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Prince Vissage : Taming the Agent

Chapter 3 Silver Rain Villa Verde

Word Count: 2014    |    Released on: 22/07/2021

Rain Vil

my partner Gold when her team arrives near Vissage's Limousine, They rescue me and vis

rive away, my team can't catch them because there is so many guards guarding his lim

me and give me clothes my shirt was rip that it's fully

t Princess psycho maniac is doing some horri

so mad that I throw my keys elsewhere and just take off my shirt

t him I saw my body on the mirror on my bathroom, it has marks of the rope they invent and the Hickey's that Viss

't know his plan I'm the genius among all the agents

didn't subdue so fast, but I handle it

ower half, I walk on the dinning area so I can get

tsteps and presence when she walks in my Penthouse, she

grab me and drag me

she knows what I want to do, Athena Shane Briones also known as gold was a beauty, she was a model when she's not busy w

e food on the refrigerator and she's now cooking, she's strict when it comes to others but when she's with

the area but we are so brave that we attack like that but yeah we are like it's now or never, our leader is in trouble so we need to fight then we were shock that Vissage even throw you in the rode and drove

a member of the international agency which is where we work and they even know me and m

k again and I nodded sipping my coffee when she's do

she said it again and

? Me Silver Rain fell to his trap?" I told her, she even nodded in a serious way

ver it's so dangerous what if no one help us they can escape

open my earpiece anytime no more push to talk" I told her she close he

in jail in no


n I arrive on Spain's real headquarters, yes that headquarte

I say he has a body to lust for" I told her she act like poking yeah ri

d I saw my favorite Empress Prince Jaycee who is now Princess Jeyn his a transgender, his a prince but his not the heirs to th

n shouted in glee I saw King Jade role h

just teasing him really and this Beautiful King Jade reacted like I rape Agent Silver gosh" I ac

d Emperors I'm emperor yes I'm Bisexual and a Handsome gentleman looks yes if looks can de

rape him or what, I was just playing with him his so hot when his Angry at

erors, we were sat on a throne chairs and we are in circled and we have King Sh

"Oh please Shun I'm just playing with him how can I resist Agent Silver's hotnes

and I nodded and smirk she knows about my

at you can easily play with, He has the backers we can't afford to let lose" King GP who was the next to

with" I said and play with my throne chair who has a feathers, yes some of us has a design throne chai

ens the Scorpions or other Mafia group will take advantage of it and attack" King Kenzo said I nodded, the King's are not even royal bloods or in royal Thrones outside world but they are filthy rich

course all behave you know me, I'm just teasing haha" I laugh,

scorpions we might loss some of our men if we fight but it's fight to the death anyways" King Cliff said then I was looking at Empress Princess who

ds I was waiting fo

Good spread the tea dear" Princess Jeyn said, it's just me Princess Jeyn and King

you let him scape on your grasp Vissage?"

enemies right now, you know our situation right? We can't afford to" I told her

, but for now just tease him and make him fall for you" Kenzo s

all for you arrrrg go for it girl" Princess Jeyn said and we giggle in glee, We

e, I won't middle into his pants but once we are done with the sc

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