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Fire meets Rain

Chapter 2 Violated

Word Count: 1455    |    Released on: 30/07/2019

he still had everything. Most people called her the spoilt brat or Daddy's girl. She never cared about people

or: ugly, hopeful and sad. She thought about her parents, her mother who disappeared without a trace when Wil

d. They both sat in the living room facing one and another, most pieces of furniture in the room noticeably missing, leaving th

ng his wife so much. Her Daddy was falling apart, she didn't like to see h

, " Willow folded her arms to herself. There was no way sh

ou to refuse. Am getting bankrupt. Soon there won't be any money left anywhere. No mo

hard lines and eyebags under her father's eyes. Immediately, she frowned, her mother was behind

be back to normal. Please, my dear, just for a

, she

. Daniels did was to play dress up and show her gloatingly as a trophy in front of his b

he saw her father again. Giddy with happiness and thankful for the opportu

ather never acted that way towards her. And as if that wasn't enough, she was d

is a friend, it has already been deci

but in his eyes read a very satisfactory glance. He barely paid attention to her. "But Daddy, I have

Willow, you're are not going anywhere. You're my wife and soon to be

owes, " Mr. Daniels alongside Dylan Broachwood stood up from their seats in the drawing-room and headed to the

the maids and Mr. Daniel's. It was the only place in the house that made her feel safe. Suddenly, she gave a bitter laugh, another husban

bankrupt. Was he gambling and drinking again? 'This is all mum's fault. She broke

. Yes, he just needs more time I'll wait for him, " she sa


d to

napped her out of her reverie.

t something wet on he


ow turned away from the door and reach up a hand to wipe the tears. Apart from the maids, it could ha

. Please do not be late, " she looking at me skeptically then walked out of t

now, she grumbled. It had been two days since she saw Daniel in the drawing-room.

om. She remembered she was fast asleep when he entered, immediately, she jumped off her bed. The room was dark and she tried to leave through the

you bitch, " the gruff voice said as he landed a meaty fist on her right cheek. He continued to kiss her, the smell of

to shield herself from everything. At least this time, he didn't get too physical. She felt disgusted with

e visits was that they backed out and walked away like th

ere cameras in her room but she wasn't sure her assumptions were correct but now, she didn't thin

cheek hurt a lot. The cheek was swollen and red. Slowly, she made her way back to bed

nds outside the house. She had told the maid to go to her house to meet h

more times on six consecutive

was nowhere

said sleepily as her eyelids

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