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A Marriage and A Half

Chapter 2 Two

Word Count: 1124    |    Released on: 28/01/2021

up she wasn't used to seeing her Dad around as he was the Field marshal in the army, Her dad was so strict she literally used to shiver and scramble away anytime she heard his voice. She

t was the perfect place for her. She sighed internally and drove into the place, stopping at the checkpoint for the security, After she was done she drove towards the entrance and got down, giving the key of her car to the butler, A call man came ahead and assisted her with her luggages. She walked towards the receptionist whose eyes widen on recognizing her, Zelda sighed internally at the way she looked, She knew she wasn't looking her best that morning and it didn't help matters that someone recognized her "Give me your finest suite!" She says and the woman nods quickly, After a while the entire process was completed, she was handed her key. Zelda took the elevator upstairs to where the room was and opened the door, thanking the man for his service she watched as he walked away. Zelda removed her slippers and plopped unto the bed, She brought put her phone to check if there was any missed call from her mom but as usual there was nothing. She sighed and turned off the phone, She couldn't believe her mom would totally let her be! Was it so horrible to be a model? She knew her parents were ashamed of her but she always tried to prove herself was but it wasn't enough, She constantly had to out up with the normal comparison between her and her elder brother Brian! Brian is a doctor and owns an hospital here in NewYork, He was doing pretty well for himself which was why her parents preferred him over her! Zelda sat up, She was done with the self pity! She was done sulking that her parents couldn't love her like they should! She stood up and looked around the wall of the suite, It was the executive suite and she saw why! It was simply gorgeous, She could see why Edward's Island was the best in NewYork city! The view was simply breathtaking She peeled off her clothes

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