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Prince Vissage : Taming the Agent

Chapter 7 Mine

Word Count: 1046    |    Released on: 03/08/2021


soft and gentle, I want to struggle

I open it visage is nowhere to be seen, I sud

team's field agents, he nodded

ed a medic here" I was talking to my assistant who

istant says, I was looking somewhere and sense someone was eyeing me in


mates, I smirk when her v neck shirt gives

know she senses my presence and she was walking o

let her finish her sentence and cover her mouth, I trap her

or her reaction and she struggled, "Don't screa

?" Her beautiful angry tone lingers on my body, why

nd slowly trace my fingers onto

ver her mouth again, "scream again, and ill kill you r

and she was just glaring at

t is y

r?" she glares

her lips when my free hand played her nipple inside her bra ah ye

silver and your life will be gone. Choose" I whisper again I saw how her face t

rt my other hand on her jeans, I spread her l

r mi


I can't even move a bit then I turn to my hands it was being handcuffed th

and struggle, the ch

anger, I suddenly recap the past and I

I scream at top of my lungs, then t

kinda soft and his facial expression is like he is the most innocen

oaches me and I struggle, "awww" he acts in pain

rd Vissage said then my eyebrows

and it was soft again wtf? I know this face of me this face was I always sees

ly and some soft and


oke again, I was silent and didn't even move his soft was

lan on once he un

hands I softly massage it, he was there a

your food later" he said and go out I check outside its ocean outside then I was stu

s a tracker or something, so

as vissage with a tray of food, "e

You won't wish to meet my devil side silver, it c

ngry ask, he shook his head agai

is not even on the list," he said and I glare at

myself be killed in hunger," I said

but his face was as

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