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Fire meets Rain

Chapter 3 Damaged

Word Count: 2409    |    Released on: 05/10/2019

blinked a few times before rubbing the sleep away. Why was i

and hit something hard and soon the loud sound of glass breaking was heard. H

person knew their way around. The lights were turned on, giving the room

, the sun was gone and the moon was hidden w

b again when she opened them, the

come and fetch you for your meeting w

she left the bed and headed to the bathroom. She was about to o

ce getting higher at every word. Willow could tell the maid was pissed. Willow smirked, bee

't know that. Don't repeat the same trash you idiots repeat all year

long time ago. The woman stared angrily at her before leav

ulled on her undies and an equal pair of baggy sweats. Not bother

ned instead and she walked out of the room,

cob's large mahogany door

elly, she thought as she walked in. Her room b

sized bed in the middle, big closet and

s is to pose around in front of his rich friends. He built a big mansion but inside is sooo

turned around. The maid was red with anger. If she had the

She was forced to lived in the house too. Couldn't she be allowed

He has that oldie smell I know you would love. Besides, he even lets you call him Jacob. But your love is s

now, Abigail." Flustered from head to to

different sides of the room. Jacob sat in the single couch in the mid

her name, Willow remembers hearing the name after the times

a large gulp of his drink. For weeks now, the maids had complained endlessly. She ordered them around apa

ll date, she still waited for her coward of a father, Dylan Broachwood, and he wanted all that dedication for himself. He wanted her to be willing b

Jacob and Mr. Richard. But Mr. Richard was nowhere in sight. That ma

hat else do they have to do?" She

The maids have nothing else to do.

ut feel irritated and sick when

illow said although she has

enever you come here you neve

" he called, cutting her short on her adamant refusal. And b

e ordered to do and that is to ma

ok a large gulp. Comfortable! If they wanted her co

ids to stop clinging to me. If you want me comfortable, then let me out of this hellhole. I don't ne

getting very far, the room started to spin quickly. She felt

led floor. Willow felt light head, she felt weak and drowsy. Aware that everyone in the room was staring at her, she grips

ed hands easily pulled her up, taking her with them. Willow had no id

s goi

Where the questions sw

appened, the hands released her. They dropped like a sack of potatoes on a flat yet soft surface. Wi

ws. Happily, she scooted closer to the pillows once her aim was achieved, she buried her face in the pillo

eerily familiar voice said, rousing

pinning and she could only see blurred images and hear li

she could finally visit happy her mother in Happyland. The footstep

elf up into a sitting position. For a minute, she could swear sh

ere they in

e of them climbed on the b

in? She didn't understand what she was doing but she

imlessly his direction and hit him in the groin. He groaned and the so

d spent all her life reading romantic novels and when the females get touched it fee

fter today that would change, " the voic

! The voice that had read her stories and

her man laughed. "We are going to have

eling this way after taking the soda. Some fog in h

was all planned. She took one look around to r

she spat at Mr. Richards and

forcefully. She shook her head multiple times to release her m

chards's hands reached under

just come to torture her, s

!!" She screamed louder and louder

runted punching her hard in the face, stilling her

mouth but its much better closed, " Daniel said, tearing open her s

anything you asked" she pleaded w


ith every single passing moment, curse words and bile rose in her belly. Willow struggled to keep herself ale

she saw Mr. Daniels and Mr. Ric

Bryan. All of this was my plan in the first place

second, Daniels. S

they both soon began to ra

e breathed heavily, their attention wasn't on h

position before quietly slipping out of the bed. Finally, she was away from th

ainfully pulled back and

Mr. Richard's voice whispered into her ear. Irritated, she turned he

you a good time, d

she felt pain a

she c

wn as fast as they both to

Save me, please!!! H

e face followed. She closed her eyes, she was now numb, she c

s Mr. Daniels telling his m

she was lifted u

weakly fluttered her eyes open as Mr. Richards

u are monsters and that would never change. Trust me on this.

efore grinning, "Finn, take her out seems like

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