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Barbara Winslow, Rebel


Word Count: 3269    |    Released on: 17/11/2017

ow white houses with their heavy overhanging thatched roofs were bowered in roses; while in each miniature garden the riot of colour and perfume intoxicated the senses. T

lden mist like the mystic scopes of Paradise. In the neighbouring orchards the trees bent beneath the weight of their russet burdens, the fields spread golden with the harvest, and the wooded hills burned wit

, while the heavy drone of the bees and the occasional cry of the grasshoppers denoted a more sober contentment. The soft, warm air was heavy w

ne was being enacted on the green before the Inn, as foul as the surrounding picture was fair, as though heaven and

ome nine years of age. His back was bare, his eyes were wide with fear, and his teeth were r

black hair and beard, near-set cunning eyes, a cruel mouth, and over all an air of supreme importance and self-satisfaction. This was Corporal Crutch

e, and on the edge of the group were three or four sobb

peak, I warrant me a taste of this whip will help me to the finding of thy tongue, and doubtless of thy father into the ba

the women's sobs increased, but

orporal; and the whip descended with a s

from his lips, and the corporal, angered by this unexpected determ

he proceedings and a loud, cle

thou doing to the chil

ly, and he himself paused and slowly turned hi

hair, shading to black in the shadows, waving back from the low white brow in soft rippling curls. The clear-cut perfection of her features was relieved from coldness by the unmanageable dimple at one corner of her mouth, and by the frank directness of the deep bl

top of the hill leading down to the village, moved by an id

ened when they saw the girl, and the

nor House," muttered one. "Thou hadst best

degree, to interfere with his chosen occupation. Moreover the Manor House was suspected of harbouring rebels, and its occupants were judged little better than rebels themselve

gain angrily. "Dost thou not hear me? Nay, an

al's neck, and not checking her pace dragged him stumbling and stuttering backwards till he fell to the ground. Then releasing the whip handle and reining back her pony to admire her handiwork she burst into a peal of laughter. And inde

d crossed to the whipping-post where the sobbing boy stood watching the s

mperiously, and the troo

nderly. "Ah! but they have hurt thee cruelly. Get away to

ght, and she was more than common tall,

hus. What! Have ye no manhood? Think shame of yourselves to stand by and let such

ding and we must know where he is, The boy could tell us well enough an he would speak. We caugh

answered Barbara c

hy the fellow

n why the lad should be traitor to his own father? Shame on you! You who are f

om the lash and recovered his equanimity. Now h

y. "Best beware. 'Tis ill work to interf

d to him and

ast escaped the hemp; welcome on

ttered the corporal angril

his day's work. I knew already you and your masters think it no shame to fight against women,

. "I brook no interference in the exercise of my duty. Bring

ered the girl quietly, "f

rry he

"are ye afraid of a chit of

ed Barbara sharply,

ave terminated is doubtful had no

ight of which the troopers shrank back sheepishly, an

his disturbance?" sharply

ned eagerly

these butchers, sir?"

ode of address, Captain Protheroe, for he it wa

is what you would ask, madame. Are all

are even as they, and 'tis by your orders they torture women and childre

almly, "but I have not the least idea to what you a

in burning words she describe

ory, and at the conclusion turned on the corporal wit

t fool and coward, too, that you must needs force children to help thee with thy work? Is this thy notion of a soldier's work? I'll teach thee better knowledge of thy duty ere I've done

over his shoulder at the girl who had brought such a rating upon him. But

Knight of the whipc

by other troopers, the captain turned t

atisfied with thes

en I know that the orders are

here. Where I com

nce at his resolute face. "But I have heard there be many orders delivered

but gave no further sign of

erein I have deserved

astray by others who should have known a wiser path; 'tis no gentle's work to harry helpless women and children; 'tis no gentle's work to listen behind doors and spy through keyholes. By my faith, sir," she continued, her temper increasing a

and having concluded her tirade, Barbara turned

uring this harangue. When her back was turned he

to mount, madame," he s

nd answered with as much haughty dig

you may be worthy of a gentleman's privileges. Until that time I pr

he pony was restless, two or three attempts were necessary before the feat was accomplished, and during the struggle both Barbara's dignity and tem

g a detaining hand upon the pony's bridle he turned once m

ingly bestowed upon me that evening some weeks ago when you did me the honour to embrace me." So speaking he placed his hand in the pocket

eater change in Barbara. Her attempt at dignity vanished. A wave of crimson passed ov

dly lie. 'Twas no embrace, as you mig

moved by her passion as

me was a natural one. Truly an that be your manner of assaulting your enemies, I forgive the Fates for having

iously, and doubling up her first she deal

smile he tu

er cheek

hers. Then suddenly her eyes twinkled, her mouth dimpled, and she broke

an in the kingdom, Heaven grant I may never meet him.

ack with

meantime I will keep this token till ye redee

ll keep it f

ered the captain still with the same quiet smile. But Barbara was

she disappeared from the narrow village str

oothed by generous potations, holding forth upon the subject

all not do, for all the world like the general himself. 'Tis no sort of work. 'Twas very different in the old days wi' Captain Carrington. Then an a lad

is a bold wench," ventu

ral's fac

wench knows where. Zounds! I'll keep a careful watch of her-and I doubt not soon to surprise her secret. 'Twere a sweet revenge," he muttered, rub

home slowly, talking to

ot; and as for the other--" Here she paused and laughed half-angrily. "He surely would not venge his quarrel with me on Rupert. But what an immovable fellow it is. How I would love to see him angry. 'Twere perchance a dangerous experiment, but I we

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