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Fire meets Rain

Chapter 4 Escape

Word Count: 1049    |    Released on: 23/05/2020

s like a sack of potatoes. They had dumped her so carelessly that her face she had rece

llowed out was better t

r the house again. She had to do something, she wasn't a slave to wait for her

lost protocol. I don't take others fro

ut of this hell

going to

act of her actions. It was still very dark out so she couldn't be seen except by the security lights situated every

She wobbled and felt weak and drowsy. Her body wanted to crawl into a hole and slee

forgotten she was wearing slapped hardly against the granite road. Ruby steered away from th

bs. Wincing, she breathed harshly and her eyes began to close. 'Just

e is

't have gon

er we are going to

distance at first but now it was getting much closer. As she r


ound and it was almost bright. Then she realized it, she had slept through the night. Angrily

sn't bright enough yet for people to see without

t she was going to get there even if she died while trying. She ignored the question that had st

e she

t h

, bo

ster with all her might. She turned to see six men behind her wav

self. She would never go back to her prison. Sh

gates. She smiled to h

r her father. They would work something ou

one on each side. Slowly, she opened her eyes realizing her was being carried she began

said and a slap followed. H

lled into a ponytail, he had a large scar on his face that ran from the right side of his face to his jaw. He lo

f them but too w

, bag." She cringed at the nickname because it reminded

ooshed as if all the air had been taken from her. S

was about to land the third

's en

barely even keep her eyes open. Ruby could still

ut. Ruby swears she heard t

treat your daughters? Frank, what

he terrifying man whose name happened to be Frank

had kick

tend to their boss not even caring if she hit the ground. Willow fell

ou." and she fainted. Soon she heard the sounds o

, " the voice whis


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