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Barbara Winslow, Rebel


Word Count: 3806    |    Released on: 17/11/2017

nd down his room at the Inn, puffing furio

ffair his brows puckered into a frown, and he ground the stem of his pipe savagely between his teeth. To wink at the escape of a rebel was indeed no great matter in those days. He knew well to what extent corruption and bribery were rife among his fellow officers and how few would hesitate to allow a rebel to slip through their hands could they thereby help to line their pockets. From the Lord Chief Justice downwards the custom was openly practised. Even the Queen's maids of honour, delicate women whose sensibilities were wrung by the death of

not it also be because the woman was possessed of

work!" Then drawing from his pocket a small bow of scarlet ribbon, he gazed at it for a few moments with a strange

ake known to the captain alone. The corporal had no desire that Captain Protheroe should hear of his first interview with Simon, feeling that his customary acuteness had slightly failed him on that occasion, and after a vain attempt to extract

him," answered the captain, on le

ncing furtively from side to side, was p

rotheroe, eyeing him sharply, "

mation to sell to your honour concernin

t for a loyal subject of his Majesty to drive bargains w

ords were uttered caused th

e whimpered, "is there no rewa

greatly doubt), you shall have such money for your services as

as by greed of gold, the hawker related how he had received the

ught of the matter as ye

hatever, y


mislaid it

ldly. "By Heaven! an I find you trying to deceive me you

of the matter than he had expected, he decided to tell the truth. Thereupon he gave a full account of the transaction, up to the tim

ve, smiling slightly at the complaint of Barbara's tr

l do. You

ur honour," began t

in eyed h

er. But as, in this world, a rogue must be paid for his roguery, take your liberty and

p, heartfelt curse, sh

ving the fellow," muttered the c

in the yard without, and he sprang to his feet with an oath of astonishment wh

with eagerness, "we have him at last, the very fe

rupted the captain sharply. "Art

ed himself together and saluted i

ore calmly. "But an it please you, we

Protheroe's turn to

! Why, fellow, 'tis impos

tables to the back o' the Inn. I doubt not wi' intent to steal a fresh horse. There we ambushed hi

m in, corporal. And do you see that the men get to rest, we must be o

a moment later ushered h

rveyed him, until the prisoner, weary of such intent scrutiny, tossed his hat on to the

n broke th

g, sir, to so lengthy a

his way as another," he answered with a short laugh. "In tru

our sister at the Manor H

r looked up

affairs, sir; you and I are co

ason of your presence here, and I honour you for it. It is irregular, of course

claimed the prison

u doubtless u

rsonal quarrel with

supposing you to be the brothe

demanded the prisoner

eroe shrugged

had ventured hither in order to seek me and to demand sat

s to explain, sir," interr

ain smil

o exasperating and withal so pretty. And I give you my word," he added w

feet, his fists clenched, h

on you, sir, but 'tis

ered the captain coldly. "But perchance you are willing to fight now, sir, unless"-

swallow your words," cried


apiers handy, there is no time like the present, and as f

a moment's hesitation flung off his

n no manner bound to grant you, my prisoner, this satisfactio


rance." Then seeing his oppo

nce. If, on the other hand, the victory fall to you, you will doubtless use the opportunity to regain your freedom, and since my life must go

ll." cried the pri

and defend

positions and th

elf, had studied the art in many countries, and knew that few swordsmen in England were his equal, yet he found this youth no me

art. But he lacked strength. Slowly he was driven backward, backward, across the room, till at length he was fighting with his foot pressed against the wall. Even then he showed no fear, nor relaxed for an instant his

his back, and fixing his eyes full on his

ion of his face changing from astonishment to triumph, from triumph t



gh, I am s

red Captain Protheroe drily. "Methink

coldly: "I do not choose to comply w

or you. I prefer death by the sword to death by the scaffold. I am ready. You will there

er. But meeting the quiet smile and steady gaze of his opp

t. I cannot k


in a killi

lips twitched, but

sir, to overcome your

eathed quickly

ime immemorial women have loved to delay their coup-de-gr

tain a pair of wide blue eyes

s Barbara," continued the captain, smiling. "Pr

the chair he pushed forward, a

e I owe the honour of this visit

he continued firmly. "I had a suspicion that you might play me

s-er-disguise to prevent our

her way," mut

you my

manner in which you gave

ly, and continued with a slight drawl. "Ah, well! the resemblance is certainly a strong one. Sir Rupert, methinks

lower, and flushed angrily at t

ct is, as I was riding home alone, after my visit to the Manor House, I chan

ra, forgetting all in her ast

s well-nigh have


e, ma

your promise?" she

, I have. It is a pity you did not trust me, you would ha

his tone stung her

you?" she cried haught

believed myself now to have some cl

base such a belief," sh

think you, did I se

ansaction," she answered scornfully. "Yo

ly. What

tain Protheroe,

aughed. "Why so

wered with a mocking l

ced from her face of triumph to the dist

ed with a short angry

scornfully. "And my brother is a better swordsma

ara, in good t

ccustomed to," she interrupted. "I will not trouble you t

pped quickly before her, and l

you to withdraw your trust in me, I see not that I am any longer bound to respect your

d a terrified

ould not do th



r reason?" he dema

and snatching her rapier from the t

now mine, to do with as I will. Make one motion towards my brother's undoing, and I

light with excitement, he staring down with


a," he said, eyeing her coo

aist, she looked down in deep consternation. All her newb

t your concern, s

truth have thought a doublet rather my concern than yours;

ly at her figure. Then recollecting herself she continued angrily. "My dress

my good fortune in being present at the performance. By my faith, the dress becomes y

rom him she sank into a chair and burying her face in her o

roe regarded h

on?" he queried wi

in force; they sh

this evening had the pleasure of seeing your tears; I know their value. Besides,

sobbed on,

uickly wandered away into incoherence. "I woul

eath, and short, gasping, helpless

ttered. "I will not. She hath already duped me twice, I wil

lf with his back to her waited stolidly until s

te passed. Soon t

a smile. "So my lady has d

move. There was no sound in the r

were closed and she lay very still. Then he listened for the regular breathing. Th

ly; "she hath sobbed herself to sleep. What

s curling on to the flushed, tear-stained cheeks, at the rosy half-opened mouth, at the

room, away from the Inn, away to the river-bordered meadow behind. And there he paced the night

ay asleep. He paused first to throw a cloak gently over the form of the

e he knelt down and searched eagerly for a certain knot of scarlet ribbon, which being found

nto the room and played with her dark curls. And there an hour later Phoebe found her, when, in answer to a message

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