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Waxing Moon

Waxing Moon


Chapter 1 Her Last Day Home

Word Count: 2446    |    Released on: 19/01/2022


kyard, where her mother was buried. It was nestled underne

ily to leave Kamas and aid the hunters of Van Burren, bu

two weeks ago, bringing grim news. "Soon, we will start an initiative to reclaim w

he one hand, she was revved from the energy of actually fighting rather tha

d neck. She took a sip of the hot water in her mug, the steam smothering her face. They were out of tea but

ign and I don"t e

und in their home when her moth

f morning, accompanied by the dramatic sigh of her t

rsel, and he kept pushing his dark brown hai

ipping the mug tighte

and I just realized that I have no idea what it means," he said, pulling a

ws. "You really don"

nd ends! Like your coffee mug. But then I saw that Harry had one at his house, and he said it wa

the only thing that was opposite of Cora

s that they used to put on them. Our vill

s a hi

that the cars drove

h, cars...like what

o look a lot different than the ones that hunters

the diff

rs. "I have no idea. It"

ant to go to see the highway. I want to go see the mountains and where the Van Burr

meeting a hunter two weeks ago, Ben wouldn"t s

atter. You"re not going

hey keep the witching border up, don"t they? I"m tire

le. There"s like three hund

n"-he said, looking to her with wide eyes-"has thousands of humans. They ev

ve the border and a lycan or vampire, or what

on humans, just vampires,

on"t attack humans. They don"t like us, and yet still see us as the enemy. Unless you want to live

he said, his eyes eager for anyth

ept that anything outside of Kamas is dangerous. Out there"-she took a hand off of her

thinking about it a lot," he said and gave her the most earnest eyes he could muster. "When a hunter visits next, it might be for the best that I tell him to take me with him. I wan

ave, gently smiling at his comment about n

was brewing outside of Kamas, and she didn"t feel content just sitting here. Even the hunters admitted a war could be com

ing about such things. I guess he can stil

pestered. "I"ve seen you look at Hugo too like he was pumpkin pie himself. Y

e with the hunters. What if it is brutal work? In all of my twenty-two years of life, no one has ever stepped foot into the village that wasn"t invited. That"s safety

and picked it up, his eyes wide with a gr

Benjamin Elijah Gabris. You better not go ask h

rning about the paranormals, more than just what the witches told him. He wa

he farm!" their father sh

did his duty a

t inside herself. She put more wood in the double-door wood burning stove, braided her hair, and changed out o

nd she couldn"t sew the clothes herself. She had lost an arm and half of her face when she journeyed past the witching bord

se, no one would be so reckless. Except for Ben. The thought mad

ollect the body at the witch"s command, they found that the lycan couldn"t be much older than seven. The witches said it must have been a rog

returned, she placed the basket by the cabinets that were in desperate need of replacing. She spent the next hour kneading sourdough from the mixture

pple as she eyed the only tree in their yard, glancing to the stone that ha

had lost someone. Though, it didn"

planes. Her father said that large pieces of aluminum used to fly in the

f humans, their arrogance their downfall. They overlooked t

fervently swung in the opposite direction whe

d the reach of communication inverted overnight. He said giant metal flying objects called airplanes used to operate in the sky, and if they were within the EMP range, then they crashed

ng on an ant hill and digging up their

ow any predator would - their forced hibernation was over, and i


men of magic corralled the surviving humans into protected villages, and forty-something yea

r. Was it wrong, though? In the end? It was either that or continue living a life

uld say, as they could all relocate together. She could marry there,

othing but hard, te

unt"s chickens. Once she tended to the chores for the rest of the day, sh

uld often tell him that he and Cora looked like just her. They both had her tan, Native American skin, her nose, and t

acted like he was in his forties. He said it was due to his Greek heritage. Although she didn"t really know what that meant, as heritage meant

ed around to go see how Ben was doing. She furrowed

as pregnant with him. He still slept with it but was e

was i

the back door, and when she d

she had never seen before, and he had e

eye color

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