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Fire meets Rain

Chapter 5 Ensnared

Word Count: 1357    |    Released on: 02/07/2020

grief' fear snaked all over Willow as she heard Jacob's voi

you try to run from me, from us, " he said threateningly. "We still have so many things to teach y

her body felt heavy–too heavy. Wa

It felt cold and metal like a...a handcuff!!! Had he handcuffed her? Surely he wouldn'

st lying limp on a bed quiet. I think I'll keep you like this, for a little

aid in. It was full of patients like her. He held on

t peace while she slept and smiled. Surely, he would miss that

. They had enjoyed it so much and so did she. He had

iked Willow more than a goddaughter, and he had sold her

r happiness. Willow had always been beautiful but for t

bered how his wife had cherished Willow until her

father?" Someone said behin

and two nurses behind him. Jacob f

husband, " he said, at

use the doctor's face shifted from al

would I be married to such a

ble to know how to read people. He had been able to take ov

ell King, her doctor, " the doctor

r who was full of all smiles. Ske

n ribs and bones. She seems to have been in

ing happen

red at the doctor's questions. The docto

e worried one. "It's Mrs. Willow Broachwood

at him, "it appears th

lattered against the tiled floor of the hospital. One of the nurs

in my office. My home is very safe, there is no way." He said lowly, looking up to see the doct

e. We will be monitoring her over the few weeks so let's say at most in t

up and held Russell's hands. Russell tap

forms regarding the patient, " Russell sa

with few hospital staff, "the VVIP room you

nd, my secretary will fill out t


ned to Garrett. "Ple

d immediately b

the patient again later, " Docto

the noisy room. He was about to walk out of the room wh

her but, don't bring up upsetting topics only happy talks. It is very good that you are taking her to a pr

alk out of the room. By the door, there was a nurse waiting

ing very much. The doctor seemed a little careful around him, h

r and speak to her how he liked, and he was goi

gement to request a change of Willow's doctor. He knew a lot of people in t

in doctor's would bring unwanted attention towards Willow's ca

ith him and Bryan on his own ter

tched the nurse leave before he entered the room. Willow had already been stationed in a m

mself, they were

, he walked over to a couch a

headed for

my dear. For that a

d her eyes tightly shut from the impact of the pain he inflicte

special purposes and clasp it around her free h

, because you are going t

e. We are all finally goi

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