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A Marriage and A Half

Chapter 4 Four

Word Count: 1625    |    Released on: 28/01/2021


sed to meet with them?" He asked Dan "2pm sir but they came earlier!" Dan replies him "Alright, I will be there in 30 minutes time!" He says and cut the call. He walked into his house and straight to his room to have his bath, Stripping off his clothes he walked into the bathroom and had his bath, After he was done, He walked to his closet and picked out a black fitted suit and wore his, Using his Cologne and brushing his short hair, He wore his leather shoe. He looked at himself in the mirror and smiled He is Liam Edwards, A twenty nine year old man and the CEO of Edward's Island! Soon to be married to the beautiful Samantha Millers, His life was pretty great and he loved that! His chains of hotels were famous all around the globe which put him into the spotlight but he was good with keeping his life pretty private, When he engaged to Samantha all the News site, Tabloids and Newspaper were all carrying it, 'CEO of Edward's Island proposes to girlfriend Samantha Millers in a private romantic dinner' but thankfully they all left him after some weeks of constant stalking by the press. He walked out of the closet and to his room, Picking his phone he walked downstairs "Sir, Won't you have breakfast ?" His house help Martha asked and he chuckled "No martha, You can keep it for when I get back tonight!" He says and walked out of the house His driver was already outside waiting so he got into the car and they start driving ~~~~~~~ A while later they got to the hotel and he got down from his car,responding to the numerous greetings he was getting, He took the elevator up to his office floor and got out, He could see the people from sunrise company sitting "Good morning, Mr Edward's, You can get settled in and I would invite them in." Dan says and he nods, walking into his office he took a seat on his chair and waited for them ~~~~~~~~ The meeting lasted for about 5 hours, Well he bought their hotel so it was normal to get all the necessary and legal documents. "Thank you, Mr Edwards it was nice doing business with you!" The man says and stood up with his other colleagues and shook his hand "The pleasure is all mine Mr Lance!" Liam replies and watched as they walked out of his office. A smile made its way to his lips as he looked at the documents, Another property had been acquired. He picked up his phone to make a call through to Samantha but she wasn't picking it. He sighed and cut the call, Dan came in a few minutes later "Sir, The investor from Ravi's are here!" He announces and Liam nods at him to invite them in ~~~~~~~~ About some hours later they concluded with the meeting and it ended successfully, He was able to get the investor to invest in his upcoming project! The hotel he had just bought from Sunrise and it worked out well. He was eventually done for the day and he made a call through to S

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