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The Manatitlans


Word Count: 2938    |    Released on: 17/11/2017

use of whiskey with the thoughtless lack of consideration that fosters habits of indulgence and self-imposed penalties. In verification of the advanced statement, that artificial stimulat

owledge, Mr. Welson, that the Jesuit fathers have done much good, for of all nations and sects t

the extension of its power for enforcing the control of a hypocritical despotism; the real welfare of the heathen converts being held as a blind of nominal consideration. Indeed, the Jesuitical

conscience, 36Mr. Welson, I am afraid

r the preservation of secrecy and the effectual working of the instrument. With the aid of the two sailors, the wires were passed out of the port and run unobserved outside of the bulwarks, and so arranged that the old savage could not escape the full force of the electrical shock. When completed, the connection of the circuit was tried in the absence of persons from the neighborhood of the intended victim. The result was a prolonged yell, that not only surprised the uninitiated on board, but brought inquiring heads forth from ambush on shore. To the wonder and alarm of all on board excluded from a participation in the secret, the old savage was found writhing in an agony of fear entirely bereft of stoicism. Various explanations were suggested to account for the startling phenomena. The padre admonished Mr. Welson that it was, without doubt, the working of the spirit of repentant regeneration, as 37the Fathers had record

ive he commanded the padre to take the chief's hands. Overawed by the majestic impersonation of sublime authority enacted by Mr. Welson, the two joined hands, both keeping their eyes fastened in blank wonder upon his face and movements. The conjuration having fixed their attention, he pronounced in a loud voice the magic word "Letonnow!" Immediately the two commenced a series of contortionate grimaces, directed toward each other, accompanied with spasmodic hand-jerking. The actors were so engrossed with their fears that the spectators were fain to have recourse to a variety of succedaneum vents to suppress the outburst of laughter, the sailors adopting the novel expedient of revolving their quids around the tips of their tongues, which ejected a jet of saturated decoction from the corners of their mouths with every revolution. But for Mr. Welson's practiced command of his emotions, subject to the control of judgment, the ludicrous scene might have been continued to the extent of injury, for his associates were, from spasmodic action, to all intents speechless. When at length the larger fraction of a minute had been exhausted in husky attempts to command his voice, he managed to stay proceedings with a sign evoked from head and hand, faintly sustained with a vocal negative. When the current was checked the last vestige of ferocity had departe

ou 40confound me with astonishment. Time, place, and circumstances, with certain abetting aids, have thrown you off your guard." A shake of Mr. Welson's head prevented Mr. Dow from revealing the means employed, as he wished to confound the padre with further evidences of his simplicity and heedlessness. Beckoning the sailor satellites of the savage, he was led back to his place of confinement, and secured in contact with the wires of the battery; then, when the padre's attention was otherwise engaged, a glass of whiskey from his bottle was administered by Mr. Welson to his experimental victim. But a short time had elapsed when attention was called to an unusual disturbance forward, in which the fierce snarling growl of the dogs was commingled with the guttu

fall the dogs with their muzzles primed over the chocks kept up a warning cry. Waantha with a crutch, the gift of the carpenter, hopped about the deck with eyes on the alert, and ears primed for sounds from the water and shore. Through the night his vigilance was sustained, until in the darkness of the morning hours he aroused Jack's attention to floating objects on the

me imitating the movements of a man decoy. Understanding his meaning, Mr. Dow took his rifle from the rack and sped a bullet with sure aim; the unfortunate bird extended above the surface a black pair of arms, then with a gurgling cry sunk out of sight. Flocks of ducks which had been gradually nearing the steamer on all sides made for the shore without taking wing, showin

in passing a raft lodged on the eastern shore Waantha pointed out a rampart of logs ready poised for an overthrow, with interstices between in which were seen the protruding muzzles of their blow-pipes. One of the mountain howitzers loaded with solid shot was discharged point-blank against the upper tier causing it to fall inward, catching the lurking savages in their own trap, while it exposed those in the rear to the full effect of grape and our small arms, which caused

of substitution, Mr. Welson asked, through Aabrawa, if they would kill the old chief if set on shore? This was answered with a decided negative, and the pantomimic addenda of labor as a substitute for death. As the captive was sufficiently recovered from his wounds to control his own movements, Mr. Welson took him in charge for initiatory preparation in presage for association with his foes on shore. That it might not, in form, be considered an arbitrary expedient for riddance, after Mr. Parry had fitted to his neck a brass collar, proof to Indian appliances for removal, he was freed from his bonds under the supervi

reciprocation in kind, from the two extremes of cultivated progression, offered absolute evidence of a common 44origin and source of provocation, the variations in expression being dependent upon practiced habits and customs. The padre attempted to offer his own experience to subvert the ferocious testimony of the old savage while under the effects of whiskey, pleading that it had ever exerted an opposite influence with him, exciting in its action a genial flow of sym


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