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The Manatitlans


Word Count: 3278    |    Released on: 17/11/2017

uick eyes of Mr. Dow, who raised his rifle, but before he could secure his aim the Heraclean maid uttered an exclamation of alarm which arrested his destructive purpose. In explanation and apolo

pet was fain to stoop to her wrist for the mechanical recognition of the right hand; yet, as if unmindful of neglect, it

falcon visits. Nearly an hour passed before Correliana reappeared, then, with the pleading animation of anxiety, she requested M. Hollydorf to urge all warrantable haste in preparation for the overland journey from that 73point, if they proposed to rescue her people, as they were in extremity from

ing assisted, with wonderful tact, during the process of packing, just before night-fall Correliana dispatched the falcon in homeward flight, with encouraging promises of speedy relief. When with the approach of darkness, and fatigue, the labors of the day were suspended, she pronounced hersel

xtol the most arbitrary and licentious acts of persons in power, which in accommodation for the selfish retention of favor were constantly subject to reversion. These sources of selfish 74contradiction, serve to impeach the veracity of the whole, so that from the adventitious impressions of truth we have been obliged to make conjectural deductions to subserve our desire for the preservation of a probable outline record of the causeful e

nd septs of Asia, Europe, and Africa. Our patrician historian states that the original stock were all derived from noble Roman families who were emigrating, with collateral provincial branches, from the Euxine Heraclea, in a Macedonian ship, to an Iberian city of the sa

ing destruction. At length, after hopeless despair had held them bound in 75shadowy darkness through a lapse of time unmarked by the full distinctions of day and night, the sun rose clear over a limitless expanse of waters. Still they feared to offer thankful oblations, for they were drifting they knew not whither. In the listless inacti

resignation to the decrees its providence had ordained. There was no lack of food, for the supply obtained at Rusador for anticipated wants between seedtime and harvest, more than sufficed for prospective requirements, unless the ocean proved boundless. Of luxuries there was also a bountiful supply; dates, dried figs, grapes, and Chian wine. Strange as it may appear, with the revival of our hopes, a large

g consciousness of an overruling presence inspiring a love of life and the blessings of kindred affection. When the clouds, to whose timely benefactions we were beholden for our preservation, were dispersed by the rising sun, our eyes and hearts were gladdened with the s

tints of moving light and shadow. The banks of the mighty river, or arm of the ocean, became more distinct in the approaching twilight, until darkness with its pall withheld them from view. Again another day dawned; refreshed with the dews of the night we bethought ourselves how we might bring the vessel to land where we could obtain water to quench our thirs

continued unbroken until the dawn of another day, when we were awakened by the sound of strange voices speaking an unknown tongue. Surprised, but not alarmed, when we discovered that the utterances were from a collection of human beings who were viewing us and our vessel from the bank that overlooked the transtra, our own curiosity was in like manner attracted by the novelty of their appearance. In sta

When seated upon the grassy plain, the women with native grace prepared in shell a thick paste compounded of milk and fruits, exceedingly palatable and refreshing. For a drink they pierced the eyes of l

swered by pointing over the ocean. But when they pointed to the sky in its descent to the horizon, we saw that they would ask whether we were descended from the gods. Humoring their implied belief, we answered truly by uprootin

he forced the symbols apart by introducing a younger female blade between, adherent to the tendrils of the paternal branch, causing the mother and her seed to fall to the earth. This disruptive demonstration so clearly defined his knowledge of the human passions, in accordance with the experienced injustice of our own race, that a blush of shame suffused, with its evidence of conviction, the faces of some of our elders whose withers of frailty had been touched. Taking these symptoms of assent as evidences of conviction, the oracle, with a self-complacent ai

me, which nature furnished and sustained without the aid of human labor, and nursed with the tenderest care we soon regained our strength. Signifying our readiness to accompany them, and desire to take with us our household lares, utensils, harvest, and fruit seeds, they brought, after the laps

ion. In the sincerity of our joy we could not withhold our thanksgiving for the divine direction that had conducted us through so many perils to a land, where, as demi-gods, we could live in freedom from the dread of invasion and corrupt oppression of imposed tyrants. Our advent brought peace to our benefac

of their rates from native soil; and while our people preserved their original prestige as a race of superior beings, dealing with arbitrary justice free from forced oppression, they prospered and were reverenced by the aboriginals for the happiness they conferred by kindly example. Dur

nope, the Pr?tor of the castaways in their first settlement of the Betongo valleys. "I will now," she said, "append his apo

selves, as a secure hostage for imparting its godlike virtues to our trusting neophytic benefactors. Aided with the harmless reverential impression, we were able the better to control 81the plebiscite democracy incorporated with our element of self command over the thoughtless impulses of the subservient oarsmen and hinds of our vessel. Our

he result of the democratic majority's usurpation of the power of equalizi

wn hereditaments, with the reverent homage accorded to the gods, are now subject to the cruel exactions of the taskmaster. The hardships to which they are now subjected by the multiplied progeny of the sailor,-who in thoughtless frenzy attributed their thirst upon the ocean to exact equalization in water

forced by the cruelty of the taskmaster, as a place of recreative resort during the heated solstice, for the old Heracleans. When remonstrance failed to abate the oppressive exactions enforced from the accumulating slaves, and stay the wild orgies enacted by the democratic rule of the city's majority, the kind-hearted stipulated for the cession of the new city for their seceding occupation, subject to their own governmental rule. I

cessors the unlimited enforcement of a constant siege, until the inhabitants of the new city were exterm


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