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Barbara Winslow, Rebel


Word Count: 1769    |    Released on: 17/11/2017

t, withdrew softly from the garden. Stealing into the adjoining coppice, he seated himself beneath the shady trees, mopped his brow and pro

n in a bold round han

to this worthy captain, as from a trusted informant, that it is thine intention to meet me at the Lady Farm. These troopers swallow any bait; 'twill go hard an they ride not thither on a wild goose chase. As for you, an you come with caution over the hill and down the stream (the boat is moored among the willows at the old place) you will surely


me 'rash and lovelorn fool' in my safe keeping ere day dawns. Now how to work it?" he mused. "It were easier had they but said where the fellow lies. Should I set one to follow her messenger, and so discover his hiding-place? Yet that were difficult, perchance dangerous; 'tis very like we would but be led astray; these peasants are cursedly untrustworthy, and monstrous shrewd. Or post men up the stream, and take him on the road? That, too, were risky. Perchance 'twere wiser to watch h

ho strode through the coppice on his way to the M

began that worthy. "

than you can say," growled the smit

mused the corporal. "Well, let hi

ad he done so when Barbara came down the garden, searching eagerly for the missing paper. Presently she espied it where it lay on the law

eart was forced to walk along apparently on terms of the greatest friendship with his companion. For behind them marched the wolfhound, and the hawker knew that at the least attempt to escape he would be given over at once to the mercy of this relentless foe. T

o visit the Manor House itself. These he instructed not to interfere with Sir Rupert, unless he showed signs of scenting a trap, but to allow him to reach his house unmolested. The remainder he ordered to conceal themselves in the plantation near the house, and af

strengthen his wits by a hearty meal, thanking his stars the while that Captain P

Like as not he would have left the women alone, to harbour what rebels they choose. I marvel how he hath already risen so high in favour,

ured his dinner and complacently reviewe

e host, who announced that a man stood without clamouring for instant permission

for your honour, but I'll not vouch for the truth of it; he is a pedlar by

a part of Mistress Barbara's plan was to send a messenger to the capta

muttered, "and a daring fellow withal to venture thus into the n

ed and in hurried

shoulder the while, he ignored the curt greeting of

d and likewise whither he purposes to ride this very night. An it be not so, you may hang me for a lying rog

assuredly gone about his business in a more cautious manner; but so fearful was he lest even at the eleventh hour he

, until at the final rough demand for money, it overflowed in a furious burst of anger. Even had he believed the man honest, it is doubtful whether he would have listened long to one so ut

dlar attempt to remonstrate, in vain did he plead that his tale might be put to the proof, the corporal would hear no more, and before he could grasp the reason of this unexpected anger he found himself marched away between two

cooling draught of cider, finished his dinner in peace, and departed once more to take up a position behind his

Protheroe. The note lay unheeded on the table, but Barbara's mission had already b

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