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Barbara Winslow, Rebel


Word Count: 3274    |    Released on: 17/11/2017

nooks and corners and curious hiding places. Part of the house dated back to the fifteenth century, and had sheltered fugitives from Bosworth fiel

the small force conducting her husband to Gloucester and rescued him just when all hope of escape seemed dead. Here Mistress Penelope Winslow, the proud beauty of the House, whose portrait, a stiff, lifeless shadow of the beauty which had set fire to all the hearts in the countryside, still hung above the stairs, had refused her twenty suitors and finally given her hand to a nameless Scotch soldier and ridden away with him to the wilds of his Highland home. Here Richard Winslow, that renowned

the world confess it, it had been a sore trouble to Mistress Barbara that her twin brother Rupert, the last representat

e of Sedgemoor had sent Monmouth to captivity and the block, and had made of her own brother a fugitive from home, in hiding

d freedom. But they came back, alas! only to creep away again to some dreary hiding-place in moor or wood, for the village was watched by the soldiers and home could no longer offer safe refuge to the weary, despairing men. From time to time came rumours of the escape or capture of this or that follower of the Duke and terrible stories of punishment met

just sought to win a smile from the sad face of her companion by relating her adventure with Corporal Crutch i

u hast but made an enemy of the man, and

gly; "the fellow can do us no harm. And indeed, Cicely, I

rly. "Ay, perchance thou canst be merry,

core, but by no power could I win me another brother. Nay, dear, I did but jest, I meant not to vex thee," she added con

rbara, only-- I would I had

t evils might befall Rupert I should be as sad-eyed as thou art. But indeed no news is good news. The

mon the pedlar, who asks to show you his wares. To my thinking he hath nought worth a glance, and I had zent un about his bizness speedily; but a be a mozt s

d suddenly and she spran

ke the fellow in; I wi

at would you with the man? Would'st plenish thy store

he will have wares mor

s it possible the fellow hath stuffs from Londo

uds and ribbons!" she cried with much solemnity; "I verily believe thou would'st sell thy

embrasure of one of the windows, his pack tying unopened at his feet. He was an ag

ck addressed herself to him

ur wares? Have you aught of

miliarity. "I have that here which will bring light to the dullest eye, a blush to the palest cheek, an

n you? What s

ess! a love-lett

er! Fro

ished to hear, and hath well-nigh heard fro

d, her whole body tr

e, my good man; why hast t

r sure enow," drawing a small white packet from his valise-"And 'tis from

ear," cried Cicely with increasing i

ered curtly; "I yield not up thi

h fellow! name

crowns," he an

cely in horror; "why, man, thou

, that is

ch a sum; you are a very ext

know nought of politics, and Sir Rupert may hang twenty times for all I care. All I know is that this letter is worth my pri

o cruel," began Cicely piteo

e continued, turning on him sharply, "we will give thee twent

ing to Cicely; "'Tis hanging, drawing and quartering for them all. Oh, I warrant me they'll spare no toil to give Sir Rupert a worthy death. He'll have music in plenty for his last dance, and in case he find the hanging wearisome

with her hands and sank

an we do?" she sobbed, while

tion; "what could Rupert be doing to trust in such

ong rapier which lay on the central table. She turned again t

ttered, "and by his face he should

harshly, "am I to offer the letter fo

fairly I purpose to take it myself." So saying she stepped aside, pick

e and he looked doubtfully from the shini

could act the bully undisturbed. We be two women, 'tis true, but not defenceless, as you will soon learn an you try to resist, for I

pistol and a rapier wielded by a resolute hand. He made an attempt to snatch the rapier but the girl easily fenced his attempt, and the rapidity of her disenga

watched him breathlessly, he decided on a prudent course;

hen, give me the twent

nd I have not so low an estimate of your cunning as to doubt your knowledge of the contents

ircase. Barbara followed him, the sword in her right hand, the pistol in her left, for being thoroughly skilled in the use of the rapier she felt more confidence in that weapon than in the pis

did but know how my heart trembles, for in truth, if he resists, I could not hurt him. If I did pink him with my rapier 'tis ver

opeful imagination she had doubtless been better prepared for what followed. For as they approached the top of the stairway and she was hugging herself over the success of her bravado, the pedlar suddenly stumbled forward upon his face, slipped dow

d the pistol. The suddenness of the attack had completely shattered her nerve, she could do noth

l speed to reach the open door of the hall, and he would assuredly have

n Cicely, with a sudden thought born of the very nearness of the danger, sprang to he

led to the ground and struggling wildly with the enormous wolfhound which had answered his mis

y no time to be lost, and the two girls hurried to

ength Cicely succeeded in dragging him away, while Barbara fell

not speak, fellow? Nay, prithee what ails thee? Alack! I fear me Butcher has hurt thee sorely, and y

n's compassion for his overthrow and

s side. She could not repress a smile as she listened to her cousin's contradictory out

pedlar's coat was in rags. "Come," she continued, turning sharply to the man, "be thankful the dog has dea

t little courage he possessed. He turned without further attempt at resistance, and slowly mounted the stairs, followed once more by Barbara, who, having well-nigh

, where Cicely sat engrossed already in

a very virago, but for thee he would have escaped. Alack! 'tis small use to have the wrist, eye

l bound for Holland. He-- But I will tell thee the rest anon," answered Cicely

their news. But now, how to rid me of yon same discontented gentle upstairs." She paused and bit her lip thoug

h a great load were lifted from her

ert safe again I cannot feel a care. All! 'tis a good world, a good world, and therefore," sh

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