!" Captain Greenwood, observing the flow of blood from her wrist, quickly supplied her with a pair of gauntlets. Merlin, when again restored to her wrist, seemed to understand the intention 84of the buckskin proviso, for he used his talons in the expressive ruffling and extending of his wings; succeeding with his coquetry in attracting her attention from the train of meditation

iation the involumed supplication "Will-you-come-to-us-if-we-are-successful? We-are-happy-among-ourselves,-and-if-you-love-happiness-as-we-enjoy-it-in-our-si

her thoughts in English, and with such clearness his most coveted desire, in terms so agreeable to his perception of

of joyful animation, exclaimed, "I-am-certain-you-feel-that-my-happiness-depends-upon-the-consummation-of-ou

ls where they exchanged their last farewell signals with those left under Tortugan protection. On the fifth day after their departure from the anchorage of the Tortuga, the train had gained t

he greatest activity. While Captain Dow reconnoitred with his glass the descent for a point of advantage for their reception, his two cannoniers prepared the howitzer charges for immediate action. Fortunately they were able to reach a comparatively level plat that offered for their t

They commenced their approach with feats of equitation that would have delighted a circus audience, seemingly determined to entertain us to the death. Indeed, their evolutions, which were timed to a war song and dance with a display of acrobatic agility as they advanced at a gallop, attracted our admiration. When within six or seven hundred yards they came to a sudden halt, then after a short "palaver" they reformed in sections, which commenced an involved circle dance, the horses performing their parts without prompting from bridle or lash. The object of the entertainment was soon apparent in the narrowing space between the outer circle and our rubble stone wall. Jack, although amused with the nearing foes' tactics, nursed the fuse fire of his linstock with watchful care, Bill keeping the howitzer in range with their rising advance to the point intended for the discharge of their spears. While yet without the bounds of their spears' range, quick as thought the whole band were in full career toward our cover, the foremost launching their spears

low them to attain their intention of securing, with the impetus of onset, an effective range for their weapons, she had risen to caution Captain Dow, when in the act a spear grazed her shoulder inflicting a flesh wound. This had been im

n the act of revolving a quid from side to side of his mouth, replied: "To be sure it was sum'u

he human obstructions, he requested permission to remain with the elder matrons that they might bestow some relief upon the suffering until their companions recovered from their panic, promising to overtake them before they encamped for the night. Although the objects of his delay received but little sympathy from the members of the corps, and its male adjuncts, they could not refuse the request, but insisted that he should retain a sufficient number of his men as a guard for their safety. When the moon rose we had

tly located upon knolls surrounded with banana, corn, and vegetable plantations. One of the largest we entered, but found it deserted; there were, however, abundant evidences of its recent occupation. Finding 89an abundant supply of roasted corn, dried f

her consistent or prudent to leave your enemies the means of prosecuting their unrelenting siege of Heraclea." The mayorong, with sad deprecation, pleaded that acts of revengeful destruction would only enrage, and in naught avail the beleaguered; as they would increase the inveteracy of hatred, with justice, against the white race, that so not only the lives and peaceful happiness of the Heracleans would be sacrificed, but others with like kindly intentions. For in making others suffer needlessly, we cannot hope through futile intimidation to be spared ourselves, if an opportunity for revengeful reprisal should occur? This half soliloquized questioning appeal of the mayorong, seemed to be addressed to all, and from the impression conveyed by his intonations in speaking, its

on either hand extending as far as the eye could reach. Paved roads or causeways followed the windings of the river and canals through all the alluvial districts. These were of easy detection from the checkered overgrowth of brambled weeds, which ever delight to erect their prickly domes and spires above the ruins of palaces, churches, monumental tombs, and the most splendid mechanical achievements of man, as if in derision of his instinctive claims to immortality, after a life spent in arrogant oppressions, and thorny assumptions, opposed to the kindred sympathy of reciprocal goodness. While the Kyr

