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Barbara Winslow, Rebel


Word Count: 5375    |    Released on: 17/11/2017

the corporal as he crou

t the prospect of an evening holiday, came out and set off for the village, calling back saucy messages

y with clouds and dusk fell early. The corporal had changed his position a hundred times,

e of the windows of the dark and silent house, and prese

he dull thud of the boat against the bank, a paddle drop, soft footfalls on the lawn, and

wide and a woman appeared on the lintel with outstre

outh with bright complexion and dark, curling hair, falling in love-locks to his shoulders, as Barbara had described him,

he crept from his hiding-place and, cracking his fingers with delight at the

g ordered them to let any enter who would (for he had as lief catch a dozen rebels as one), but to allow none to lea

died away in the distance and th

ulder caused him to spring round in astonishment and fear, for his

ptain Protheroe, re

te yonder, for all the world like conies in their burrow, and I learn, forsooth, that you have surrounded this house and were even about to force an entran

l regarded

tor within, capt

re's nests, I make no do

wn eyes and ears," and he rapidly reported all that had passed. The capta

rap him before he entered the house and leave the women-folk in peace? I warrant we'll have a bad business now. Dolt! Well, ther

considerable interval, footsteps were heard ins

the King's name,"

answered the voice, "there

of King James," wa

ing Monmouth was far better

ily, "wouldest parley all day?" Then dealing a

nstantly, I must

then the door yielded to their pressure and the captain, fo

exclamation, for the hall was empty save for Mistress Barbara, who, dropping them a

fore had he done full justice to the girl's beauty, or fully realised the fascination that may lurk in

ress Winslow," he began gently, "but I must obey orders. Methinks y

ink his business is writ large on his brow? I assure you,

heroe raised

ledge that a fugitive has taken refuge in this house, and it

remain here for the rest of your natural life. But pray tell me, how lo

in redden

you might know. But I am not here to discuss the vir

or him elsewhere. I assure you he is n

ooked at her for a

that such is the tru

Then she turned away impatient

will swear nothing. Yet I assure

centre of the floor lay a man's hat, stained and draggled, but serving, wi

. Walking coolly forward, she concealed the treacherous hat beneath her skirt, until with a dexterous movement she swept it out of sight under the tabl

iminating sense of honour, which will permit her to assert a fact

o commence the search at once, since you so resolutely refuse to giv

eath my petticoats? Prithee, search well, for there is no telling where the rogue may lie," and assuming a mock air of importance closely resembling that of the corporal, she commenced a solemn burlesque of the search

oom, Barbara turned to the astonished so

correct, he c

t, madame," interrupted the captain with grave polit

her eyes. She glanced round helplessly, as though seeking means of escape, t

t e'en do as you list," and with a low sigh

the corporal and troopers departed on their er

ral, who is but a blundering fellow, made these dispositions while I was away, ot

been far easier for yo

her, smiling. "May I hope I am f

ed upon him a

ity. I' faith, seeing he is not here, I know not why I should be so angry

ra, we should deserve no pity, our i

that he is not here,"

have told you

ne, and she turned away her head. Bu

gree. Time must show who is in the right. In the meantime we will conclude the matter thus: I

argument is

You are well come. I was about to sup when you interrupted me, so while your men search the house, you shall bear me company. You refuse? Why, what fear you? The house is

the dangers I fear." He s

t, t

istress Barbara, percha

udden, laugh of

o desire to bewitch you," she

ook at me?" asked the capta

aptain Protheroe detected himself watching for that dimple with a q

ered demurely; "let us return to the high-road. I am dying of h

food since early morning, the off

helm me with kindn

f the hall, where a table was

ny with two empty chairs, m

hed crimson

she darted a bright glance at him and continued. "And you s

dwell here with you?" h

nslow. But she-she is out," st

ce," muttered the captain to himself. "A piece

dventures and his travels, to which she listened with that eager interest and open admiration of his doings, so dear to the heart of man; she made him laugh hear

oyed to the full the pleasant companionship of her manner, and drank deep of her beauty,

sentence and listen anxiously to some distant sound in the house, while the smile died from her face, and her ey

" he muttered to himself, "but

Barbara paused once to listen anxiously to the movements of the searchers

concerning me?" question

ng her steadily, "he reports that you ar

he asked, her eyes

fellow, for I see you ar

d!" she cried

start and trembl

e stammered, trembling with eagernes

. Save as the poet saith

ir," she answered with a faint smi

ce broken only by the distan

room, madame," asked Ca


sir?" she

e with so horrified an expression, methought you behe

ed her head a

thoughts. There

tared thoughtfully at the full-length portrait of a

rust 'twas not my appearance that had such a horrifyin

ssure you," repeat

is a glint in his eye that mislikes me. One might almost believe," he continue

with terrified face, then she

d leave me, sir,"

e exclaimed in mock astonishment.

