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Fire meets Rain

Fire meets Rain


Chapter 1 Dispassion

Word Count: 829    |    Released on: 27/06/2019

er today? Or she had already been forgetting inside her cold room. Although the air-co

anything at leas

out of the room and out of the mansion foreve

a hidden trapdoor but to no avail. For years, she had been chained down inside this one room only going

girl wearing a maid's attire walked in quietly before shutting the door behind

The maid bowed lowly before leaving t

nded to me were changed every day. The same maid was never seen two weeks in

n and moved to the door went she opened it as expected,

id through the set of corridors. They continue to lock her in her room. Four years since W

ing bankrupt I need you to do this for a few month

oon months turned to a year and two years later, Mr. Broachwood struck another

t she had no idea of

rrived, " the

lost in thought that they passed the loud cluttered kit

iful friendship that would be her ticket out of this hellhole. The girl opened her mouth to talk as i

h for

ever worked

front of her. She heard

s of books and chairs and tables were scattered around the room in an orderly fa

le with two Kings and no Queen of the Kings

om old, smelled old, clean and dull. Mr. Daniels had probably been handsome and muscular when he was young

out of both her husbands at times he allowed her to ea

She said making h

le. "Willow my dear, please do sit."

what we all discussed

lking about her virginity, her womanhood. On both of her

cannot give you both what you have

e, " of course. Sure. Who am I to say anything about that? Yo

off the room only to see another


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