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A Marriage and A Half

Chapter 5 Five

Word Count: 1174    |    Released on: 28/01/2021


eyes widen! "So you are a pervert! The owner of Edward's Island my foot! You are the shameless one here! You sick pervert, Just how sick are you uh coming into my room and sleeping on my bed naked." She says and the man starts to laugh "I am shameless right, Show me the prove that this is your room, If you are right then I will kneel down here on my knees and apologize to you but if you are wrong and I am right, You will go to jail!" He says and she laughs "Not only are you a sick pervert but you are also arrogant and stupid!" Zelda says and walks towards the table beside the bed, She picks the receipt and also the key of the room, walking back to him she hands him, His eyes widen as he read through it. "I'm sure you see now that you are the pervert here! Fortunately for you I am not like you and won't ask you to kneel down and plead for my forgiveness nor would I ask you for jail time or whatever that is!" She says and grabs his wrist "W-What do you think you are doing? Hey! Hey? I'm talking to you!" He yells behind her and she stopped to look at him "It looks like you want me to file a complaint against you right?" She asked and opened the door, pushing him out the room in his boxers and locked the door. Zelda sighs and walked around the room, getting his clothes that was laying on the floor, She packed the clothes and opened the door to see him still standing there, She threw the clothes at his face and shuts the door loudly before turning the lock properly. Zelda breathed a sigh of relief and sat down to pick her phone, She immediately remembered why she woke up early in the first place, She started to curse loudly as she rushed into the bathroom, pulling the robe off her body she stepped into the shower and had her bath after bathing she came out and towel dried her body, Putting her phone on. Jade's call came in immediately and Zelda puts it on loud speaker as she pulled her box open to search for a suitable clothe to wear "I'll be on my way soon Jade!"Zelda say

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