is a speciality of women who have suffered in reputation from its taint, and in turn, to conceal their own frailties, use it as an imperative means of counter irritation to blind the censure of their kind. Illustrative examples of savage and civilized superstition, compared by an experiment upon savage and civilized representatives of the human family. Both submissive to instinctive fear. The savage is dubbed a knight with the collar and conferred order of Bath. His departure, after the ceremony of consecration, in pursuit of adventures. 92Reptile duel between a Boisdean serpent and an Alligator. Instinctive tactics of displayed strategy. Guacho "sympathy" enlisted for the weaker party. Reverse. Result of civilized arbitration. Correliana readily interpreted the satirical import of Mr. Welson's comprehensive method of illustration; but questioned if the women of

e recognition had been made by Jack and Bill, who waved aloft, from their gun carriage, bunches of bananas, all turned with thankful expression to the mayorong, who had so earnestly advocated the conciliatory means adopted, so that he was fain to have recourse to his animal charges to conceal his emotions

nt? Her slow enunciation of English gave Jack time to work up his "reckoning" for an answer, which he gave with the blush of shamefacedness peculiar to the British sailor when accosted by a "lady," deepened by the reminder, that to his sensitiveness implied the "white feather." "You see, your ladyshi

ave averted the course of the spear. But when assured that she was out of their range when she received the wound, the

ply of provisions being accommodated to our means of transportation, we could not gratify the desire that prompted the acceptance of 94their overtures. Evidently interpreting the cause, we found upon rounding a hill in advance a herd of cows panniered with bunches of bananas, plantains, and other edibles waiting for our a

dowed with relict growths of trees, whose ancestry had probably "ennobled" it with shade as an avenue of recreation for the citizens. Reaching the headland of the city esplanade, its level was gained by a zigzag ascent of the same breadth with its connecting avenue, its gradations being easy and of curious construction. 95Gaining the esplanade we were surprised to find its dimensions so extensive, as from below we scarcely conceived its plain would exceed an acre in area, whereas in reality it afforded a promenade that appeared to approach in length and breadth a half of a mile. As in the avenue below, the remains of parapet seats, and protected spaces for trees, were everywhere apparent. Entering from the esplanade, which extended in narrowed proportion to the gateway, through the single broad street of the first walled inclosure built for its protection, we passed to the fora, around which were the houses of those preferred to its distinctive advantages from the ruling qualifications reverenced, as godlike, from the fluent flow of speech. Built in an amphitheatre its walled defense could be made certain

ble as a permanent place of residence for the guard of growing crops; but was naturally adapted for the indulgence of luxurious ease in a revoltful country, as its walls inclosed sufficient arable land for the support of a limited number of inhabitants, while its natural and artificial aids for defense rendered it impregnable against aboriginal weapons, without taxing the energies of the citizens. Our introductory

ether he would prefer to seal the fruition of his hopes with slaughter, or the more lasting effect that would be insured by arousing their superstitious fears. Although urgently impatient of any delay to the full realization of his historical source of fame, his respect for the pungent elements of his questioner's resources caused him to offer his willing acquiescence if an effectual plan could be suggested for insuring their dispersion. Correliana asked the sailors through Mr. Welson if they could not think of some way to frighten the Indians without injury, as she could not bear the thought of exposing to death and mutilation the husbands, fathers and brothers of the women who had bestowed so gratefully of their means for the relief of those who were descended from their oppressors. After the two sailors had "put their heads together to overhaul their locker

y the projectors, but it exploded before it had accomplished half of its intended distance, seemingly in the very midst of the concealed foe, for the grove became swayingly alive from the panic imparted to

y of Mr. Dow, and the patronizing sagery of Dr. Baāhar, relaxed under the beneficent influence imparted from their ministering attentions. When the pr?tor and tribunes requested an introduction to the patriarch of the Kyronese, his absence was first noticed by the members of the corps, Correliana, and his granddaughters; when in the act of apologizing for his absence and the elder matrons, they were seen issuing from the temple grove; with their welcome the gates were closed and the sailors placed in charge. Then the Heracleans were placed upon the sillias of the horses 99and mules,-notwithstanding their earnest protests of ability to walk,-while each, as they proceeded up the avenue of the latifundium, was attended with the sympathetic support of the Kyronese and members of the corps. At the oppidum

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