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Prince Vissage : Taming the Agent

Chapter 5 Capturing

Word Count: 1010    |    Released on: 22/07/2021

roaches me and it's a woman with a bunny costume a yes it's normal for a woman a waitress to be exact weari

o wants to get rid of her money, "Hey handsome wanna gamble with me?" When sh

y that the woman with me brings me to the table that Vissage was in, I saw how his face

was just here with a date so I flirted a little bit with the

th the woman I didn't know I forgot to ask her

turn and will win again," she sa


one of the empresses, princess Lily I don't even know why silver didn't know her but yeah

side table is the King's sad for his part for being an agent" I whisper on Princess Jeyn who was enjoying watch

"I swear I wish I was a girl tss" I whisper to princess Jeyn again she laughs and I shook my head, Woman is allow

India, she was, of course, a daughter of a mistress and not the heir of a t

cted like she lost millions of tss, Empress Lily even hug and touch Agent Silvers body my body was shaken in anger but

ssage Jealous" I heard King Kenzo said in our earpiece they can freely sa

e my darker aura and cold side were now invading my body, I saw how Empress

h, I heard even Shun's laugh she barely laugh at us but she

oice resounded on our earpiece she can't say

eird and funny she's Princess princess funny right? Haha, she's the one who has a cru

ith be shock to the core haha," King Kenzo said I agree to her, Agent Silver only knew me and the other King's we didn't know why they

I ask them, "I need to take him away for some reasons

ly distracts him instead?" King GP said with a teasing voice

oor Agent Silver your one hell of an innocent agent ai, now little one oh his not that little his 6 ft, and I know he's not even small on his member down there I lick my lips, h

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