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A Marriage and A Half

A Marriage and A Half

Author: Lauretta

Chapter 1 One

Word Count: 1089    |    Released on: 28/01/2021

od up to close the curtains but even that it was of no use again, she was awake! She sighed and dropped the curtains, walking back to her bed she sat down, A loud knock could be heard on her door, She

dn't send you to school just so you can sit in front of a camera and take pictures, Zelda! I sent you to the Harvard so you could make me proud, become a doctor! A lawyer! Something better than being that nonsense you talk about!" He snapped at her and tears clouded Zelda's eyes "Well guess what Dad! I didn't ask you to send me to Harvard, I don't want to become a doctor or a lawyer! I love modeling and I am progressing at it so why can't you just let it be and let me be happy with my life!" She says "Well guess what young lady, As long as you live in my house you will go by my rules! I don't want you modeling anymore! Get a proper job with your certificate and be useful, I mean we all thought this was a phase in your life but I can't keep up with this constant rubbish you call a job!" He says angrily "You know what Dad, You are right! Your house your rules but count me out! Starting from today I won't be living in your house anymore! I will keep my Job and I will be successful at it, It's totally up to you if you want to be proud of me but Starting from here onwards, I will not BEG you to be proud of me, EVER!" She yelled back and walked out of the study shutting the door behind her. Her tears came surfacing and she wiped it angrily, The workers in the house all looked at her walk towards her room angrily, She was done trying to make him understand her! She was done trying to make him understand her, She was done begging him to be proud of her just once. She shut the door behind her loudly and bursted into tears, It wasn't the first time she's argued with her dad, In-fact it was a normal thing in

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