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Prince Vissage : Taming the Agent

Prince Vissage : Taming the Agent

Author: LordShinji

Chapter 1 Vissage Lasarious Hendrich

Word Count: 1008    |    Released on: 22/07/2021

lties but the names here a


use of Hendrich hmm what is his case? Why do I need to secretly follow him?"

they are the outside power of this rising Society for LGBTQ community, so heads up and follow him but be careful his vigilant and more

ing out of his royal palace I guess he's going to visit their headquart

time to time I will stop and I'm so far from the

r away so they they cannot do something on you," My partner Agent Gold says, she was

spect me, I was from time to time stop at a sh

nd just enter secretly" Agent Gold informed, that's when I saw from afar that they stop in an abandoned mansion so I stop far

walk towards the location I saw some royal guards guarding the perimeters I don't want to cause so

was wearing my mask so to prevent if I was caught off

love of my life haha" I h

location, I slowly step so I can hear them I saw some guards there so I st

d the recording sc

gent Gold commands, I was about to step out wh

ed into my ears, my eyes went wide and automatically l

pproaching me, I was about to point my gun at that someone nea

es it's vissage I now recognized the voice, he was holding my hand t

nd body were pushing my body into the wall, s

this prince be so strong? He trained to be like a great and clumsy prin

care but when he was successful in handcuffed me he let go of my hand but to my surprise, I can even move then I felt somet

d he cupped my neck and take off my mask I close

en put his hand on my neck and slowly travel it onto my chest, "wh

gent Gold's worried tone, I know she locate me that I'm not moving and I'm

you here.." He said and his hands again travel down on

the way that rope is our latest invention, it can tie your body to legs and up, and yeah

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