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Prince Vissage : Taming the Agent

Chapter 6 Trap

Word Count: 1150    |    Released on: 03/08/2021


s mission, this girl was clinging onto me as she ow

d saw Shun on the other side of the table, damn that's why

can't even handle a single vissage and now there is the

aps again, "excuse me I need to go to the restroom" I exc

and right if someone was following me, I h

is quick and defends it, I pull my gun and he snaps my hand and the gun I was holding fly away I

ke's sit, now I'm leaning there I was kicking him but he uses his

h" I was

Vissage, "Code black.." I softly said, "Okay Silver was on it" Gold again said and I

dkerchief on my nose I know this trick they want me to sleep but I didn't inhale it, but I felt


ir Agency so we need their best Agent, "Send him to my island" I told him he nodded and held Silver'

Society I don't know why Silver dare to enter, their

s so calm I ever I sat next to he

ctly so that agency has a hard time finding him," I said Shun

?" Kenzo tease I roll my eyes, ho

nzo approach me but I stop her, she was laughing

d flirty half of myself was present he calls me when Shun gives th

cold stare she didn't even mind it at all they are monsters in the field

ke a man arrrg I need to get laid" I s

e laugh here we go with Vissage's favorite girl but I want her so much, Jade was sexy a

" I smirk and she role her eyes, she know

she'll react, "Vissage is strong but he can't handle Agent Silver so that's why he always calls you when it needed, Poor Vissage" Stephen pi

ver is on your island," Sh

I pretend that I'm walking but slowly she's ne

ress that hand on the wall near the building then I hold the other hand and put it i

she's Agents Gold Agents Silver's best friend, a

gun and shoot the shadow I since, "ahh!" Someone shout

on the other side and shoot

told you to be careful next time right?" I look

s stop middling with our business s s or agent silver will be the consequence," I

I won't middle on Vissage's body

" I whisper then s

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