eary of you and

ghed q

adame, but not so easil

by a hurried knoc

an across the hall, but Captain Pr

I must see to this

elf in its shadow, and Peter Drew, th

ticing her sign to him to be cautious, "the villain hath

the door quickly, and confronting the astonished smith with a qu

ped at hi

with it," cried t

d at Barbara and

w," he mutte

heroe turned

der this reluctant henchman of your

er," she said after a moment's hesitation.

un oop zafe i' my farge. But when I were awai-er-awai on my biznez thicey marnin' my waife, plague on a meddle

this hawker to

, sir," interrupte

the captain, laughing. "But hardly, me

ought for

come, I must know a little m

"For the simple reason that Peter knows no more

nt. Then he continued lightly, but

will not be difficult to find the fellow him

ace grew su

n her voice. "I' faith, captain, yours is no easy post. It must indeed be a wearisome l

building, the clatter of pans and dishes, the angry shouts of the men, and a

e--" began the captain,

ve doubtless encountered my waiting-woman, Phoebe. She is so

reasy broth which dripped from the ends of his scrubby hair and beard and trickled down his rubicund countenance; he was covered from head to foot wi

azing with anger, her hair dishevelled, and her sleeves rolle

fell back into a chair, and laugh

he gasped. "What hath befallen thee? Ah

," spluttered

e chiny, forced open the closets, and made the place a very desolation. And then-then he was for trapesing into my kitchen, my kitchen that I had but just redd up, with his great muddy boots, to poke hi

ughed Barbara. "As thou sayest ever,

I warrant. Though it repents me that I wasted the whole of a

d beaten off much of his outer covering of flour, mad

, powerfully ammunitioned with pannikins. 'Twas, indeed, a post of some vantage, therefore I deemed it wisdom to lead her off,

direction of the kitchen, to oust the intruders from the spot. The sounds of

roe drew the c

ou have

rat's hole has escaped us. He must be hid somewhere

can put my finger on the plac

a look

have spoken the truth, perhaps you will take

ne into the secret of this same cross-eyed ancestor

ng to her feet with a sharp cry, and darting past him, placed

ou shall not," sh

her in open-mouthed astonishment, but Captain Proth

with our work. I do, indeed, regret the painful business, but by your leav


, we must ope

" she cried defiantly.

eroe swore in

stance is quite useless. I were loth to use violence, but an it must be so,

inst the frame and sobbing bitterly. But she did not cov

ty, and raising tearful eyes to his face. "Rupert hath done you no inju

wide and soft with welling tears, and why he had never before noticed how inviting was a full quivering lip. Then suddenly recol

very hard for me, mada

she sobbed. "

bara, I cannot,"

him for a moment in astonishment. The

she cried. "Then have your w

ng of the frame, and the portrait slipped back, revealing

ess was

ent, but Barbara flung herself into a chair, clappe

ever man, since the days of Adam, so bravely fooled. Oh! I sha

eroe turned t

said harshly, "and be so kind

en truly. Rupert is not here, moreover, he ne

en these tremblings, entr

, should I not make a brave player?" She danced a few steps towards him and dropped

room and swore to himself heartily, but C

She is fooling us again. Why I

dict you," laughed Barbara. "Though I wouldn't deny," she added

y the name of 'Rupert,

me?" quoted Bar

en?" demanded Captai

ted cheerfully. "'Twas not I w

in his likeness. I saw him as plain as I see you. H

ike that times have been known when we were mistaken for eac

xplain the matter, madame?" inte

case. The corporal, who bore a strange resemblance to this gentleman, overheard a pretty little plot, discussed especially for his edification, he stole and read a cunning little note, written for his eyes alone. Being a gentleman of extraordinary blindness, he walked into the trap as prettily as a bird. The rest was simple. It remained but to send a messenger, whom

our co

from the roads and the village, was enabled to visit her with perfect safety at a certain house we wot of. But, indeed, the time has pas

opened his mouth and commenced to swear; to swear so roundly that Bar

said angrily. "Wherefore didst not follow the m

Barbara cheerily. "'Twas a most excellently conceived plan. And

t part in the plot this eve

l Rupert was safe away. But," she added roguishly, "'twas vastly amusing. And besides, methinks y

oe turned brusq

and march them back to quarters. And as for this fellow," he added, pointing to the smith, who

ain? Can't we lay hands on h


s a certain hawker wandering in or near the village. Yon fellow can describe hi

utch starte

ow. I have him safe under-that is-er-I d

ght, and we may yet cat

l saluted a

ara, and he saw that no trace of

in silence gazing out into the darkness while the last echo


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